Seraphine Tankreyd

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When Lady Avara Tankreyd left Tanaab, where her husband and their children Rashan and Baska, she was pregnant with their second daughter, Seraphine. Due to threats on her home world, Albaryn and the whole Tainarian system, Avara left her old life behind, keeping her oath to former Queen Tira Starfallen who had taken Avara (nee Kashan) under her wing years before.

By the end of the Civil war, a wounded Avara was nevertheless recognized for her difficult and significant work. She became the new Countess of Bellataine.

The third Tankreyd offspring never knew her father or her siblings, as she was raised on Bellataine. When Seraphine was about 8 or 9 years old, her mother tried to reach out to the rest of the family, but found out her husband had died several years earlier, and that her son had thrown Baska out on the street a while before. Up to this day, Avara and Seraphine believe Baska to be dead.

Seraphine was taught a lot about commerce by her mother, and she also graduated with honors from the Royal Academy. She served in the Tainarian military for a few years, before her mother's health permitted her no more to act as overseer of Bellataine. Seraphine took the responsibility, but chose to retain her military title, with the King's permission, refusing to become Countess as long as her mother is alive.

Timeline of Roleplays
Out of Character
Natacha is a Feminist Scholar, French, Cat Lady, Bookwyrm, Earl Grey and Dark Chocolate Addict.

She first joined SW-Fans in 2008, and permanently moved there in 2016.

SW: Alliance of Free Planets - Alice Di Scarra | Ashar Nerofi | Clea Modries | Heyrina Tankreyd | Lorna DeLaTour | Seraphine Tankreyd | Varyan Starfallen | Vic Starfallen

SW: Galactic Empire - Ankara Vydian | Baska Tankreyd | Elarys Amarank | Natalia Renkl | Sebarek Veros | Shana Ghemenaux | Syrenia Renkl | Tatiana Renkl | Tybalt Arcanos

SW: Ember Claws - Anjali Raskor | Kamurda | Kavan Siron | Nerolia Morningblood

SW: The Cizerack Pride - Sana Kiatarr

SW: Eleuthria - Lorenza Dalenak

SW: Independent - Alienor Tankreyd | Astera Frayus | Aurora Vallen | Haranea | Irina An'Telkis | Morgana DeLaTour | Nadgkema Siron | Nastasia Adrijana | Ranooki Stryder | Sinead DeBeynac | Tonyh Vankar

SW: Jedi Order - Brisha Syrehk | Lynmeira Verashy | Satkia Beltrak | Serah Kleor

World of Darkness - Adaira Svachenko | Anais Creagan | Arnaud Creagan | Gabrielle De Montespan | Roxane McDonnell | Vahika Wlady

Babylon 5 - Alice Desclun