View Full Version : General Roleplay Planning & Discussion
- *lurks in the shadows* (2 replies)
- WoD: the year is 2106… (1 replies)
- Babylon 5 (11 replies)
- Come be the scion of a god with me (11 replies)
- Gotham? (7 replies)
- Immortal (12 replies)
- An abridged version of the London WoD storyline 2006 - 2012 (present day) (1 replies)
- What can a scientist in my Star Wars RPG be working on? (9 replies)
- Pondering Options (7 replies)
- Question (0 replies)
- Desire to have a char in WoD (not this one lol)>>> Dasquein sent me (2 replies)
- Warcraft (1 replies)
- Prison-based RP - Interest check (1 replies)
- Gen RP Gif Party (48 replies)
- Checkmate? (29 replies)
- WTF is...? (6 replies)
- DC Classifieds (15 replies)
- Gotham's Dark Corners, now an onsite blog! (0 replies)
- Mutants Unite ....? (45 replies)
- Gotham Reborn? (163 replies)
- An X-Men story (looking for volunteer writers for a little X-periment) (0 replies)
- Clark needs an avatar. (1 replies)
- Alecto's Quest-Giving Thread (0 replies)
- Songs of the Dragonborn (2 replies)
- Skyrim Bio Thread (15 replies)
- Skyrim RP (27 replies)
- Reworking ideas for know. (2 replies)
- Just to clarify! (2 replies)
- Grannie's Got Secrets, that Wench (7 replies)
- Writer desired, inquire within (4 replies)
- Read an Old RP (2 replies)
- Post Every Gorram Day in November!!!! (18 replies)
- Mutants Unite RP Classifieds (1 replies)
- Fake Tumblr? (4 replies)
- Originality Census! (12 replies)
- Random Mutant Thoughts: Warning, Contains Telepaths (188 replies)
- OOC for Treadbook ™ (1 replies)
- Oh god I'm lost (3 replies)
- MU Avengers Roll Call 2013 (12 replies)
- Identity OOC (0 replies)
- Who's Who of General RP (8 replies)
- Who's Who of Mutants Unite! RP (9 replies)
- LA vigilantes (5 replies)
- Character Q&A: Mutant Edition (0 replies)
- Mass Effect: ODST (23 replies)
- Leap Year OOC (4 replies)
- And Now For Something Completely Different? (15 replies)
- USS Valiant user group (1 replies)
- United Mutants community group (8 replies)
- Footsteps (OOC) (0 replies)
- Yo Dawg, Where I Sit? (Star Trek) (4 replies)
- Star Trek Characters (23 replies)
- SW-Fans Into Darkness (32 replies)
- Fallout: New Reno -- Dreamland (1 replies)
- Mutants Unite Roll Call 2013 (29 replies)
- General RP Song Dedications (48 replies)
- Should Liz come back and RP? (19 replies)
- London Plots (0 replies)
- Ignore this thread (9 replies)
- A Knock at Death's Door (4 replies)
- Oi, mutants (9 replies)
- Alright look... (17 replies)
- For sale to a good home... (0 replies)
- Setting Guide Threads (8 replies)
- MU Avengers (55 replies)
- Mass Effect? (7 replies)
- An alternate Gotham.. (16 replies)
- Meanwhile, in London... (12 replies)
- RP Scenario "leads" (50 replies)
- Back in the ghettos of Los Santos... (6 replies)
- Are we even doing X-Men anymore? (33 replies)
- Holmes seeking Watson (1 replies)
- Attack on the University? (2 replies)
- The Robin Conundrum (1 replies)
- After the Fall: Cruise Passenger List (6 replies)
- New Setting: After the Fall? (42 replies)
- Batman? (8 replies)
- "The Question" (Forums Front Page) (2 replies)
- Focus Roleplay/Character? (4 replies)
- OMG, Shopping! (6 replies)
- DC Song Dedications (11 replies)
- Planning: Living Assault Weapons (0 replies)
- Planning: League of Assassins (8 replies)
- Planning: Royal Flush Gang (1 replies)
- Comiception (0 replies)
- Planning: Gotham Nights (8 replies)
- Planning: Charity Begins At Home (8 replies)
- Planning: Golden Age Flashbacks (1 replies)
- Planning: Robin, Interrupted (1 replies)
- Planning: The Way of the Warrior (12 replies)
- DC Discussion Thread (43 replies)
- Post Every Damn Day in January!!! (49 replies)
- Gotham Classifieds (9 replies)
- Gotham City goals (65 replies)
- DC Characters List (2 replies)
- Out of the Dark ooc discussion (30 replies)
- Los Santos: Now, where were we? (30 replies)
- Idea Ping-Pong/Story Arc Reactor. (7 replies)
- Faction-Tron 9000 (So you want to join a Fallout Faction?) (0 replies)
- Settings old and new... (19 replies)
- Newbies Guide to General RP (1 replies)
- Separate 'Focus' Character and RP for General RPing? (2 replies)
- Welcome... (4 replies)
- General RP Image Claims (127 replies)
- SHIELD Helicarrier (11 replies)
- A (spoiler-free!) Avengers-inspired Idea (14 replies)
- Post about your character arcs! (6 replies)
- Name Dropping in Mutants, Unite (28 replies)
- "Beyond the Sword", you say? (0 replies)
- Stern's future and the MCU. (6 replies)
- Mutants, Unite! (6 replies)
- Bar None (16 replies)
- Feral's next target. (9 replies)
- Reviving New York? (7 replies)
- New RPing Moderator! (11 replies)
- Goodbye Disneyland - OOC Planning Thread (32 replies)
- Gangs of LA (0 replies)
- Timeline and Reference Info for Mutants, Unite! (2 replies)
- Mutant's Roll-Call 2012 (61 replies)
- Quick, Call the Police! (13 replies)
- Treadstone Industries Press Conference (5 replies)
- What's going on, Muties? (16 replies)
- Interested in helping edit and archive stories? (8 replies)
- Regarding "Flowers in her Hair" (8 replies)
- Mass Effect Mechanics (7 replies)
- Mass Effect Characters (6 replies)
- Some characters for sale (0 replies)
- Mass Effect (41 replies)
- All Hail the Brotherhood! (5 replies)
- Fallout Inspiration Thread (1 replies)
- *taptap* is this thing on? (23 replies)
- X-men Question (8 replies)
- Mutant Rp (0 replies)
- Hit the waves! (4 replies)
- Fallout: New Reno (43 replies)
- I'm kinda all grown up. (2 replies)
- Vanguard Maybe? (3 replies)
- How do you trap a teleporter? (11 replies)
- Here comes a Freight Train! (4 replies)
- Booster Gold! (8 replies)
- X-Men Characters by <criteria> (25 replies)
- Sarah Paisley (23 replies)
- An X-Men based setting with no X-Men!? (82 replies)
- Los Santos Jams (10 replies)
- Heh, the General Roleplaying forum should be renamed ... (3 replies)
- Curious Julian anyone? (9 replies)
- Baby Name Suggestions (10 replies)
- An open thread (1 replies)
- Mutant Rally Discussion Thread (14 replies)
- Getting Stern Started. (15 replies)
- Mutant Registration Act Enacted: Details Within (24 replies)
- Stern is back on the beat. (3 replies)
- Mutant's Roll-Call 2011 (84 replies)
- Villans. . I need villans (7 replies)
- Oliver Queen's Guide to Gotham (8 replies)
- DC Character Database (19 replies)
- True Life Apocalypse Writing Idea (3 replies)
- Canon characters (170 replies)
- Myth Bestiary (13 replies)
- Current Myth Plotting Thread (48 replies)
- WoD Fix - Who is still interested! (22 replies)
- I'm Home (0 replies)
- Murder, Mystery, and Mayhem (31 replies)
- It's been a long time (3 replies)
- Apocalypse Now Roleplay (2 replies)
- Greetings Mortals (9 replies)
- Mutants 2010 Roll-Call (43 replies)
- Rapture! (12 replies)
- London planning thread (21 replies)
- World of Darkness Roll Call 2010 (46 replies)
- Soooo.. (36 replies)
- X-men threads dead? (3 replies)
- Fallout, anyone? (34 replies)
- Getting Back Into the Ring (4 replies)
- Neciarum Vincit Omniae (aka HEY GUYS MOAR MYTH RP PLZ) (3 replies)
- Post-Apocalypse (55 replies)
- Redencion House: Gang War TIME (96 replies)
- Los Angeles After Dark (2 replies)
- Finally getting started....I hope. Please help! (5 replies)
- Cultural stylings of Asga (5 replies)
- Sanctuary (0 replies)
- Myth: Cry Havoc and let slip the dogs of war! (15 replies)
- Today is Michele Hawkin's Birthday!!!! (2 replies)
- Awooooo (5 replies)
- Redencion House continuing PLOT (6 replies)
- Where do I belong? (3 replies)
- Matrix Roleplay? (4 replies)
- A jumpstart for Cullen's? (44 replies)
- X-Men for Dummies (HELP/411 PLEASE) (5 replies)
- New character idea that MAY be overpowered? (7 replies)
- A Modest Proposal for more X-Men Action (74 replies)
- Bad days. (4 replies)
- Re: From Russia with Love. (5 replies)
- X-Men: Series Three! (27 replies)
- Stirring up Trouble. (1 replies)
- MU: Origins? (4 replies)
- Mutant Crimes Unit (7 replies)
- Nerdy science stuff (2 replies)
- Police Officer (7 replies)
- One More Element (6 replies)
- Venom? (12 replies)
- Zombies. (15 replies)
- Attn: Cullen Students And Faculty!! (0 replies)
- New villan for x-men universe needs a beat-down. (14 replies)
- Rogues & Vigilantes (3 replies)
- Leveling up! (61 replies)
- A Human! (11 replies)
- Map of Midgard (34 replies)
- Anyone need a Puppy? (9 replies)
- Nobody is healthy in London, nobody can be. (32 replies)
- Myth? Poke poke poke (44 replies)
- Had a question about Vanguard/Jericho (3 replies)
- Bored X-Men people want something to do? (1 replies)
- Justice, Montana (19 replies)
- inspiration (3 replies)
- Timelines - Mutants, Unite! (5 replies)
- Who wants to find a Mermaid? (4 replies)
- I'm not cooking ATM, so get me to post (1 replies)
- Summer vacation! (30 replies)
- OOC for "Time to Say Goodbye..." (25 replies)
- I need one Class-A villain. (10 replies)
- So I am Back Finally (7 replies)
- So... (12 replies)
- New Student and His Powers (3 replies)
- ATTN: People associated with Cullen's. I want to RP with you! (19 replies)
- What If/Future Thread Ideas. (21 replies)
- Image Claim Question (2 replies)
- question about Prof. Dupont... (4 replies)
- Hey, X-Pukes! (8 replies)
- Need people for mah thread. Please. (0 replies)
- Tried to resist... (0 replies)
- Mutants, Unite Wiki Entries (4 replies)
- Praetorian Consulting Corp. (2 replies)
- Time for a throw-down in London, X-Men assemble ASAP (40 replies)
- Anyone want a Pagan? (2 replies)
- Xmen - Secret Life of Super Heroes Blog-style thread. (18 replies)
- Mutants Roll-Call 2008 (126 replies)
- Sig, pretty please!? (0 replies)
- Wanted: Tour Guide (2 replies)
- So you want to slip back into your mutant skin? (17 replies)
- Is the X-Men Roleplay still in existence? (67 replies)
- Haunted House Roleplay Poll #1 (0 replies)
- Sons & Daughters of Asga (20 replies)
- WOD Question (3 replies)
- Planet Holdings Request (34 replies)
- World of Darkness 2008 Roll Call (26 replies)
- Dark Ages (13 replies)
- The Wedding (11 replies)
- After the Endgame... (9 replies)
- The End of the World (10 replies)
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