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Oliver Queen
Oct 25th, 2015, 08:30:40 AM
I have a whole heap of ideas for characters that might be cool in our setting. Rather than have fifty million characters of my own, I figured I'd throw up some of the details for some of them, and see if any of it piques anyone's interest. :uhoh

If you have any "it would be cool if someone else played..." ideas too, feel free to chuck 'em up in here too. :)

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Jesse Quick

In the comics, Jesse Chambers (http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Jesse_Chambers_%28New_Earth%29) is the daughter of Johnny Quick (http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Jonathan_Chambers_%28New_Earth%29) (a 1940s knock-off of The Flash), and Liberty Belle (http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Elizabeth_Lawrence_%28New_Earth%29). She is a speedster, who ends up running her father's company (Quickstart Enterprises), and becomes one of the main members of the modern era Justice Society. She is married to Rick Tyler (http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Richard_Tyler_%28New_Earth%29), who inherits the mantle of Hourman from Rex Tyler (who I play). She's due to appear at some point in Season 2 of The Flash, though we don't know when yet.

I would love to see Jesse Quick as a sort of Felicity Smoak style character. I've been eyeballing Quickstart Enterprises as the media/marketing subsidiary for Queen Consolidated, and having Jesse as a young, slightly scatter-brained, but incredibly intelligent businesswoman in the mix at QC could be really cool. Potentially she could become a friend/ally of Oliver Queen when he starts to investigate the company. Also, rather than have her father be the knock-off version of the Flash, it might be cool if he actually was Jay Garrick (who I write): that would make things interesting because a) my Jay Garrick has ties to Checkmate, the ominous shadow cabal that owns/controls Queen Consolidated, and b) it would make her a more legit/genuine heir to the Flash name, which could make for some interesting interactions with Wally West.

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Rick Tyler

Richard Tyler (http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Richard_Tyler_%28New_Earth%29) is the kid of Rex Tyler (http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Hourman_%28Rex_Tyler%29), the Golden Age hero Hourman. In the comics, they take a drug called "Miraclo" (the inspiration for Mirakuru on Arrow) which gives them superhuman strength / stamina / reflexes / etc... but only for sixty minutes at a time, and you can only take one dose a day. Rex has to stop being Hourman because of addiction / side effects reasons, and Rick has a kind of crappy relationship. For reasons I can't quite remember, at one point Rick also had limited precognition of some sort. There's also another successor to the Hourman title, who is a robot (http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Matthew_Tyler_%28New_Earth%29) "based on Hourman's DNA", whatever the heck that means.

In our continuity, Rex Tyler is one of the main scientists for Queen Consolidated's shady research. He is working to "perfect" his Mirakuru drug, and is experimenting with other things to do it: such as the Venom compound that gives Bane his super-strength. I would love to see Rick factor into the story somehow. Perhaps he is some brattish kid who doesn't care that his dad wants him to follow in his footsteps. Perhaps he's a willing successor, and is eager to try out the latest new version of his dad's super-pill. Perhaps he is an unwilling participant, whose father has guilted him or brainwashed him into being used as a test subject. Perhaps he's not Rex's real son after all: perhaps he is a clone that Rex has tried to modify so he possesses those powers innately; or perhaps he is a robot, like Matt Tyler, but has been programmed to believe that he is real / to believe that his powers only work for an hour at a time? He could make for a pretty interesting reluctant villain for our vigilante community to keep butting heads with... perhaps one that can eventually be convinced to become a good guy in the long run?

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Harvey Bullock = Gene Hunt

Gotham may not be the greatest TV show in the world, but there's something about the dynamic between Jim Gordon and Harvey Dent that reminds me a lot of the (original/UK version) of Life on Mars. You've got the angry, by-the-book Jim Gordon / Sam Tyler character who slowly comes off the rails as the story progresses; and you've got the seventies throwback "I will beat you until you talk" Harvey Bullock / Gene Hunt character who manages to be surprisingly charming and likeable despite his work antics.

Obviously I would not be able to use actual Jim Gordon, but there are some other GCPD characters who would make a cool alternative. If someone fancies having a crack at Gene Hunt as an American, that would be pretty gosh darn awesome.

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STAR Labs / DEO Gotham

As I am in the process of expositioning in a thread at the moment, STAR Labs is our universe's version of the "National Laboratories" funded by the Department of Energy, and the DEO is sort of the... FBI for "special" people. The DEO is the agency that is going to play a big part in stopping aliens in Supergirl; in the comics meanwhile, it's an agency that goes around recruiting vigilantes and metahumans to help them stop other vigilantes and metahumans - Batwoman being one of their most notable agents.

My plan for Booster Gold is to set him up at a "field office" that happens to be in the same building as STAR Labs Gotham, which is where they do a lot of weapons/gizmo research: the idea being that if Batman, Green Arrow, Wayne Enterprises, Queen Consolidated, etc are all active in Gotham, having a future tech agent like Booster Gold based at a tech research lab like STAR Labs is a really useful resource for helping out the police and getting to the bottom of why the hell there are so many vigilantes in Gotham City right now. Also, as the Justice League situation begins to grow/expand, it's a potentially handy resource for the JLA to work with / interact with towards that end.

The DEO has everything from regular FBI style agents to vigilantes and metahumans, and STAR Labs has scope for all kinds of sciency characters. Ted Kord could be a really good fit, as would Ray Palmer (who was basically Ted Kord in Arrow anyway). Batwoman, or Huntress, or maybe even Nightwing might be interesting options for Gotham agents that the DEO has influenced/blackmailed/convinced to work for them. Someone like Ragman or Jason Blood might be cool too... though the GCPD does already have a couple of occult detectives (Doctor Fate and Constantine) working for them.

This is one of those "if the idea piques your interest, I can absolutely suggest a character who'll fit with what you want to do" situations, so if you might maybe be interested, let me know. :ohno

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 25th, 2015, 01:49:57 PM
Why must you tempt me with these plots

Oct 25th, 2015, 02:12:52 PM
STAR Labs.... Future tech working for it....

.....dammit, I'm not apping Harrison Wells. I'm not!

Oliver Queen
Oct 25th, 2015, 06:14:51 PM
Aww, come on Jenny - you know you wanna play Dick Grayson as a DEO agent. :ohno

Oct 25th, 2015, 07:33:07 PM
I am very tempted by a Ben Whishaw Q-esque take on a reformed cybercriminal Riddler working for Team Arrow. I like the idea of playing him with a hint of the neuroses that plagued him during his criminal years, but toned down, and subdued. That said, I really don't know much about the Riddler, so I daresay if I do go this route, my take on him will probably deviate dramatically from what people are used to seeing in the comic books. It was why I originally pitched him as just a regular tech guy a la Felicity or Cisco for Team Arrow, inspired by Ben Whishaw's Q, but with, hopefully, someone loud and bubbly and goofy to play off. I do worry I won't do a pre-existing character like this justice.

My only other concern is that a character like this needs to come across exceptionally intelligent, and I am sorely lacking in my repertoire of scientific jargon. Sometimes, in the Flash, when the guys at STAR Labs are talking, it feels like the writers are taking the bloody piss! Does anyone else ever feel that way? If not, then I am most definitely not the right guy for the job! :uhoh

Edit: And if I do go ahead with this idea, I want a team-up thread with Lucius Fox, because the thought of that puts a big old smile on my face. :D

Maxwell Lord
Oct 26th, 2015, 03:24:44 AM
I love the idea of a reformed Riddler. There's definitely a comic book precedent for him becoming an ally (or at least non-enemy) of Green Arrow - in the last batch of stories before they rebooted the universe for the New 52, Riddler had gone straight and become a Private Investigator in Star City, so you're certainly not going against the character's core by having things that way.

As far being too different / not doing justice (snirk) to the character... I don't think that matters, at all. Felicity Smoak is one of the most fantastic characters in DC's TV universe, and she is absolutely nothing like that in comics at all: she's a background character who is dating Ronnie Raymond's dad, who they just used as a vaguely familiar name for a throw-away character. Thea may be based on Mia Dearden, but there are a lot of differences; and Malcolm Merlyn is a complete and utter curveball. Harbinger is supposed to be a warrior woman empowered by a super-intelligent space alien who hangs out with Wonder Woman and the Amazons, not some kickass agent. Cisco Ramon is meant to be from the gangs of Detroit, not a super genius. Caitlin Snow is supposed to be Firestorm's creepy stalker, who is only attracted to him because she's Killer Frost and is perpetually cold, and Firestorm is the only man who can "make her feel warm".

What I'm getting at is: if you end up doing a completely new take on the character, you're in pretty damn good company on that front. Doesn't matter if you're getting the character "right": you've got a pretty awesome-sounding concept, and you've definitely got the chops to pull it off.

As far as the technobabble goes - I can definitely help with that, but I don't think you actually need to worry about it. The Riddler is someone intimately immersed in language, but who is trying to reform from being that Riddler persona that he previously was. Arguably, he might be actively trying not to speak in riddles as a way to distance himself from that persona... in which case, he might actually be pretty straight-forward with his explanations (ie. technobabble is a form of talking in riddles). I can definitely feed you lines and terminology for when you do need to technobabble, but you might find that the character inherently has a get-out clause to avoid needing it too much. Heck, you could even play it as someone who feels he needs to "dumb it down" for Oliver - that could be a cool way to have some residual antagonism between them even though they are ostensibly on the same side.

STAR Labs.... Future tech working for it....

.....dammit, I'm not apping Harrison Wells. I'm not!

I've been thinking about Harrison Wells the last few days (not like that! :uhoh), and I may have come up with a cool/interesting idea for how he slots into things. :mischief

Y'know. Just in case your resolve not to write him weakens. ;)

Kate Kane
Nov 2nd, 2015, 12:42:56 AM
I'd like to find a couple of people to play with!

Cameron Chase - DEO agent, the one who secured Kate's involvement with the DEO. Not the person who holds her leash - more like the one who chases after her when she gets off the leash.

Director Bones - The man with the leash ;) Her boss at the DEO.

Unknown metahuman - This isn't a specific person that I'm looking for, more a superpowered individual who wants Batwoman to have a grudge against them. Kate's fiancee was killed by the collateral damage created by a superpowered conflict, and although I don't want Kate to know right away who this individual is, I'd like her to investigate it and eventually come to blows with them. Whether this means that they become enemies, or she comes to terms with what they've done, I'm up for discussion.

Oliver Queen
Nov 4th, 2015, 09:24:51 AM
I'm in the market for some muscle on Team Arrow. I think it'd be cool to have someone in the same sort of vein as Diggle, as Mack from Agents of SHIELD, or as Rhodey from Iron Man - that kind of gruff, stoic, best friend sort of character who can be a grounding influence for Oliver, someone who is the voice of reason and rationality, etc. Doesn't necessarily have to be someone with a costume (or it could be someone who gets a costume "later"), and it doesn't even have to be someone who necessarily goes out in the field: Team Arrow is already getting a Q-inspired Edward Nygma to do it's gadgetry, but having someone Mack-style as the mechanic who works on the arrowcar / arrowcycle side of things could be cool... as could someone who Ollie meets/interacts with as part of his Queen Consolidated stuff (a la Felicity).

A few possible characters from the comics spring to mind (though there are bajillions of alternatives!) -

Eddie Fyers (http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Edward_Fyers_%28New_Earth%29) - In Arrow, the name was used for the lead mercenary guy on the island, but in the comics Eddie Fyers is actually a buddy/ally of Green Arrow, and has the kind of "I work for a government agency" role that Lyla has on Arrow. He also has a magnificent moustache. It could be cool to have Fyers as someone who works with ARGUS or the DEO in our universe, and can provide insider information to help with the whole Queen Consolidated side of things, or he could potentially work as a sort of Diggle style "I used to be a soldier, but now I'm for hire" type character. Maybe Oliver knows him from the five years he spent "dead" (maybe Oliver worked with ARGUS, and Fyers was his partner/handler, a la Maseo), or maybe it's someone Oliver has crossed paths with since being the Green Arrow.

John Henry Irons (http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/John_Henry_Irons_%28New_Earth%29) - When Superman "died" (the whole Death of Superman / Doomsday storyline in the comics), Steel was one of the people who replaced him. He's basically a dude in a set of power armour. One version of the character used to work for AmerTek Industries, and they are one of the companies that Queen Consolidated gobbled up and made disappear. It's possible that John is someone that Oliver encounters while working at Queen Consolidated: the first "clue" about what has happened to the disappeared companies. It's also possible that he stopped working for AmerTek before/when it was acquired by Queen Consolidated, and he's someone that Oliver approaches to try and find out what they were working on / developing. Maybe he's like Mack, and is primarily a mechanic/engineer, or maybe he's more like Diggle/Rhodey and is a former (or current) member of the military who was there to test the weapons / test pilot the power suits / etc.

Malcolm Duncan (http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Malcolm_Duncan_%28New_Earth%29) - If you saw Young Justice, you might remember Mal. In most stories he starts off as a groupie for the Teen Titans, before eventually winding up becoming the Guardian (sort of DC's version of Captain America) - one of the characters fans thought Diggle was going to become. He's had magical powers based on the Horn of Gabriel at some points, and cybernetic powers connected to a robotic voice box. Before he winds up in costume, he's sometimes depicted as a sort of Mack-style mechanic character, and sometimes as a "back at base helping to coordinate" type person. He's a pretty flexible sort of character: he could be someone that Oliver already knows from back in Star City, someone that Oliver encounters as a member of one of the gangs, an employee at Queen Consolidated, an employee at STAR Labs - he could be anywhere. He could be a tech genius sort of guy like Curtis Holt on Arrow, or he could be a gruff and muscular mechanic like Mack. He could even be ex-military, and be Diggle but with a slightly different name, if people are concerned about not quite getting Diggle "right".

Jim Harper (http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/James_Harper_%28New_Earth%29) - The original Guardian was even more of a Captain America "homage", but things get interesting when he's cloned (http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/James_Harper_Clone_%28New_Earth%29), by the same people who made the Superboy clone. Making things even more interesting is that surname: Harper, as in Roy Harper. Depending on what era you're looking at, he's the uncle / great uncle / etc of one of Oliver's sidekicks, which is an interesting angle to connect him to Team Arrow. He's often introduced to the story as the head of security for Cadmus Labs, so it's possible he could get introduced as part of the hunt for Superboy, but maybe switches sides because of clone solidarity. Or, maybe he's a "former employee" from before when Cadmus Labs mysteriously disappeared that Oliver and Connor track down to ask questions. He could even be working for Queen Consolidated now... perhaps he's the head of security for QC, who discovers that Oliver is investigating things, and decides to help.

Katarina Armstrong (http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Katarina_Armstrong_%28New_Earth%29), Valentina Vostok (http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Valentina_Vostok_%28New_Earth%29) - Team Arrow is a bit of a sausage fest right now; adding some more ladies to Team Arrow (instead of another dude) could be cool. Katarina Armstrong is a counter-intelligence agent who has some interesting entanglements with the Birds of Prey. Valentina Vostok is a former Russian agent who has connections to the Doom Patrol, and was a major part of one version of Checkmate; it might be a bit early to have a spy inside Team Arrow, but perhaps recruiting someone with former ties to Checkmate could open some avenues in the long term, and both Oliver and Queen Consolidated have some notable Russian ties in their backstory.

Katherine Spencer (http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Katherine_Spencer_%28New_Earth%29) - Another lady option would be Katherine Spencer. She is the character that Laurel is semi-based on in the comics: she's a Gotham DA who basically pulled a Matt Murdock and decided to go take care of a criminal who had escaped justice on a technicality. Having her around could be a really interesting twist for Team Arrow: like Daredevil, she might be trying to encourage Oliver to look for evidence that is admissible in court... not just catching the bad guys, but making sure that there is going to be enough evidence to ensure that their convictions will stick. As a DA that opens her up for interactions with the DEO as well (in fact, at one point in the comics, Spencer worked for the DEO), and the GCPD. She's also got comic book ties to the Birds of Prey, so she'd probably make for a pretty versatile involved-with-everything character.

Like I said, plenty more options... hopefully those are some food for thought, though! :)

Nov 8th, 2015, 10:14:42 AM
Looks like Edward Nygma has already been registered. Any idea who that might be?

Captain Untouchable
Nov 8th, 2015, 11:40:09 AM
Huh. Not a clue... definitely isn't one of mine!

Red Arrow
Nov 8th, 2015, 11:50:16 AM
My keen detective skills (pre-coffee, even!) have lead me to believe that it's Brian who has that account.

Maybe go with E. Nygma? Or Edward Nigma (since the Y and the I seem a bit interchangeable - even on wikipedia)

Green Arrow
Nov 8th, 2015, 11:53:11 AM
Technically, his real name is Edward Nashton, going by "Edward Nygma" is a more recent thing.

Oh, and just in the interests of splurging comic book info... on Earth-3, which is a reality where all the good guys are evil, and all the villains are the heroes... the Riddler's good guy name is "Enigma". Might make for a good post-villainy codename for Eddie, if you're trying to think of one.

Nov 8th, 2015, 12:05:35 PM
Cheers for the suggestions. My main concern is that I don't want to step on any toes by creating another Riddler. I'll speak to Brian first, and see if he has any interest in revisiting the DC setting in the future.

Edit: Gah! His inbox is full. Briiiiiaaaaaaaan! :shakefist

Nov 8th, 2015, 02:02:32 PM
I don't know who Brian is >.>.

You could just call him "The Riddler" :p

Nov 8th, 2015, 06:10:40 PM
Brian has kindly offered to rename his account so I can create an Edward Nygma of my own. I'll get that up and running within the next day or two, hopefully, with a plotter to boot!

Green Arrow
Nov 8th, 2015, 06:22:33 PM