Ouishii Kajidic
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Revision as of 13:08, 26 October 2014 by Captain Untouchable (Talk | contribs)
Characters - Organizations - Locations - Timeline - Species - Ships
Ouishii Kajidic
Interstellar Business / Hutt Clan
See Below
The Ouishii Kajidic is one of the Hutt Clans. For thousands of years it was relatively obscure and unimportant, but following the Treaty between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance of Free Planets, the Kajidic made a number of tactical corporate acquisitions that provided it with a considerable amount of business and political capital.
Part of the Hutt Cartel, the Ouishii Kajidic's level of influence is small, but growing. The Kajidic carefully retains polite relations with Black Sun, but it's relationship with The Exchange is somewhat more frosty. The Kajidic is suspected of being connected in some way to the Sarlacc shadow organisation.
- Coruscant - Kalibac Industries has offices on Imperial Center.
- Cloud City, Bespin - the Kajidic owns the Holiday Towers resort and casino on Cloud City.
- Mondder, Etti IV - along with Rossum Droidworks, the Kajidic acquired the Stark Compound on Etti IV.
- Stalgasin Hive, Geonosis - the location of a Baktoid Industries droid foundry on Geonosis.
- Clandes, Ord Cestus - the headquarters of Clandes Industrial and Cestus Cybernetics on Ord Cestus.
- Procopia - Kalibac Industries has offices on Procopia.
- Mos Eisley, Tatooine - the Ubrikkian Trade Tower, headquarters of Ubrikkian Transports in Mos Eisley.
- Ubrikkian Yards, Ubrikkia - the headquarters of Ubrikkian Industries.
- Hypori - the location of a Baktoid Industries droid foundry, in an abandoned Geonosian hive.
- Ord Cestus - via Cestus Cybernetics, the Kajidic has almost total control over the Cestus government.
- Rothana - the only settlement on this ice world is a corporate colony of Rothana Heavy Engineering.
- Baktoid Industries - holding company
- Baktoid Armor Workshop - military droids and hardware (defunct)
- Holiday Towers, Bespin - hotel and resort on Cloud City
- Rothana Heavy Engineering - military walkers and repulsorcraft
- Ubrikkian Industries - luxury and utility landspeeders
- Ubrikkian Repulsorlift Manufacturing - luxury airspeeders
- Ubrikkian Steamworks - utility and medical droids
- Cestus Cybernetics - security and utility droids
- Clandes Industrial - droid factory
- Kalibac Industries - utility droids
- LesTech - utility and labor droids
- Rossum Droidworks - refurbishes Baktoid droid units
- Cestus Cybernetics - security and utility droids
- Ubrikkian Transports - custom luxury and utility vehicles
- Ubrikkian Private Shipwrights - custom starcraft, repulsorcraft, and watercraft
- Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective - solar sail-craft
- Pri-Andylan Propulsion Systems - Duros propulsion manufacturer
- Ubrikkian Yards - Ubrikkian Industries Shipyards
- Ambassador Wrath - Rath Ouishii Dae, the patriarch of the Ouishii Kajidic.
- Avar Adamas - Rath's Besilisk personal enforcer.
- Tavi - Rath's Toydarian personal assistant and chef.
- Nychus Antirr - a Nikto former Imperial Sector Ranger, now on the Ouishii Kajidic's payroll.
- Zelenka Lassiter - a Zeltron former Alliance Intelligence agent, now on the Ouishii Kajidic's payroll.
- Arriana Rezner - the Cathar manager of the Holiday Towers resort and casino.
- Okar the Fabulous - a cousin of the Ouishii Kajidic; the owner of OKwear, a fashion boutique on Cloud City.
Despite Imperial occupation, Cloud City remains a hotbed for smugglers, thieves, and freedom fighters.
The Cumulus Casino is the center of Black Sun's network of criminal operations.
The Cumulus Casino is the center of Black Sun's network of criminal operations.
Achillies Sienar-Santhe - Amaros Koine - Ambassador Wrath - Arriana Rezner - Atton Kira - Avar Adamas - Ceto Rübezahl - Elias Akasha - Emelie Shadowstar - Kalibac - Molly Black - Nen Lev'i - Okar the Fabulous - Sadie K'Vesh - Sanis Prent - Sanya Tagge - Skylar Trezen - Tavi - Terrel Ixxent - Vittore Montegue - Xel-Naga