Ben Merasska

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Ben Merasska
Eye Color
Hair Color, Blond!
Home Planet
Idrilla Merasska
Tuorin Merasska
Ghtroc-720 freighter

"Leaving is always a means of forgetting, in some way. A part of life it may well be - and a necessary one, I might add - but don't deceive yourself, my dear: we abandon memories the moment we step away from the place that bore us."
―Denton Hadrana to Chaz de Coventina, Alderaan-That-Was.

Ben Merasska is an eccentric pilot of three freighters, the Albatross, a modified courier ship, an unnamed Kazellis-class freighter, and his most recent ship, "Alderaan", a Ghtroc-720 freighter. He was nominally allied with the Rebel Alliance. Ben is Alderaanian, and changed significantly after the planet's destruction and the corresponding deaths of his whole family, with the exceptions of his uncle, Denton Hadrana, who died later from complications after being exposed to a solar flare, and his niece, Esther Hadrana. As of the present, he is unaware of Esther's existence.

Ben's journeys have brought him into contact with many different people and creatures, such as Lyanie Quez, an old friend of his, Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta, former Jedi Barton Henning, and Doctor Chaz de Coventina, among others.

Youth to Rebellion
photo caption
Ben was born the eldest son of Tuorin and Idrilla Merasska, on Alderaan, 21 years before the Battle of Yavin. His childhood and family life are mostly unknown, due to his reticence in speaking of it. From all accounts, he led a fairly uneventful life up until his later teen years.

After spending three years in an Alderaanian university, he dropped out for unknown reasons and became a pilot in the Rebellion. Some evidence remains in Denton's documents which contain correspondence with his mother; Ben was a horrible student, and scored highly on several mock piloting simulations.

Ben joined as a snub fighter pilot, proving himself reckless, if skilled. After a number of missions in Y-Wings, Ben joined Red Squadron and flew X-Wings, further establishing a reputation for recklessness in a fighter and a relaxed non-confrontational attitude when out of one.

Ben was at Base One when Princess Leia returned from the Death Star and released the news that Alderaan had been destroyed. The news devastated him. He sortied with the rest of the Alliance fighter pilots and was one of the first pilots shot down during the battle. He managed to crash land on the moon, and walked back to Base One, only to find that the Alliance had fled the moon soon after the Empire was defeated. He grabbed some parts left behind, fixed his X-Wing, and left the moon, and the Alliance, intent on having no part in the Galactic Civil War from that point on.
Travels and Occupations
"I think I'll just sit right here until the galaxy stops deciding it would be funny to take a nice, big, stinking crap on me, thanks."
―Ben Merasska, Cold Storage.
Content here.
Content Here.
Timeline of Roleplays

Content here.

This character did not exist pre-Reset.
Pre-Reset Roleplays

Content here.

Out of Character
Vince is a former university student who still hasn't seemed to learn how to manage his time well, and has stories in his head almost all the time. He has quite a few characters, so a table like the one below will be useful in determining who he actually writes: