Cizerack Terms

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Planets, names, and words used in Cizerack roleplay



  • Aiyragga

A planet on the fringe of the Carshoulis Cluster


A peaceful world just beyond the borders of the Carshoulis Cluster, Calan is inhabited sparsely by humans, most of them belonging to the monastery of Calanic monks


  • **[Fey'dann]**

Called the breadbasket of the Pride, Fey'dann is a planet deep inside the Cluster, covered with expansive plantations, small villages, and enormous grass plains


  • gorroka particle cannon

A heavy isotope enriched cannon, similar to ion cannons but with a more aggressive energy structure. A **gorroka** will destroy shielding and electronics, but saturated energy against unshielded targets is dangerous to life forms because of lethal levels of radiation


  • **jirra**

Under, underneath, below

  • **jirra'rrou**

The Underworld, lit. 'burning underneath

  • **tataur'aasa'jirra**

devil worshippers; the worshippers of Traanjirra


  • **Kei A'i Reei**

The **KAR **is the Cizerack Secret Service, run with ruthless efficiency by [Kajeela Tarruurri]

  • **Korri-class**

A class of Cizerack battlecruiser, equivelant in size and speed to the **Victory** class Star Destroyer, though somewhat less in firepower. Each **Korri** class battlecruiser is equipped with two **gorroka** particle cannons and two dozen turbolasers, as well as many tractor beam emitters, and an excellent shield generator

  • **Kree-Arr**

The male version of **kree-rrou**

  • **kree-rrou**
"The Burning" - female puberty


  • nomaa

The moon

  • Nomaani

The manservant of Saanjarra, the Sun Goddess

  • nomaa'aasa'saanja

Servants of the Sun


  • Oorru'Gurre'Gurre'

The flagship of the Cizerack Hunter Forces, commanded by Emissary Keerrourri Sarrtarroa


  • rrou

Burn, fire


  • saanja

The sun

  • Saanjarra

The Sun Goddess

  • Saussa'Ira'Ira'

A Korri class battlecruiser, commanded by Huntress Captain Saaleea Reiarru

  • Seeva-class

Light attack gunships without hyperdrive, crew complement of a dozen souls. Seeva-class are fast sublight capital ships, with excellent anti-fighter weapons, and a few tractor beam emitters

  • Syragor

A planet just outside the Cluster - a Cizerack protectorate world inhabited by a mix of humans and Cizerack


  • tataur'aasa'saanja

Priestesses of the Sun

  • Traanjirra

Goddess of the Underworld