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(4 Years, 5 Months AE)
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* [[4 AE]] - Fourth year after Endor
* [[4 AE]] - Fourth year after Endor
==3 Years, 1 Month AE==
==4 Years, 1 Month AE==
* <font COLOR=orange>[REB]</font> [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=20386 Ghosts in the Machine]
* <font COLOR=royalblue>[JEDI]</font> [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=19757 No Place Like Home]
Several days after [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?p=326907 learning of the demise of her former squadron], [[Charlotte Tur'enne]] and [[Dashiel Starborn]] are teamed up once more to investigate a mysterious sudden malfunction with a Bothan water siphoning plant on the planet of Nelvaan.  
[[Daria Nytherciria]] and [[Navaria Tarkin]] have an intimate discussion on board the [[Whaladon]], part of [[The Wheel]] convoy, the Jedi Enclave's new home.
==3 Years, 2 Months AE==
* <font COLOR=royalblue>[JEDI]</font> Changing of the Guard
(Council officially forms)
==3 Years, 3 Months AE==
* <font COLOR=royalblue>[JEDI]</font> [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=19618 Into the Belly of the Whaladon]
[[Daria Nytherciria]] holds a training session for the adepts and other Jedi they have managed to gather together in [[The Wheel]], including [[Anj]], [[Abarai Loki]], [[Navaria Tarkin]], [[Soolin Anjhurin]], and [[Vishan Korogoth]].
==3 Years, 4 Months AE==
* <font COLOR=orange>[REB]</font> <font color=crimson>[DARK]</font> [ The Turning Tide]
[[Lilaena De'Ville]] requests entry to the [[Rebel Alliance]], along with her apprentice [[Akasha Kahn]] who is posing as a hapless refugee who is a Force adept in the hopes of ferreting out the location of the Enclave.  She tries to contact [[Byl Laprovik]], who she worked with several times in the past on missions against the Empire.  Instead she is contacted by [[Eluna Thals]] who meets with her to discuss her admittance to the Alliance.  [[Jane Starborn]], meanwhile, searches the Cloud City servers for any sort of record of Byl being on board.  She finds some tickets to [[Copperline]] bought a few weeks previously by [[James Prent]], but nothing else.
==3 Years, 5 Months AE==
* <font COLOR=royalblue>[JEDI]</font> Taking in a Stray
[[Akasha Kahn]] joins the Wheel.
==3 Years, 6 Months AE==
* <font COLOR=royalblue>[JEDI]</font> One's Not Enough
==3 Years, 7 Months AE==
==4 Years, 2 Months AE==
* <font COLOR=royalblue>[JEDI]</font> Errand Boys
==3 Years, 8 Months AE==
* <font COLOR=royalblue>[JEDI]</font> <font COLOR=orange>[REB]</font> <font COLOR=seagreen>[IMP]</font> Imperial Entanglements
==3 Years, 9 Months AE==
* <font COLOR=royalblue>[JEDI]</font> [http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=20907 An Overdue Call]
[[James Prent]] makes a call from her hiding place on Copperline to [[Barton Henning]] of the [[Knightfall]].  She is trying to let the Jedi or the Rebels know about [[Serena Laran]]'s capture a month or so previously.  Barton takes the news to the Jedi, including [[Anbira Hicchoru]], [[Abarai Loki]], [[Lowrook]], [[Navaria Tarkin]], and [[Drin Kizael]].
==3 Years, 10 Months AE==
* <font COLOR=royalblue>[JEDI]</font> Welcome to the Middle of Nowhere
[[Morgan Evanar]] joins the Wheel, brought by [[Sanis Prent]] and [[Loklorien s'Ilancy]]
==3 Years, 11 Months AE==
* <font COLOR=orange>[REB]</font> <font COLOR=royalblue>[JEDI]</font> Desperately Seeking Serena
[[Abarai Loki]], [[Corell Capstan]], and [[Anbira Hicchoru]] travel to [[Dac]] to find out what the [[Rebel Alliance]] might know about [[Serena Laran]]'s captivity.
==3 Years, 12 Months AE==
==4 Years, 3 Months AE==
* <font COLOR=royalblue>[JEDI]</font> Bargain Hunters
* <font COLOR=seagreen>[IMP]</font> [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=20956 Minor Repairs]
Docked at [[Kuat]] for minor repairs, the pilots of the [[Kalidor]] disembark for some leave.  [[Bette Davis]] is surprised by [[Tannis V'larr]] and the announcement that she is to be transferred back to [[Shadow Squadron]] as the elite squadron is being reformed on board the ISD [[Admonisher]].  To her dismay [[Hellfire Squadron]] is also being transferred.
* <font COLOR=seagreen>[IMP]</font> [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=21162 Insubordination]
[[Bette Davis]] and [[Cael Bathala]] sort out their differences on the way to Bespin on board the [[Admonisher]]
* <font COLOR=seagreen>[IMP]</font> [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=21051 Altered Deal]
==4 Years, 4 Months AE==
* <font COLOR=royalblue>[JEDI]</font> WAKING PAST: Sanctuary Lost
==4 Years, 5 Months AE==
* <font COLOR=orange>[REB]</font> <font COLOR=royalblue>[JEDI]</font> <font COLOR=seagreen>[IMP]</font> [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=21205 Rescue at Coruscant I: Distractions]
The Rebels send a group to [[Coruscant]] to assist the Jedi in rescuing [[Serena Laran]] by creating a diversion the Imperials won't miss.  [[Gus Kalendra]], Yun Tilgraze, [[Ariana Darin]], and Jehkran Dmath are among those hand picked for the group.
* <font COLOR=orange>[REB]</font> <font COLOR=royalblue>[JEDI]</font> <font COLOR=seagreen>[IMP]</font> [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=21206 Rescue at Coruscant II: Re-Oriented Express]
The second group involved in [[Serena Laran]]'s rescue work their way to the maglev train she is being transported on, and includes [[Reverend Solomon]], [[Anbira Hicchoru]], Lowrook, [[Daria Nytherciria]], [[Jason Na'moda]], [[Tionne Thanewulf]], and a former Inquisitor, Naomi Lang.  [[Sanis Prent]] drops them off at the insertion point.
* <font COLOR=orange>[REB]</font> <font COLOR=royalblue>[JEDI]</font> <font COLOR=seagreen>[IMP]</font> [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=21194 Rescue at Coruscant III: Flight of the Heroes]
The third, and final group involved in [[Serena Laran]]'s rescue.  After dropping off group two, [[Cirrsseetto Raurrssaatta]] continues on with [[Abarai Loki]], [[Corell Capstan]], [[Mara Tallen]], [[Morgan Evanar]], and [[Drin Kizael]] to destroy a tractor beam emitter and make their escape from the city planet possible.
* <font color=crimson>[DARK]</font> [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=21222 What is Thy Bidding, my Master?]
[[Akasha Kahn]] contacts her master, [[Lilaena De'Ville]], from [[The Wheel]]
* <font COLOR=royalblue>[JEDI]</font> <font color=crimson>[DARK]</font> [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=21217 Those Long Gone And the Ghosts They Leave Behind]
The Jedi left behind on [[The Wheel]] while most of the more powerful ones are on [[Coruscant]] attempting to rescue [[Serena Laran]] have some adventures of their own.
==4 Years, 6 Months AE==
* <font COLOR=orange>[REB]</font> [ Dress Whites]
[[Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta]] is given his first command, the ship ''[[Novgorod]]''
* <font COLOR=orange>[REB]</font> <font COLOR=brown>[OTH]</font> [ Cat's in the Cradle]
[[Saarrreeaa Raurrssatta]] is taken by the crew of the ''[[Novgorod]]'' and interrogated for what she knows about [[Sanis Prent]]'s disappearance. She tells [[Cirrsseetto Raurrssatta]] everything but he is still not satisfied. Later, she has a run in with [[Taataani Meorrrei]] and [[Serasai Onashi]] in the brig.
* <font COLOR=orange>[REB]</font> [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=22451 The Captain and the Engineer]
[[Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta]] and [[Lyanie Quez]] sit down to a private dinner and distinctly intimate conversation...
==4 Years, 7 Months AE==
* [ Rancor Games]
* <font COLOR=orange>[REB]</font> [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=22435 The Checkup (Novgorod)]
Everyone on board the ''[[Novgorod]]'' is subjected to a medical examination from it's on board doctor, [[Vek Vek]].
==4 Years, 8 Months AE==
* [ Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained]
* <font COLOR=royalblue>[JEDI]</font> [ The Gift]
[[Loklorien s'Ilancy]] takes [[Serena Laran]] and her padawan [[Morgan Evanar]] to the planet [[Duravant]], where she uncovers something thought long lost and gives it to Serena.
==4 Years, 9 Months AE==
* 0004.01.09 - <font COLOR=orange>[REB]</font> [ A Strawman]
[[Jane Starborn]], [[Eluna Thals]], and [[Dashiel Starborn]] are aboard the ''[[Dauntless]]'' searching for clues regarding the MIA [[Byl Laprovik]]. They get an answer, but it is to a totally different question.
* 0004.03.09 - <font COLOR=royalblue>[JEDI]</font> '''[ Revelations and End Times]'''
[[Zem Vymes]] goes to [[the Wheel]] with distressing news about the Alliance and [[General Dan Thrule]]
* 0004.04.09 - [ The Price of Failure]
* 0004.04.09 - General Quarters
* 0004.05.09 - <font COLOR=orange>[REB]</font> [ You Know My Name]
[[Byl Laprovik]] finally turns himself in to the [[Rebel Alliance]], in order to finally get some of the answers he has been seeking about his past.
* 0004.05.09 - <font color=crimson>[DARK]</font> [ Original Sin]
[[Loklorien s'Ilancy]] takes [[Vega Van-Derveld]] for a test drive.
* 0004.06.09 - <font COLOR=royalblue>[JEDI]</font> <font color=crimson>[DARK]</font> [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=22361 Messenger of Death]
* 0004.09.09 - <font COLOR=orange>[REB]</font> <font COLOR=brown>[OTH]</font> [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=22387 Cold Storage]
A derelict ship is found by two others, leading to a confrontation between [[Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta]] and [[Ben Merasska]]. All of this is forgotten as the long frozen Jedi [[Halajiin Rabeak]] is released from his carbonite prison.
* 0004.10.09 - <font COLOR=royalblue>[JEDI]</font> <font color=crimson>[DARK]</font> [ The Valley of Humiliation]
[[Reverend Solomon]] meets with [[Loklorien s'Ilancy]] on the planet of [[Generis]] to find out for sure if she has fallen from the Light. Spoilers: Yep.
* 0004.10.09 - Part of Me
* 0004.10.09 - <font COLOR=royalblue>[JEDI]</font> [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=22531 Information Overload]
[[Serena Laran]] brings information about [[Dhomanda A'lainn]] to the Jedi Council, in light of the severe shortage of lightsaber crystals in the fleet. They also receive word from [[Solomon]] regarding his trip to [[Generis]].
* 0004.10.09 - <font COLOR=orange>[REB]</font> [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=22556 Prodigal Sons]
The ''Novgorod'' returns to [[the Wheel]], along with the ''Albatross'' and its passengers.
* 0004.10.09 - <font COLOR=orange>[REB]</font> [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=22688 Not-Quite-A-Jedi Girl and the SUPER NEATO BOT!]
[[Siyndacha Aerin]] has just arrived on the Wheel via the ''Albatross'' and in the midst of exploring her new home, encounters a mechanical entity that is 'right up her alley'.
* 0004.11.09 - <font COLOR=royalblue>[JEDI]</font> [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=22564 Two Steps Forward]
[[Morgan Evanar]] is promoted to Jedi Knight.
* 0004.12.09 - <font COLOR=royalblue>[JEDI]</font> [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=22574 The Remembrance]
[[Rhianna]] contacts [[Serena Laran]] as the latter is leaving [[the Wheel]] to check the veracity of [[Solomon]]'s story. Serena puts off her plans only long enough to pick up her padawan in order to continue her training.
==4 Years, 10 Months AE==
==4 Years, 11 Months AE==
==4 Years, 12 Months AE==
== NEXT PAGE - [[5 AE]]==
== NEXT PAGE - [[5 AE]]==
[[Category:Star Wars Timeline]]
[[Category:Star Wars Timeline]]

Latest revision as of 18:55, 11 March 2013

This is for a timeline of our Star Wars roleplays. Edit your contributions into this article. Please include character names in the thread descriptions when possible.

AE = After Endor

Timeline Sections

  • Before Endor
  • 1 AE - The year after Endor
  • 2 AE - Second year after Endor
  • 3 AE - Third year after Endor
  • 4 AE - Fourth year after Endor


4 Years, 1 Month AE

Daria Nytherciria and Navaria Tarkin have an intimate discussion on board the Whaladon, part of The Wheel convoy, the Jedi Enclave's new home.

  • [JEDI] Changing of the Guard

(Council officially forms)

Daria Nytherciria holds a training session for the adepts and other Jedi they have managed to gather together in The Wheel, including Anj, Abarai Loki, Navaria Tarkin, Soolin Anjhurin, and Vishan Korogoth.

Lilaena De'Ville requests entry to the Rebel Alliance, along with her apprentice Akasha Kahn who is posing as a hapless refugee who is a Force adept in the hopes of ferreting out the location of the Enclave. She tries to contact Byl Laprovik, who she worked with several times in the past on missions against the Empire. Instead she is contacted by Eluna Thals who meets with her to discuss her admittance to the Alliance. Jane Starborn, meanwhile, searches the Cloud City servers for any sort of record of Byl being on board. She finds some tickets to Copperline bought a few weeks previously by James Prent, but nothing else.

  • [JEDI] Taking in a Stray

Akasha Kahn joins the Wheel.

  • [JEDI] One's Not Enough

4 Years, 2 Months AE

  • [JEDI] Errand Boys
  • [JEDI] [REB] [IMP] Imperial Entanglements


James Prent makes a call from her hiding place on Copperline to Barton Henning of the Knightfall. She is trying to let the Jedi or the Rebels know about Serena Laran's capture a month or so previously. Barton takes the news to the Jedi, including Anbira Hicchoru, Abarai Loki, Lowrook, Navaria Tarkin, and Drin Kizael.

  • [JEDI] Welcome to the Middle of Nowhere

Morgan Evanar joins the Wheel, brought by Sanis Prent and Loklorien s'Ilancy

  • [REB] [JEDI] Desperately Seeking Serena

Abarai Loki, Corell Capstan, and Anbira Hicchoru travel to Dac to find out what the Rebel Alliance might know about Serena Laran's captivity.

4 Years, 3 Months AE

  • [JEDI] Bargain Hunters

Docked at Kuat for minor repairs, the pilots of the Kalidor disembark for some leave. Bette Davis is surprised by Tannis V'larr and the announcement that she is to be transferred back to Shadow Squadron as the elite squadron is being reformed on board the ISD Admonisher. To her dismay Hellfire Squadron is also being transferred.

Bette Davis and Cael Bathala sort out their differences on the way to Bespin on board the Admonisher


4 Years, 4 Months AE

  • [JEDI] WAKING PAST: Sanctuary Lost

4 Years, 5 Months AE

The Rebels send a group to Coruscant to assist the Jedi in rescuing Serena Laran by creating a diversion the Imperials won't miss. Gus Kalendra, Yun Tilgraze, Ariana Darin, and Jehkran Dmath are among those hand picked for the group.

The second group involved in Serena Laran's rescue work their way to the maglev train she is being transported on, and includes Reverend Solomon, Anbira Hicchoru, Lowrook, Daria Nytherciria, Jason Na'moda, Tionne Thanewulf, and a former Inquisitor, Naomi Lang. Sanis Prent drops them off at the insertion point.

The third, and final group involved in Serena Laran's rescue. After dropping off group two, Cirrsseetto Raurrssaatta continues on with Abarai Loki, Corell Capstan, Mara Tallen, Morgan Evanar, and Drin Kizael to destroy a tractor beam emitter and make their escape from the city planet possible.

Akasha Kahn contacts her master, Lilaena De'Ville, from The Wheel

The Jedi left behind on The Wheel while most of the more powerful ones are on Coruscant attempting to rescue Serena Laran have some adventures of their own.

4 Years, 6 Months AE

Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta is given his first command, the ship Novgorod

Saarrreeaa Raurrssatta is taken by the crew of the Novgorod and interrogated for what she knows about Sanis Prent's disappearance. She tells Cirrsseetto Raurrssatta everything but he is still not satisfied. Later, she has a run in with Taataani Meorrrei and Serasai Onashi in the brig.

Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta and Lyanie Quez sit down to a private dinner and distinctly intimate conversation...

4 Years, 7 Months AE

Everyone on board the Novgorod is subjected to a medical examination from it's on board doctor, Vek Vek.

4 Years, 8 Months AE

Loklorien s'Ilancy takes Serena Laran and her padawan Morgan Evanar to the planet Duravant, where she uncovers something thought long lost and gives it to Serena.

4 Years, 9 Months AE

Jane Starborn, Eluna Thals, and Dashiel Starborn are aboard the Dauntless searching for clues regarding the MIA Byl Laprovik. They get an answer, but it is to a totally different question.

Zem Vymes goes to the Wheel with distressing news about the Alliance and General Dan Thrule

  • 0004.04.09 - General Quarters

Byl Laprovik finally turns himself in to the Rebel Alliance, in order to finally get some of the answers he has been seeking about his past.

Loklorien s'Ilancy takes Vega Van-Derveld for a test drive.

A derelict ship is found by two others, leading to a confrontation between Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta and Ben Merasska. All of this is forgotten as the long frozen Jedi Halajiin Rabeak is released from his carbonite prison.

Reverend Solomon meets with Loklorien s'Ilancy on the planet of Generis to find out for sure if she has fallen from the Light. Spoilers: Yep.

  • 0004.10.09 - Part of Me

Serena Laran brings information about Dhomanda A'lainn to the Jedi Council, in light of the severe shortage of lightsaber crystals in the fleet. They also receive word from Solomon regarding his trip to Generis.

The Novgorod returns to the Wheel, along with the Albatross and its passengers.

Siyndacha Aerin has just arrived on the Wheel via the Albatross and in the midst of exploring her new home, encounters a mechanical entity that is 'right up her alley'.

Morgan Evanar is promoted to Jedi Knight.

Rhianna contacts Serena Laran as the latter is leaving the Wheel to check the veracity of Solomon's story. Serena puts off her plans only long enough to pick up her padawan in order to continue her training.

4 Years, 10 Months AE

4 Years, 11 Months AE

4 Years, 12 Months AE