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The official back story kicks off with Callista finding the 8 year old boy called Marceloi some 152 years before SW-Fans period, training the boy to be a great Sith Lord... who then some 120 years later decided that killing women and children sucked so thence decided to become one of the good guys after a chance meeting with a warrior princess named Eileen Cross and a bunch of warfare against the Callista bred bad guys known as the Vog'on
Basically, the guy and girl kick a lot of ass across the galaxy, decide each other are hot and have a bunch of monkey sex for about 12 years when Callista catches up with them and blows up a bridge they are on, casting Eileen into an abyss and Marceloi barely surviving and racked with guilt hanging off a girder.
Also racked with guilt over the innocent world the monsters of Callista destroyed, he made his way to the Jedi, rising quickly through the ranks coming out a Jedi Master known as Darth Turbogeek.
A clone replaced Marceloi on the Jedi Council after a blaster shot to the back meant Marceloi was paralyzed for months. Not wanting to weaken the Jedi at such a critical time, Master Yogurt, Jedi Boricua and others enacted the retrieval of the inactive second clone (the first being Venom, created by Callista and who was a Sith Master in the Rogue Sith Order), dumped the existing memories into it of Marceloi, then proceeded to allow it to take the place of the wounded Jedi. Watching for signs of clone madness, the Jedi watched as the clone impressively took Marceloi's place and relaxed as he lead a Jedi life. However, suspicion grew as the clone grew attached to a Sith Master called Lady Mara Jade, but relaxed as the clone turned the Sith away from the Dark Side and to the Jedi. Even when Jade disappeared for some months, suspicion wasn't raised.
The first time real trouble started was when Jade was killed at the hands of Venom. The clone (who had now assumed the name Turbogeek utterly as his own identity) became grief stricken and triggered clone madness, leading Yogurt to have a council with the recovering Marceloi. It was decided to execute the clone before clone madness lead to widespread destruction, which Marceloi did as his alter ego, Force Master Hunter. Before this, Marceloi had uncovered the secret child of Darth Turbogeek and Lady Mara Jade, whom Marceloi became a lifetime guardian for, eventually training Jina Jade to the rank of Master.
Marceloi continued to use his Force Master Hunter alias, as well as creating another one, James T. Tomahawk, a New Republic General. He lived as General Tomahawk a great deal, and it was not until the events of Sick Cycle Carousel on Arcan IV that he returned to his Marceloi roots. He took the name Marcus Elessar (while experimenting with other last names, such as Telcontar and QDunn), and eventually found his lost warrior princess Eileen, who was now known as Helenias Evenstar.
They had a child together, Arwenai Elessar, and retired to a backwater planet with their adopted daughters, Jina Jade-Elessar, and Xazor Elessar.