DC Supporting Characters

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Characters - Organizations - Locations - Timeline - NPCs


Gotham City Hall

Gotham City Police Department

Other NPC options include: Detectives Andi Kasinsky and Eric Cohen; Detectives Joely Bartlett and Vincent Del Arrazio; and Officers Andrew Kelly & Donald Peak.

Commissioner James Gordon

Commissioner Gordon.jpg
James Gordon is the current Commissioner of the GCPD. After serving in the military he came to Gotham as a gruff but idealistic young detective, but quickly became disillusioned with the corruption at the GCPD, and made it his life's mission to root it out. He is mild-mannered but stern, and while he adheres to the rules and his principles as much as is possible, he understands that sometimes Gotham requires special exceptions, such as his controversial tolerance of vigilantism in the city. His unwillingness to compromise has made him a staunch and trusted ally of the Batman, but he is not entirely comfortable with the abundance of Outsiders who have begun operating in the city of late, even though he understands that the GCPD and Gotham needs their aid.

Commissioner Gordon has a wife and two children. He is also the legal guardian of his niece, Barbara Gordon.

Commissioner Gordon is based on Gary Oldman's portrayal of the character in the Dark Knight trilogy.

Detectives Gage & Alvarez

Gage & Alvarez.jpg
Nicholas Gage is a detective with the Major Crimes Unit, specialising in crimes and incidents with "vigilante involvement". For the most part he appreciates the efforts of Gotham's vigilantes, and feels that most of them set out with the best of intentions, but is uncomfortable with the way they act outside the law and wishes there were an alternative solution to Gotham's crime that didn't involve relying on outlaws.

Carlos Alvarez is an ex-special forces soldier, and Detective Gage's partner. He tends to be the more harsh and confrontational of the two, and is not overly fond of vigilantes in general, though he does grudgingly tolerate those who "play nice" with the GCPD and make the effort to not inconvenience the police too badly. He tends to have more respect for the Batman and those closely associated with him than he does for the Outsiders.

In the comics, Nicholas Gage is an ally of Oracle. Carlos Alvarez appears in The Losers, the New 52, and on Gotham. For reference, use Ryan & Esposito from the TV series Castle.

Captain Jerry Hennelly

Jerry Hennelly is the commander of the GCPD's Quick Response Team (ie. SWAT).

Queen Consolidated

Wayne Enterprises

Gotham Gazette