Baktoid Armor Workshop

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Baktoid Armor Workshop

Baktoid Armor Workshop

One of the arms of Baktoid Industries, the Baktoid Armor Workshop focused on developing craft to deploy and be operated by the droid armies of the Trade Federation, Techno Union, and Confederacy of Independent Systems, as well as droid-based artillery platforms. In many ways it was the Separatist counterpart of Rothana Heavy Engineering.

After the Clone Wars, Baktoid Armor Workshop was one of the only subsidiaries of Baktoid Industries not to be forcibly dissolved. Even so it continued only in a limited capacity, focusing on the production of weapons and vehicles intended for organic operators, with no incorporated droid technology of any kind. When the company was acquired by the Ouishii Kajidic as part of their acquisition of Baktoid Industries, they received a special limited licence to produce certain Baktoid Armor Workshop vehicles under that same no-droids stipulation.


Weapons & Ordnance



Shuttles & Starfighters