Techno Union
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Characters - Organizations - Locations - Timeline - Species - Ships
Techno Union
Techno Union
Republic Commerce Guild
See Below
See Below
This is a placeholder. Text will be added later.
- Baktoid Industries - now owned by the Ouishii Kajidic
- Baktoid Armor Workshop
Baktoid Combat Automata- dissolved by Imperial mandate, 19 BBY- Cestus Cybernetics - now owned by the Ubrikkian Steamworks
Baktoid Fleet Ordnance- dissolved by Imperial mandate, 19 BBY
- Balmorran Arms - now owned by Kuat Drive Yards
- BlasTech Industries - left the Union during the Clone Wars
- Corellian Engineering Corporation - left the Union during the Clone Wars
- Geonosian Industries
Gordarl Weaponsmiths- dissolved by Imperial mandate, 19 BBY - Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective - now owned by Ubrikkian Transports
- Kalibac Industries - now owned by Ubrikkian Steamworks
- Kuat Drive Yards - left the Union during the Clone Wars
- Allanteen Six Shipyards
- Kuat Freight Port
- Kuat Leisure
- Kuat Systems Engineering
- Kuat Vehicles
- Mekkun Corporation
- Rothana Heavy Engineering - now owned by the Ouishii Kajidic
- Ubrikkian Industries - now owned by the Ouishii Kajidic
Republic Sienar Systems- dissolved by Republic mandate, 20 BBY-
Sienar Technologies- reformed as Santhe/Sienar Technologies -
Sienar Design Systems- reformed as Sienar Fleet Systems-
Sienar Advanced Products Laboratory- reformed as Sienar Advanced Systems