Alliance 4th Fleet

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Fourth Fleet
Fourth Fleet.jpg

Alliance Fourth Fleet

The Fourth Fleet is one of five similar standing units within the command structure of the Alliance Fleet. It fills a defensive role, providing protection to the Alliance safeworlds Sullust and Sluis Van.

Beyond the obvious role of protecting those worlds and the surrounding space however, the Fourth Fleet also acts as a platform for Alliance activity in the southern quadrant of the Mid and Outer Rim Territories: a region of space stretching from the Arkanis Sector to Endor, and encompassing various significant sectors and systems, including the Greater Javin.

The fleet is divided into various Task Forces, each established to fill one of a variety of roles.

  • Task Force 40 is the force that defends Sullust and the surrounding space.
  • Task Force 41 is the force that defends Sluis Van.
  • Task Force 42 is a unit created to disrupt Imperial shipping and other activity within the fleet's designated area of operations.
  • Task Force Tempest is the designation assigned to new construction from the Mustafar Shipyards before it is assigned to other 4th Fleet Groups.

Out of Character

Fourth Fleet is currently the most "active" Rebel Fleet, due to the inclusion of Task Force 42 within it.