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The '''Cizerack''' do not exist in '''Star Wars''' canon.
| Title=Species File
| Image=Cizerack.jpg
| Species=Cizerack
The '''Cizerack''' on '''SW-Fans''' are the semi-original creation of [[Sanis Prent]] and [[Delirion]]. [[Lilaena De'Ville]] also contributed to the information found here.
| Type=Felinoid
| Home=Carshoulis Cluster
| Height=1.9 - 2.5m (Male)<br>1.5 - 1.7m (Female)
| Age=90
| Skin=Blonde - Orange<br>Striped body
| Language=Cizerack, Basic
A [[Cizerack]] is a '''felinoid alien''' from the [[Carshoulis Cluster]] of planets. The '''Cizerack''' mainly keep to themselves, having never been a part of the Republic and so have kept out of the Empire and the current Civil War. They call themselves [[The Cizerack Pride]].
{{Quote|Quotation|Who said it}}
The '''Cizerack''' are a non-Canon species on SW-Fans, and the semi-original creation of [[Sanis Prent]] and [[Nya Halcyon]]. [[Lilaena De'Ville]] also contributed to the information found here.
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! class="nounderlinelink mp2righttitle" style="font-size:120%; border-width: 1px; border:1px solid #B6D4B0;background:#B6D4B0;-moz-border-radius:10px;padding:6px 6px 6px 6px;" |
<center>'''Overview''' </center>
|A [[Cizerack]] is a '''felinoid alien''' from the [[Carshoulis Cluster]] of planets. The '''Cizerack''' mainly keep to themselves, having never been a part of the Republic and so have kept out of the Empire and the current Civil War. They call themselves [[The Cizerack Pride]].
[[Cizerack]] are trade oriented, hate smugglers with a vengence, and are a matriarchal society. They are also a very sexual society, most of their customs and holidays center on sex in some fashion or another. The [[Cizerack]] are about as '''Force''' sensitive as a rock. There have never been any '''Cizerack Jedi''', or any '''Force''' sensitive [[Cizerack]] characters on '''SW-Fans'''. They simply do not exist.
[[Cizerack]] are trade oriented, hate smugglers with a vengence, and are a matriarchal society. They are also a very sexual society, most of their customs and holidays center on sex in some fashion or another. The [[Cizerack]] are about as '''Force''' sensitive as a rock. There have never been any '''Cizerack Jedi''', or any '''Force''' sensitive [[Cizerack]] characters on '''SW-Fans'''. They simply do not exist.
! class="nounderlinelink mp2righttitle" style="font-size:120%; border-width: 1px; border:1px solid #B6D4B0;background:#B6D4B0;-moz-border-radius:10px;padding:6px 6px 6px 6px;" |
<center>'''Appearance''' </center>
|Contrary to popular belief, not all felinoids have fur. '''Cizerack''' are smooth skinned, with just a tuft of longer hair on the tips of their tails. Their large ears are often tufted as well, and their hair ranges from white blonde to carrot-red. Full [[Cizerack]] are striped, half-breeds lack the striped skin. The females are considered short by human standards, from five foot to five and a half feet tall. The males, by comparison, are very large, usually always over six feet tall. 
! class="nounderlinelink mp2righttitle" style="font-size:120%; border-width: 1px; border:1px solid #B6D4B0;background:#B6D4B0;-moz-border-radius:10px;padding:6px 6px 6px 6px;" |
<center>'''Society''' </center>
|The '''Cizerack''' are matriarchal, and they are ruled by the '''Pride Mother'''. A position bestowed by right of birth, the '''Pride Mother''' rules [[Carshoulis Prime]] directly, and the other planets that make up the [[Carshoulis Cluster]] indirectly. The '''Emissary''', the '''Pride Mother's''' chief manservant (she has many), is the personal steward of her will and might and is the only male to hold an important position in Cizerack politics.
Contrary to popular belief, not all felinoids have fur. '''Cizerack''' are smooth skinned, with just a tuft of longer hair on the tips of their tails. Their large ears are often tufted as well, and their hair ranges from white blonde to carrot-red. Full [[Cizerack]] are striped, half-breeds lack the striped skin. The females are considered short by human standards, from five foot to five and a half feet tall. The males, by comparison, are very large, usually always over six feet tall.
Each city or village has a '''Matriarch''', or head female who reports to the '''Govenor's Board''' for her planet. One representative from the '''Board''' of each planet reports directly to the '''Pride Mother''', and may even spend most of her time living on [[Carshoulis Prime]] instead of on the planet she represents. Most positions are handed down through generations of the same family, but in the last hundred years the '''Govenor's Board''' has been an elected position.
'''Males''' are usually uneducated, used for grunt work and for producing offspring. They live good lives, though some of the more 'old-school' females consider males to be sub-human and treat them as such.
Only '''females''' are allowed to vote or own land. '''Males''' can only own possessions if their mistress allows them to.
! class="nounderlinelink mp2righttitle" style="font-size:120%; border-width: 1px; border:1px solid #B6D4B0;background:#B6D4B0;-moz-border-radius:10px;padding:6px 6px 6px 6px;" |
<center>'''Social Behavior''' </center>
|'''Males''' are usually uneducated, used for grunt work and for producing offspring. They live good lives, though some of the more 'old-school' females consider males to be sub-human and treat them as such.
'''Half-breeds''', of any sort, are considered by all [[Cizerack]] to be substandard. They are treated with the utmost disrespect, even by the males. Other species are considered the lowest forms of life possible - the less a full blood '''Cizerack''' has to deal with '''non-Cizerack''' the better. In the old days, those traders who dealt outside of the [[Carshoulis Cluster]] were considered little better than those they dealt with, but this attitude is looked down upon now, as '''non-Cizerack''' buy up almost half of the '''Cluster's''' huge grain exports.
'''Half-breeds''', of any sort, are considered by all [[Cizerack]] to be substandard. They are treated with the utmost disrespect, even by the males. Other species are considered the lowest forms of life possible - the less a full blood '''Cizerack''' has to deal with '''non-Cizerack''' the better. In the old days, those traders who dealt outside of the [[Carshoulis Cluster]] were considered little better than those they dealt with, but this attitude is looked down upon now, as '''non-Cizerack''' buy up almost half of the '''Cluster's''' huge grain exports.
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A half-breed male is often killed by the mother (or father) as such a being would have the worst possible life in the [[Carshoulis Cluster]]. However, outside of the '''Cluster''' males have often flourished, some even becoming traders in their own right.
A half-breed male is often killed by the mother (or father) as such a being would have the worst possible life in the [[Carshoulis Cluster]]. However, outside of the '''Cluster''' males have often flourished, some even becoming traders in their own right.
=== Politics ===
The '''Cizerack''' are matriarchal, and they are ruled by the '''Pride Mother'''. A position bestowed by right of birth, the '''Pride Mother''' rules [[Carshoulis Prime]] directly, and the other planets that make up the [[Carshoulis Cluster]] indirectly. The '''Emissary''', the '''Pride Mother's''' chief manservant (she has many), is the personal steward of her will and might and is the only male to hold an important position in Cizerack politics.
Each city or village has a '''Matriarch''', or head female who reports to the '''Govenor's Board''' for her planet. One representative from the '''Board''' of each planet reports directly to the '''Pride Mother''', and may even spend most of her time living on [[Carshoulis Prime]] instead of on the planet she represents. Most positions are handed down through generations of the same family, but in the last hundred years the '''Govenor's Board''' has been an elected position.
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Only '''females''' are allowed to vote or own land. '''Males''' can only own possessions if their mistress allows them to.
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<center>'''Heading''' </center>
===Cizerack Religion===
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The ancient '''Cizerack''' were nomadic, following the sun as the seasons changed and prey moved across the great plains of [[Carshoulis Prime]]. As their culture progressed some began to settle and plant crops, finding it was beneficial to have food growing in one place, and to domesticate the non-intelligent beasts. The Cizerack were dependant on the sun for food, warmth, and life. Thusly they began to worship '''Saanjarra, the Sun Goddess'''.
! class="nounderlinelink mp2righttitle" style="font-size:120%; border-width: 1px; border:1px solid #B6D4B0;background:#B6D4B0;-moz-border-radius:10px;padding:6px 6px 6px 6px;" |
Most of their worship revolved around offerings of the firsts of the harvests, or through carnal knowledge of one of '''Saanjarra's''' servants. The temples that were erected to '''Saanjarra''' were kept by the '''Priestesses of the Sun''', or in '''Cizerack''', the ''tataur'aasa'saanja''. The tataur'aasa'saanja would oversee the offerings and facilitate the use of the temple prostitutes, or ''nomaa'aasa'saanja'' (predominately male, though some half-breed females were honored by being allowed to serve '''Saanjarra''' in this way). The ''kraa'aasa'saanja'' numbered in the hundreds of thousands at the height of the religion, and was considered a very respectable way for an un-mated male to live out his life.
<center>'''Heading''' </center>
Hundreds of years ago, every female would worship at the nearest temple at least once a week, though in modern days only the '''Cizerack''' in rural areas still hold fast to the belief in the '''Sun Goddess'''. However, all '''Cizerack''' pay '''Saanjarra''' lip service, whether they believe in her or not.
|Content here.
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As the sun had the moon, so did '''Saanjarra''' have her partner, '''Nomaani'''. This lesser god was manservant to the '''Sun Goddess''', and was worshipped by '''Cizerack''' males. Typical to '''Cizerack''' society, believers were called to show their worth to '''Nomaani''' through hard work and by obeying their mistresses. Only by being humble and obedient to their female, and satisfying her every earthly desire, would a male earn a place at her right hand side in the heavens after death.
<center>'''Heading''' </center>
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Sister to '''Saanjarra''', '''Traanjirra''' is the goddess of the '''Underworld''', or ''jirra'rrou'' (lit. burning undernearth). Unmated, and scorned by her sister the Sun, '''Traanjirra''' spends her time tempting the Cizerack into joining her in ''jirra'rrou''. She desires a mate above all else, but '''Saanjarra''' has made it so she will never have one. The wicked dead are carried off to ''jirra'rrou'' by '''Traanjirra''', where the goddess rules in her land of liquid fire. She is doomed to ever burn with ''kree'rrou'', without any hope of consumation.
[[Image:image.jpg|thumb|left|text about image]]
'''Traanjirra''' will appear as a nubile maiden to the living, hoping to trick them into joining her in her damnnation.
===Mating Rituals===
A female '''Cizerack''' undergoes the ''kree-rrou'', also called '''The Burning''', at about fourteen to sixteen years of age. At the time of '''The Burning''' she is becoming sexually mature, and it is permitted, and encouraged, for her to experiment and explore the new side of her nature. Males also undergo a similar experience yearly, called ''kree-arr'' but it begins at a later age - about eighteen.
While the young female nears ''kree-rrou'', her mother will spend a considerable amount of time picking out a mate for her daughter. Usually a male who has yet to experience his first ''kree-arr'' will be chosen, and the two are publicly joined at an elaborate and sensual ceremony that cannot be described. All the guests celebrate together, and many new friends are made.
After the mating ceremony, the young female will begin her own household with her manservant.
The male equivalent of '''The Burning''', the ''kree-arr'' happens once a year for three days. During this time it is required for the male to leave his mistress and find the company of other females. It helps males deal with the responsibilities asked of them, and helps them to relax somewhat. Usually the females a male meets during ''kree-arr'' are females he has close interaction with on normal basis, such as a shopkeeper he buys groceries from, etc.
===The Accent===
The '''Cizerack''' vocal cords are suited best to their own mewling language. When they speak Basic it is only with great difficulty. Thus, the previous sentance spoken by a '''Cizerack''' would look like this:
* '''When they ssspeak Basjic jit jisss onljy wjith grrreat djiffjicultjy.'''
'''Half-breeds''' have less of an accent, affecting only the I's and R's:
* '''When they speak Basjic jit jis only wjith grrreat djifjiculty'''
==== [[Cizerack Terms]] ====
== History ==
===The Forgotten War===
'''The Forgotten War''' is the only civil war ever to occur in the [[Carshoulis Cluster]]. Begun in the fertile agricultural planet of [[Fey'dann]], '''The Forgotten War''' was ignited when a group of [[Cizerack]] began treating their males as equals. Known as the '''Rebels''', these freedom fighters soon gained sympathy throughout the entire '''Cluster''', as males revolted and even females rallied to the cause.
The '''Pride Mother''' at the time knew that the '''Cizerack Pride''' could not survive such social upheaval, and quickly denounced the '''Rebels''' and their cause. Loyalist troops were dispatched to [[Fey'dann]], and the worst battle fought on '''Cizerack''' soil was begun.  
== Cizerack Characters ==
* [[Arrukaa Deynarrusaa]]
* [[Cirrsseetto Raurrssaatta]] ''current''
* [[Daanarri Raurrssaatta]] ''current''
* [[Darruussa Ajakeerro]]
* [[Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr]]
* [[Kajeela Tarruurri]] ''current''
* [[Keerrourri Sarrtarroa]]
* [[Kirreessaa Midarruu]]
* [[Motssumi Rosskaarru]]
* [[Saarrreeaa Meorrrei]]
* [[Sasseeri Reeouurra]] ''current''
* [[Taataani Meorrrei]] ''current''
* [[The Pride Mother]]
* [[Urrranni Frreeerrai]]
== Sources and Further Information ==
* [http://www.ssdc.com/Games/Cizerack.html Battlelords] - ''very loosely based on the Cizerack of this game''
* [http://www.sw-fans.net/archive/forum/showthread.php?threadid=25596 The Forgotten War]
[[Category:Star Wars Species]]
[[Category:Star Wars Species]]

Revision as of 11:26, 18 March 2008

Species File

Species Name
Species Type
Home Planet
Carshoulis Cluster
Average Height
1.9 - 2.5m (Male)
1.5 - 1.7m (Female)
Skin/Fur Color
Blonde - Orange
Striped body
Cizerack, Basic

―Who said it

The Cizerack are a non-Canon species on SW-Fans, and the semi-original creation of Sanis Prent and Nya Halcyon. Lilaena De'Ville also contributed to the information found here.

A Cizerack is a felinoid alien from the Carshoulis Cluster of planets. The Cizerack mainly keep to themselves, having never been a part of the Republic and so have kept out of the Empire and the current Civil War. They call themselves The Cizerack Pride.

Cizerack are trade oriented, hate smugglers with a vengence, and are a matriarchal society. They are also a very sexual society, most of their customs and holidays center on sex in some fashion or another. The Cizerack are about as Force sensitive as a rock. There have never been any Cizerack Jedi, or any Force sensitive Cizerack characters on SW-Fans. They simply do not exist.

Contrary to popular belief, not all felinoids have fur. Cizerack are smooth skinned, with just a tuft of longer hair on the tips of their tails. Their large ears are often tufted as well, and their hair ranges from white blonde to carrot-red. Full Cizerack are striped, half-breeds lack the striped skin. The females are considered short by human standards, from five foot to five and a half feet tall. The males, by comparison, are very large, usually always over six feet tall.
The Cizerack are matriarchal, and they are ruled by the Pride Mother. A position bestowed by right of birth, the Pride Mother rules Carshoulis Prime directly, and the other planets that make up the Carshoulis Cluster indirectly. The Emissary, the Pride Mother's chief manservant (she has many), is the personal steward of her will and might and is the only male to hold an important position in Cizerack politics.

Each city or village has a Matriarch, or head female who reports to the Govenor's Board for her planet. One representative from the Board of each planet reports directly to the Pride Mother, and may even spend most of her time living on Carshoulis Prime instead of on the planet she represents. Most positions are handed down through generations of the same family, but in the last hundred years the Govenor's Board has been an elected position.

Only females are allowed to vote or own land. Males can only own possessions if their mistress allows them to.

Social Behavior
Males are usually uneducated, used for grunt work and for producing offspring. They live good lives, though some of the more 'old-school' females consider males to be sub-human and treat them as such.

Half-breeds, of any sort, are considered by all Cizerack to be substandard. They are treated with the utmost disrespect, even by the males. Other species are considered the lowest forms of life possible - the less a full blood Cizerack has to deal with non-Cizerack the better. In the old days, those traders who dealt outside of the Carshoulis Cluster were considered little better than those they dealt with, but this attitude is looked down upon now, as non-Cizerack buy up almost half of the Cluster's huge grain exports.

The respect totem pole is such:

  • Cizerack females
  • Cizerack males
  • Half-breed females
  • Half-breed males
  • Other species - human, etc.

A half-breed male is often killed by the mother (or father) as such a being would have the worst possible life in the Carshoulis Cluster. However, outside of the Cluster males have often flourished, some even becoming traders in their own right.

Content Here.
text about image
Content here.
Content here.
text about image