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"Across the ocean they sailed, from where only they know; to seek a home of beauty and mirth, from where only they know; of he that was The First, from where only they know; a kingdom built from the earth, from where only they know."

- Tome of the Syldar


The Syldar

A Syldar fire maga

Historical Information

The Syldar are a people from lands far beyond Midgard. Only the tomes in the Library of Keepers hold the true reasons for why they came to the new land, but it is said that a great evil caused 'The First' to take his people and leave their land. On ships made of Syldar hands, they came upon Midgard and found the canyon in which they now reside, building a beautiful city of white stone known as Aureska. Claiming the surrounding forests as their territory, the Syldar heeded the words of 'The First' and began the society they have to this very day; all would work to better the Syldar kingdom, the past would be forever kept safe, and should evil once again threaten their livelihood, all Syldar would take up arms and defend another.

The formation of the social castes gave way to a very structured, controlled, and content society; each member knew his or her station, and every Syldar knew that his or her contribution helped toward unifying the whole. The ritual of selection became an lawful event, decreed to be used in the instance of every newborn Syldar - and following the mystical reading of the infant's personality traits (courage, wisdom, intelligence, loyalty), the caste would be selected and the newborn's life begun.

The castes were decided based upon what the kingdom required to establish its new home, with each being what 'The First' believed was needed to overcome the errors of past kingdoms, so that the Syldar could remain timeless:

  • The Sovereigns would act as both law and justice; theirs would be the right to rule, to conduct the ritual of selection, and to enforce punishment where it was needed.
  • The Keepers would act as the teachers of the past; theirs was the priests of the tomes that held infinite knowledge and lessons, giving insight into how to better strive toward the future, by being mindful of events of old.
  • The Warriors would act as the guardians; theirs was the task of protecting the kingdom, of fighting against any and all evil that sought to enslave or claim the Syldar kingdom.
  • The Maga would act as the mystics; theirs was the power of the elements, protecting the kingdom from what could not be cut by a blade, what could not be seen by the naked eye.
  • The Societal would act as the community; theirs would be the true power behind the kingdom, the force that would continually unify and result in an ideal livelihood for all to enjoy.

Working together for the common good of the kingdom, each caste acts as a single piece of the complete puzzle - and should one fall away, so to would the ideals of the Syldar be forever lost...


The Syldar believe in the truth of the past. They feel that learning from one's mistakes is the key to attaining true understanding and enlightenment. To be able to look back on mistakes, and to be able to learn from them is wisdom, and to do so for the sake of the kingdom as a whole is truly selfless.

In terms of magic, the Syldar hold true to the teachings of Air and Fire; they believe that both elements complement the other, and through perfect union both are able to sustain and flourish. In the same way, the Syldar try and teach each member of the community the importance of working together to unify strength, for the purpose of attaining an ideal kingdom where all can live in one accord.

While each Syldar holds his or her own beliefs, the general undertone of unity and community are a common bond that most share.

Physical Description

The Syldar are a noble people, who are slender in stature with sharply defined features. As is common for the race, all Syldar have pointed ears, pale skin, golden eyes and white or blond hair; there are very few abnormalities, and rarely would a Syldar be dark in complexion or hair color. Typical adulthood for a Syldar is reached at the age of two hundred, wherein the Syldar begin to change in appearance.

While they could be considered a beautiful people, initially, with age their skin becomes marred by naturally developing scars that form across their foreheads and noses. In a way, these very disfigurements (as described by other races), have led to the common misconception that the Syldar are more evil in nature than they otherwise seem; where, in truth, a Syldar is proud and honorable, even if a little secretive by nature - but despite their appearance, the Syldar are good in moral alignment.

The clothing of the Syldar ranges depending on the caste one is from. Keeper's wear loose-fitting robes of bright white, with personal touches to belts or footwear; Warrior's wear tightly braided leather tunics and pants, with red sashes about their waist and soft-soled boots for movement; Maga wear long robes of blue, with highly decorated jewellery around their necks, wrists and hoods that display magical aptitude; Royals wear golden robes, with rare white mithrim crowns atop their heads, and any number of personal additions, such as ceremonial weaponry or jewellery.

In terms of weaponry, all Syldar regardless of caste are trained in the use of the Qian - a weapon that can be used as both a spear and a short sword, due to its being able to increase or decrease in handle length at the will of the user. It is most common for Warriors and Royals to carry such weaponry in sight at all times, while the Maga and Keepers tend to conceal or store their Qian until required.

Noteworthy Syldar

  • The First - King Belareyl, the first king of the kingdom of Syldar
  • King Thelaric - Current ruler of the Syldar kingdom
  • Queen Karian - Current queen of the Syldar kingdom
  • Keeper Ciannor - Current head of the Keeper caste, charged with maintaining the Library of the Keepers

Locations of Importance

  • Palace of Solace - The Palace of Solace is home to the current royal rulers of Syldar. Under the watchful eyes of King Thelaric, the palace has been the center of the kingdom, where law and punishment are just, and the Syldar experience a peaceful comfort.
  • Library of the Keepers - The Library of Keepers is a large building dedicated to holding the thousands of tomes containing the detailed events of the past. It remains constantly updated and cared for, with new tomes either being written or added to on a daily basis. In some ways, the library has become the pride of the Syldar people.
  • Altar of Truth - In the courtyard of the Palance of Solace, the Altar of Truth can be found. On its smooth top, newborn Syldar are subject to the ritual of selection, where they are then placed into their caste and their future in Syldar culture set.

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