Dalriada Noble Houses

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From the roleplay "The Beginning"

  • Sigrún Hyrrokkin claims lordship over the provinces south of the Megingjord (a river)
  • Valruffeud feuds with Tangsrinir over the Megingjord's banks
  • Tangsrinir feuds with Valruffeud over the Megingjord's banks
  • Lords Jorundis - brothers who are quarreling over the land between them
  • Ovalldi - neighbor of the Jorundis brothers
  • Lord and Lady Andvarri to the east of the Jorundis' estates
  • Lord Bain - Council of Seven - holds lands around Bai-Ulgan
  • Lady Gromhild - Council of Seven - holds lands around Bai-Ulgan
  • Lord Sculd - Council of Seven - holds lands around Bai-Ulgan
  • Lord Murd - Council of Seven - holds lands around Bai-Ulgan
  • Lord Raurn - Council of Seven - holds lands around Bai-Ulgan
  • Lord Dragur - Council of Seven - holds lands around Bai-Ulgan
  • Lord Belda - Council of Seven - holds lands around Bai-Ulgan

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