Contemplanys Hermi
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Contemplanys Hermi was a clause in the Constitution of the Galactic Republic. The clause was a proviso added in the early days of the Republic and applied only to the Corellian sector, which was home to one of the Republic's Core Founders, Corellia. Contemplanys Hermi allowed for Corellia to close its borders and recall its delegation from the Galactic Senate, thereby surrendering its veto power while retaining their standing as a Republic member world. The enactment of the proviso carried several limitations on non-Corellians within the sector, and also prevented the Republic from calling on the people of Corellia and the Corellian Security Force to contribute to an interplanetary defense force. It was included in the Constitution in acknowledgment of Corellia's contributions towards founding the galactic government.
The proviso was so rarely invoked that it was considered obscure. One recorded instance was Corellia's ill-fated attempt at secession around 470 BBY. In a much later incident, Corellian Senator Garm Bel Iblis claimed Contemplanys Hermi during the Separatist Crisis so as to remove himself and his sector from the debate surrounding the Military Creation Act, which Bel Iblis believed would threaten Corellian sovereignty. Senator Bel Iblis was highly criticized for the move, but he maintained his stance against the Republic military throughout the Clone Wars and continued to neglect attending regular sessions of the Galactic Senate until compelled to do so during the Imperial Period.