Republic Rangers

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Republic Rangers
Holovid Franchise

Republic Rangers is the term used to describe a a popular holovid franchise, produced during the latter few decades of the Galactic Republic. Originally, the franchise was set thousands of years in the past; later incarnations brought the story into a more contemporary setting however, including a highly successful series set during the Clone Wars.

Rangers of the Old Republic

The original, classic series set during the war between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, Rangers of the Old Republic was the overarching title that spanned several early incarnations of the franchise, which told a continuous narrative and had a (relatively) constant cast. Though "in the same universe" as later incarnations, the timelines are separated by such a degree that they are often considered separate entities by fans.

Republic Rangers: Intergalactic Rescue

Commissioned by COMPOR as a publicity tool, Republic Rangers: Intergalactic Rescue was created to provide a friendly face to the Republic war effort during the Clone Wars, after fears that the public was loosing interest in the events of a war fought between clones and droids. Though a spin-off from the earlier Rangers of the Old Republic series, and produced by the same studio, it was successful enough to stand alone, and captured the attention and imaginations of an entirely separate generation from earlier incarnations. Of all the variations on the franchise, Intergalactic Rescue is the one with the most significant cult status, and the one generally thought of when the term "Republic Rangers" is used.

Imperial Sector Rangers

The unpopular attempt by the Galactic Empire to capitalise on the success of the Clone Wars era series, Imperial Sector Rangers represented a radical departure in terms of style and storytelling. The only consistency was that like its predecessor, it to was created as a propaganda tool: this time to put a friendlier face on the Imperial Security Bureau and its efforts to root out rebel insurgents and sympathisers.