Montegue: Origins

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Montegue: Origins is a multi-story series that establishes some of the backstory for the Montegue Family. There are currently six planned installments, charting the transition of Hugo Montegue from a family man and Imperial loyalist to a lawless bounty hunter on a quest for revenge. So far, Origins and Genesis have been completed.


Main Characters

In order of appearence:

Hugo Montegue

A Senate Commando during the Jedi Purge, Hugo uncovered that his wife was Force Sensitive. After she attacked Hugo and their family, Hugo went partially into hiding, creating a new life for himself on Junction. He has developed a displaced deep-seated anger aimed at any being that he percieves as being "supernatural", and has made it his mission to hunt down and kill such creatures and people wherever and whenever possible.

Emaryn Montegue

A young woman from Cularin that Hugo met and married on their travels, she moved to Coruscant to live with Hugo after her planet ceeded from the Republic during the Clone Wars. Revealed to have been hiding her Force Sensitivity - during the height of the Jedi Purge and related paranoia - Emaryn attacked her family and was forced to flee to the planet of L'Khost, though not before injecting her son with a sample of her blood in the hopes of awaking his own latent Force powers.

Inyos Aamoran

A Jedi, Inyos went into exile after the Jedi Purge. However, when fellow Jedi Mandan Hidatsa - an old friend and often partner on missions for the Order - sensed Emaryn Montegue's presence on Ord Ithil, Inyos agreed to travel with him to the planet. Mandan was killed by Emaryn; trapped and alone, Inyos began his own fall towards the Dark Side, and though he eventually defeated Emaryn, he went on to take her place as the dark ruler of the planet.

Supporting Characters

In order of appearence:

Vittore Montegue

The eldest of Hugo and Emaryn's two sons, Vittore idolises his father, and views his bounty hunter lifestyle with a sort of mystical awe. Only three years old when his mother died, Vittore remembers very little about her.

Cambrio Montegue

The younger of Hugo's children, Cambrio was six months old when his mother attempted a transfusion of Midichlorians, to catalyse his latent Force Sensitivity. Because of this, Hugo - unknowingly - views him with a certain suspicion, and that has hampered the development of their relationship.

Victor Montegue

The brother of Hugo and a Sector Ranger, Victor is Hugo's first port of call in an emergency. When Hugo allowed his obsession with the supernatural to take over his life, Victor grudgingly allowed himself to be swept along as his partner-in-crime. During one of their missions together, Victor was shot, mortally wounded, and left for dead by Hugo. Hugo's son Vittore is named after Victor.

Elroy Kripke

A former comrade-in-arms of Hugo's from the Senate Commandos, after they both left the service Elroy became Hugo's close friend and collegue, the two of them working together to run Elroy's ailing father's import/export business on Junction. Aware of how harmful Hugo's obsession is, Elroy remains quietly disapproving, although has provided grudging assistance in the past.

Alex Tressa

Originally the babysitter for the infant Montegue boys, Tressa went on to become embroilled in the black market. Hearing about Hugo's current activities, she approached him in the hopes of securing his assistance in obtaining a number of rare exotic items that were byproducts of his hunting career, and which he usually ignored. After falling foul of one of Hugo's targets, she developed a new respect for his occupation, but decided to continue with her own regardless.

Additional Characters

Cambria Kansas

Emaryn's elder sister, Cambria remained on Cularin. After Hugo's escape from Coruscant, she briefly harboured the family. When Emaryn arrived to try and take back her children and finish whatever scheme she had started with injecting Cambrio, Cambria saccrificed herself to ensure that the rest of the Montegues could get to safety. She is the namesake of Cambrio Montegue.

Jorran Nichol

The co-pilot of the Coromon during its affiliation with Kripke Transit, Joe served as the pilot for the ship during Hugo's first (unofficial) hunting mission. He became the next in a long line of people associated with Hugo Montegue to die, after he became an unfortunate victim when a shapeshifter whom Hugo had made an enemy of attempted to steal their ship.

Mandan Hidatsa

Nora Nichol

The wife of Jorran Nichol, Nora once worked alongside Hugo at Kripke Transit. After her husband's death however she left the planet, setting up shop as the manager of a cantina as a way of escaping her past. Hugo came crashing back into her life without warning, when he visited her establishment while following a lead.

Jo Nichol

The daughter of Nora Nichol; named for her father, Jorran. She is an employee at her mother's cantina. However, after encountering Hugo for the first time and hearing his version of the story that led to her father's death, she feels a certain attraction towards his line of work, and has ambitions of following in his footsteps.

Amaros Koine


Montegue: Origins

A year after the end of the Clone Wars, Senate Commando Hugo Montegue returns home from a mission assisting with the Jedi Purge, to find his wife performing some ritual or experiment on his infant son. Exposed as a secret Force Sensitive, Emaryn attacks; Hugo is forced to defend himself, apparently ending her life. She somehow survives however, and after Hugo flees to her homeworld of Cularin, Emaryn follows to finish whatever schemes she started.

Montegue: Origins - Genesis

Two years after the death of his wife, Hugo Montegue finds himself working as a mechanic and pilot with an import/export firm on Junction. His obsession with the supernatural has continued to grow, and after he hears rumours of unexplained murders on Ord Anor - the next destination on his flight plan - he drags his brother Victor along to begin waging his private war against the paranormal.

Montegue: Origins - Exodus

Rather than being dead, Emaryn finds herself trapped on L'Khost - a planet blanketed by the Dark Side. Unable to leave on her own, she uses her steadily developing Force powers to lure in one of the Jedi living in hiding since the Purge. Mandan Hidatsa and Inyos Aamoran are unsuspectingly lured to her domain, and become embroiled in her schemes for escape.

Montegue: Origins - Chronicles

Victor is dead. On a mission that went terribly wrong, Hugo was forced to flee and leave his mortally-wounded brother to the mercy of a pirate band. Riddled with guilt, Hugo abandons his children in the care of Elroy, and sets out on a quest of revenge and self-destruction that takes him from one side of the galaxy to the other.

Montegue: Origins - Lamentations

Twenty years after Emaryn's death, Hugo is visited by an apparition of someone he believed to have been killed years earlier. They reveal a number of shocking truths, and Hugo's world is once again turned upsidedown. However, as he searches for the answers that those truths inevitably raised, the Hunter finds himself hunted, and in the crosshairs of the Galactic Empire.

Montegue: Origins - Revelations

Released from Imperial captivity, Hugo is reunited with his sons, but his memory is a twisted husk of what it used to be. A shocking dream of the events that led up to his capture reminds him of the mission that he began: but this time he will not attempt it on his own. Together, Hugo and his sons head towards the thrilling conclusion of the Origins saga!