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CZ-41 - "Sleazy"

CZ-41, aka. "Sleazy"
CZ-series Protocol Droid
Eye Color
Hair Color
Home Planet
Iego Angel (former)
Headhunter II (Comms)

Constructed as a Communications and Business Droid by the company Serv-O-Droid, CZ-41 - nicknamed Sleazy by one of his former owners - had been somewhat modified from his original specifications. Employed by the Holonet reporter Atton Kira, Sleazy was utilised as his photographer, as well as a secretary of sorts to assist in his journalism. The droid was a constant annoyance to his original Master however, and when Kira was forced to leave his ship in the hands of mechanics for a lengthy period, he left Sleazy to "supervise" as a means of long-term avoidance.

Unfortunately - or fortunately, depending on your perspective - that ship, the Iego Angel, was later appropriated by Hugo Montegue, complete with CZ-41 aboard. Sleazy now assists Hugo and his sons in their work as Bounty Hunters.


CZ-41 began life as a standard, production-issue Communications and Business Droid. He was first purchased by a small-scale shipping firm in the Mid Rim, and worked with their finance department for several years. As the firm became more successful however, they upgraded their droid fleet to include more expensive and universally recognised Protocol Droids, and CZ-41 found himself replaced.

He was purchased second-hand by Atton Kira, who was out to make a career for himself as a freelance journalist and information broker. The droid was upgraded to include various new features that would benefit Kira's work, including a sophisticated holo-imaging package to capture the necessary images to accompany his articles, an expanded communications package to help with covert surveillance, and various slicing protocols to allow for comparative anaysis of official records, and probing into otherwise restricted material. Because of the odd facial configuration, and the somewhat shifty expression it seemed to mimic, CZ-41 earned the nickname "Sleazy".

After a trip to Nar Shaddaa, Kira's ship - the Iego Angel - was found to be suffering from a series of mechanical problems. Kira, who had grown somewhat irritated with Sleazy's assumed personality, sought transport aboard another vessel to continue his reporting, leaving Sleazy behind to supervise the repair efforts. (Bargains and Bonds)

A matter of weeks later, a former client that the mechanics had cheated out of his ship returned, and commendeered the Angel - only ship in the posession of the mechanics at the time - as compensation. Sleazy came along with the ship, and though the new owner - Hugo Montegue - was originally reluctant to carry any remnants of the ship's former ownership, Sleazy soon demonstrated his usefulness in supporting Montegue in his work. (Devil's Trap)

Sleazy now provides communcations support and high-tech holographic imaging for Hugo and his sons Cambrio and Vittore, as well as providing forged documents, fake IDs, and other slicing services.


This character did not exist pre-Reset.

Out Of Character

Jace has been around on the site since January 2007. He knows all the things, including board lore, random trivia, and really really terrible jokes and puns.

Star Wars
                    Inyos Aamoran : Jaden Luka : Amos Iakona : Vittore Montegue  : Lúka Jibral

Achilles Sienar-Santhe : Ambassador Wrath : Atton Kira : Ceto Rübezahl : Delgado Xaanan : Soto Terius : Torrsk Oruo'rel : Tristan Tahmores : Vansen Tyree

Adonis Inirial : Aiden Tahmores : Alexander Tur'enne : Alexi : Amaros Koine : Amés Falcon Liszt : Aonar : Arnan Jsorra : Augustus Valorum : Avar Adamas : Azrin Shadowstar
Chir'daki : Crotalus Viridis : Eckard Batāna : Elias Akasha : Ernan Jsorra : Ethan Tahmores : Garrick Kane : Ghtroc the Hutt : Hugo Montegue : Issiodorr Enssiss : J'onn Scarlet
Jaan Furlow : Jaron : John Glayde : Justin Dechen : Kalibac : Kelvin Stark : Khalid : Kieran Luka : Kijirra Adhaferra : Kolya : Lazuli : Father Lucian : Lujayne Barzilai : Lux
Mace Riko : Mackenzie Tallen : Mandalore the Liberator : Marhaus : Max Valorum : Maximus Whitesun : Merrin Altink : Muridaemus-musculus : Nen Lev'i : Niomon Terius
Nix Neutron : Norio Itzalizar : Nychus Antirr : Oisin Ocasta : Olso Ayl : Oolan Valx'ir : Ophion Rübezahl : Oran Jsorra : Orenth : Ouran Akasha : Prael Atalon
Quin-Tain Starwind : Red Queen : Regan Altink : Rinzai Terius : Rurrick Grov : Ryota Navarro : Sabinian Tellar : Sphyrna Mokarran : Thaumas Drude : Trance Farani
Tukphen : Ulysses Cygnus, Jr : Usil Anansi : Varon Farani : Vhiran Antilles : Victor Montegue : Vulcan Tanner : Vyna Moyzenvyo : Xanthos Asael : Xi Vanadís
Yon the Butcher : Zane Brasko

Ayla : Trip : Sleazy : R4-K8 : Bumblebee : Greg & Abby : Lapis : Ivy : STE-V : D.M.O.

Andor Tyree : Anpher Inirial : Benton Inirial : Gideon Lazuli : Lance Inirial : Mandan Hidatsa : Pharos Inirial

† : Crichton Stark : Ecidae Mandrill : Jacob Tur'enne

Al-Maisan : Contras Ath-Thu'ban : Cor Leonis : Nair al Saif

The Force Awakens
DC Comics