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Jedi Order

Specifically within the Jedi Order during the waning years of the Republic, youngling was an unofficial title, referring to a Force-sensitive child undergoing the early stages of Jedi training—otherwise known as a Jedi Initiate. At a very young age, they were removed from their home and assigned to a clan for training.

If a youngling was not chosen by any Jedi Knight to be their Padawan by 13 years of age, the youngling was placed into another, lesser role in the Jedi Service Corps. Depending on where the student's talents lay, this could have been the Agricultural Corps, the Medical Corps, or the Exploration Corps.

During the Great Jedi Purge, most of the younglings and Padawans were killed by Anakin Skywalker, who had recently assumed his new title of Darth Vader. Others were safe with Master K'Kruhk.

Youngling Clans


SW-Fans Clans