Agen Riko

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Agen Riko
Agen Riko.jpg

Agen Riko
Eye Color
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Home Planet
Mailia Riko

The estranged son of retired Republic Commando RC-1987, Agen Riko took the training his father bestowed and turned to a life as a mercenary and criminal. Fascinated by the exploits of his Clone Trooper "uncles" - who he feels his father betrayed during the Clone Wars - he often hides under the guise of being a Clone himself, although those with any reasonable knowledge of the Republic soldiers can usually tell the difference in his approach to missions. Agen was named for Jedi Master Agen Kolar, one of the Jedi taken by Mace Windu to fight the Crimson Nova bounty hunters during the Clone Wars. The same Jedi - ironically - also attempted to arrest Chancellor Palpatine just before the formation of the Galactic Empire.


Agen Riko-2.jpg

Born the son of a Clone Commando and a native woman on Ruhe, Agen has a number of issues that stretch beyond the mere complexities of his genetics.

Born only a year after his brother Saesee Riko, Agen slipped into the classic middle-sibling role of being the back-up while his father carefully honed the elder son into his successor. While Saesee recieved the finest equipment and armour that his father could manage to obtain, Agen was lumbered with the second-choice gear. Whenever they trained together, the older Saesee with an extra year of training and experience was held up as an example of perfection, while Agen was chastised for not being able to perform at the same level. True, the rigid discipline that their father imparted motivated Agen into becoming a formidable combattant, the resentment that grew between the two of them ultimately led to a total estrangement between father and son.

Agen Riko's patience finally snapped after twenty-one years on Ruhe, and he set out to find a life for himself that wasn't beneath the shadows of his father and brother. He started out as a petty hired thug, lending his crude interpretation of his father's teachings - tainted by his lack of discipline and patience - to whoever was willing to pay. As his career wore on and his earnings increased, so to did his standards. By age 26, Agen was able to be selective about the assignments he accepted, and could even actively seek out employment with some of the mose significant criminal cartels. Nearly three years after the Battle of Endor, Riko approached the Black Nebula crime organisation, in search of a more stable career.

Arms & Armour

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Agen is facinated with the Clone Troopers, who he percieves as direct relatives of his father, and of himself. He has a sizeable collection of Clone equipment that he has obtained over the years, ranging from personal weapons and armour to large field equipment like the CK-6 speeder.

Usually, he completes missions in the AT-RT driver armour that his father provided for him during his training, but in situations where stealth and camauflage are not required to such a degree he often wears a suit of customised Phase II Armour, gathered from the best artifacts in his collection. He also maintains a third suit of pressure-sealed Clone Pilot armour, which he uses for operations in low gravity, and when piloting craft such as his CK-6.

Transport around the galaxy is facilitated by an old Nu-class Attack Shuttle, dubbed the Obex. Very little concession is made for comfort in the craft; aft section has been heavily modified to carry Agen's speeder, with the remainder of the space allocated to weapons and equipment storage. Agen uses the craft simply as a courier, and so requires very little personal space: he relies instead on the accomodations made available at mission locations.


This character did not exist pre-Reset.

Out Of Character

Jace has been around on the site since January 2007. He knows all the things, including board lore, random trivia, and really really terrible jokes and puns.

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