Sanya Tagge

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Ersabeth Malreaux
White Queen
Sanya Tagge
24 GSY
Eye Color
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Home Planet
Ulric Tagge (adopted)


Sanya Tagge is a member of The Galactic Empire. She is currently based on Coruscant, acting as the Minister of Truth for Empress Miranda Tarkin.
Official Background

There is very little known about Sanya Tagge that does not in someway connect her to the Galactic Empire. Like many children of her time, she was made an orphan by war, though was fortunate enough to be adopted by a benevolent Imperial officer - Ulric Tagge (one of many officers to offer a welcoming home to child left motherless by the cold-hearted Rebellion.) As nothing was known about the girls past or identity, Ulric named her after his mother, the baroness Sanya. Since Tagge had little time to raise the girl himself, engaged in pursuing a career in the Imperial military, he entrusted the upbringing of his 'daughter' to the Sub-Adult Group.

In the competent hands of the SAGroup, Sanya grew to be the perfect picture of Imperial doctrines – receiving a well-rounded mental and physical education. In her early teens she was selected to act as a mentor to younger children recruited through the 'Motivation' branch of the SAG, whose purpose it was to help troubled, underprivileged or dissent children become upstanding citizens.

Having completed her time in the SAG, she – like many other successful candidates – was assigned a suitable post within another branch of COMPNOR. Assigned a trial post in the Coalition for Progress, Sanya spend several months as a Vice Prex in the Education department. Though fulfilling a function necessary to the Empire, Sanya found the job unsatisfying and disliked the lack of (what she called) hands-on interaction involved. In the midst of these doubts, she received word that her 'father' and later her 'uncle' had died whilst serving the Galactic Empire in battle.

Though she mourned the loss of her fmaily, Sanya's dedication to the Empire did not waver. With renewed vigor, she gained herself the promotion she so desired and was reassigned to the Coalition for Improvements and made senior monitor for the Auril Sector.

Former Titles
Coalition for Improvements - Senior Monitor (Auril Sector)
Coalition for Progress - Vice Prex of Education
Sub-Adult Group - Youth Recruitment Leader
"Just because [she] prefers history instead of high-tech luxury does not make this castle less relevant to your sister's position. In fact it strengthens it. To live here only shows strength seeing as Vjun is quite unforgiving. Much like Sanya."
-- Miranda Tarkin to Gallus Tagge
As a public figure, Sanya Tagge carries herself with decorum and a pleasant manner at all times. A product of the Galactic Empire through and through, she behaves with the reserve and elegance befitting of a woman, yet there is an undeniable warmth to her character that has won her substantial support. Much like her good friend Miranda Tarkin, she is viewed in an idealized light as a true 'daughter of the Empire'. In the eyes of the general populance, she has gained a degree of sympathy due to her status as an orphan and her 'rags to riches' is set to be made into a autobiographical novel within the year.

Privately, Sanya is not quite so stable. Although she maintains a calm exterior, she is regularly visited by inexplicable night-terrors and is fanatically curious about the biological bloodline to which she belongs, fearing that it carries with it some strain of madness.

Alongside her brother, Sanya is the joint-owner of TaggeCo, the ubiquitous and multi-faced corporation which provides the galaxy with everything from the speeders they drive to the food they eat. She is a spokesperson for the company, though leaves the majority of the business management to her brother.

In addition to a number of transports, Sanya owns the Horizon-class star yacht 'Domina', named after her aunt.

Out of Character
See Dasquian Belargic.
Current Timeline of Roleplays

Enduring Legacy (link) - Moff Miranda Tarkin comes to visit Sanya and Gallus on Vjun, where she makes two unexpected proposals: that Sanya become Imperial Minister of Truth, based out of Coruscant, and that Gallus become her husband.