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The Lupines are not a canonical race, having been invented for use at SW-Fans. Pre-reset they were brought into existence by the roleplayer Vega Van-Derveld, since the reset Loklorien s'Ilancy has brought a great amount of depth to the Lupines of SW-Fans.

== Post-Reset The Lupines are a dying race. Only two remain - Loklorien s'Ilancy and Arya Ravenwing.

Basic Overview

Every House, whether Greater or Lesser, can be traced back to the two Apex Houses – Loveloxx and Losstarot. The Lupine social structure is largely a caste system, being divided into two groups - the Greater Houses and the Lesser Houses - as stated previously. Within each is a subset of social levels unique to each group. This formed over time through the nature of each Lupine strain, or Bloodline as the Lupines call it. For the entirety of their existence, House Loveloxx has been a symbol of chaos and uncontrollable rage while House Losstarot has been a symbol of order and controlled anger. Each Bloodline compliments the other in a perverse sense, and one cannot exist without the other.

Both Apex Houses, Loveloxx and Losstarot, had their beginnings with two simple men. One, Townsend Loveloxx, sought to turn his fear of the Force into a weapon while the other, Melkhiah Losstarot, found himself a victim of Loveloxx’s twisted designs. One might wonder why then, that Loveloxx became synonymous with chaos and Losstarot with order instead of the opposite. Why Losstarot, who was left reeling with pain and hate should rise to wear the mantle of order. The simple truth of it is that Loveloxx lost control of himself. He subjected countless people to his experiments, killing many long before he saw success. His goal? To create a people who could counteract those with the Force, and destroy them. And what better vessel to carry out his irrationality than the very beast that naturally hunted anything connected with the Force – the vornskr? Days turned to nights, then to weeks, then to months, and eventually to years. Failure heaped upon failure. It wasn’t until three years after first starting his evolutionary crusade that Townsend Loveloxx succeeded. Only, the captive subject who had taken to his “Lupine Strain” was the intended of his comrade and colleague, Melkhiah Losstarot. Losstarot would not learn of this until another year had passed. So fearful of the Force was Loveloxx that he let his emotions run free and his fangs roam unchecked. His Bloodline was volatile, it boiled at any inkling of Force presence, and it drove man down into beast just to fulfill its vicious design.

In the beginning, Losstarot shared Loveloxx’s Bloodline. He was a beast that walked upright. And he was disgusted. Repulsed by his own existence. Every time he sought to control the animal within him, he was overwhelmed. Until the day he discovered the secret to his comrade’s success. To say that Losstarot was righteously empowered would be an understatement. However, instead of lashing out through direct violence, Losstarot began work on his own strain; a strain that would not hold him captive to his beastial cravings and triggers. A strain that would coexist with the Force and make no allowance for any loss of facilities. Studying from Loveloxx’s notes proved instrumental, and Losstarot was able to complete his new creation in far less time than expected. Now a new creature, Losstarot could be both man and animal without either gaining quarter over the other. It was a balance that Loveloxx refused to accept.

Thus, chaos and order have warred since their inceptions. Their original intentions have not been forgotten; in fact, they have intensified. Both Bloodlines view themselves as being in the right, and betrayed by the other. Over the years however, a second school of thought emerged – one of superiority. Loveloxx Lupines proclaim that they are the first; the true children of perfect accelerated evolution while Losstarot Lupines hold to the belief that they are the ultimate, perfected creations without the chains of involuntary Force reaction. The contention between the two Bloodlines is very nearly tangible.


Before the roleplaying reset, the Lupines of SWFans were largely contained within the Van-Derveld family. There were two separate strains - those who could wield the Force, and those that were driven mad by it. Diego Van-Derveld, Vega Van-Derveld's father, was the latter, while Vega was the former. Diego's Changed form was that of a vornskyr, and Vega's more like a wolf. The species, and their heritage, was influenced largely by the Garou and werewolf characters found in Terry Pratchett's The Fifth Elephant.