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Kara Zor-El, cousin of Kal-El, was born and raised until the age of 15 on the planet Krypton. Now she fights for planet Earth as Supergirl!


Born on the planet Krypton, where she grew up to be in many ways something of a stereotypical pretty teenager. She was popular with her friends, good at science, and worked hard. Although Kryptonian culture was very different from Earth culture, she had much in common with Earth teenagers. She enjoyed shopping and liked to feel popular. She was haunted by a darkness she never spoke of however; she was present when the city of Kandor was stolen by the alien Brainiac, something that she has never forgotten.

She often babysat her baby cousin Kal-El, and when Kal's father predicted the end of Krypton and sent him to Earth to survive, they could only send one more ship. They chose to send Kara, young as she was, in the place of one of Kal's parents. To save another child of Krypton, instead of an adult. She was to look after Kal on Earth and help him grow up understanding Krypton and what he had left behind. Unfortunately, her ship was caught by the shockwave as Krypton exploded, and lost in a wormhole. By the time she arrived on Earth, decades had passed, and Kal-El had already grown in to that defender of everything, Superman.

And so, circumstances were reversed from how they should be. Kal-El, now known as Clark Kent, became a guide for young Kara, helping her adapt to Earth life, even if he struggled with her slightly rebellious teenage ways. Kara was eventually raised with help by the Kents, Jonathan and Martha, where she lived for for a year. Although she found farm life incredibly dull, and often snuck off to Metropolis for adventures with her cousin, she also very much loved the care and guidance they gave her, and she saw why they were so important to Clark, and how they turned him in to the person he was.

However, she was not her cousin, and the farm life wasn't for her. Eager to become a hero like him, she applied for an art program at a Gotham school, knowing that Superman often stayed away from there. Being accepted (with a little help from Bruce Wayne) she joined, and Jonathan and Martha, and even Clark, let her go, knowing that she'd need to start looking at a life on Earth, and a career.

Once there, however, she began to clear up Gotham's streets as Supergirl. Inbetween classes, of course...


Kara is quite a girly, cheerful and upbeat teenager. She likes to be fashionable, the centre of attention, popular and well loved. She loves her outfits, and has many variants on her Supergirl costume, which she changes regularly. She likes to wear high heels and other fashion accessories, not that they impact her abilities much since she can fly. She can be quite playful and jokey, but shares with her cousin his incredible kindness and sense of purpose. She has a strong sense of justice.

She is somewhat naive and out of her depth with being a hero, and can often overstep the margin. She can be over-confident thanks to her abilities and doesn't have much experience with pain, thanks to them. She can have a bit of a short temper at times, but can also be very sweet and think of others a lot.

Special Abilities

Kara is a full blooded Kryptonian, and so shares all the powers of her more famous cousin. However, due to the fact she has only spent a year on Earth, she hasn't absorbed as much yellow sun radiation as Clark has over the years, and therefore is significantly less powerful. This coupled with her smaller frame also means she's nowhere near as strong (Clark is tall and heavily built, so his strength is incredible even for a Kryptonian, Kara is small and skinny, so her's is not). She posseses:

Super strength: Kara is still incredibly strong, she can lift a truck with ease, and guide a plane, but she's nowhere near as strong as Superman. Flight: Kara can fly, although she's not quite as fast as Superman. Invulnerability: Kara is resistant to almost all forms of damage, including gun shots, but unlike Superman, she does feel pain. Bullets tend to sting mildly for example. Anything heavier can seriously hurt. She isn't yet as resistant as Superman. Super speed: Kara can move very fast. Not as fast as the Flash, or Superman, but she's very quick. Heat vision: Kara can fire precision laser beams from her eyes. They aren't quite explosive or destructive like Superman's, but they are still quite powerful and can melt through most metal very quickly. Freeze breath: Kara can exhale freezing air that will turn just about anything it hits to ice. This seems to be one of her stronger abilities, and although not as impressive as Superman's, it can be quite deadly, as well as allowing her to blow things completely over, such as cars and the like. Super senses: Kara's senses are much more sensitive than most humans, and she can hear calls for help from across the city.


  • Clark Kent - The Man of Steel himself, Superman! Kara still calls him 'Kal' out of a force of habit, but is trying to get used to calling him Clark. Clark is a little overprotective of Kara, and Kara can feel he's a bit suffocating, but the two care for each other very much, and it's obvious that Kara looks up to him.
  • Jonathan and Martha Kent - Kara looks up to these two as her new parents, and even calls them 'Ma and Pa'. Although she often feels they're boring and finds life on their farm dull, she loves them very much and cares for them very deeply, and misses them badly in Gotham.
  • Zor-El and Alura - Kara never speaks of her Kryptonian parents, now that they're dead, but she was very close to them, a little spoiled by them, and obviously misses them, and her entire world, an awful lot.


1 Year Ago:
  • Kara crashes on Earth. She begins living in Smallville as Linda Danvers to learn about human culture.
  • Year One:
  • Kara transfers to Brentwood Academy as part of an arts program.
  • First Day Heroics - Kara gets her vigilante on, and bites off more than she can chew when she encounters Deathstroke.
  • Schooled - Kara makes friends with Wally West, another new student at school.
  • Green Is Not My Colour! - Kara meets Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern of Sector 2814.
  • Totally Not A Date - Kara and Wally are kidnapped, and find out each other's secret identities.
  • Out of Character