Alliance Support Services

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Alliance Support Services
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Alliance Support Services

""Without Support, the Alliance war machine would grind to a halt in a matter of months.""
―Arhul Hextrophon

Alliance Support Service was established to give support to the rest of the Alliance. While not the most glamorous branch of the Rebel Alliance, it was crucial to their success in the defeating the Galactic Empire. Support Services Command it part of Alliance Fleet Command and is commanded by the Minister of Support Services.


Alliance Support Services worked closely with Ordnance and Supply Command: while Ordnance and Supply was responsible for procuring weapons, supplies, and equipment, Support was responsible for transport. The doctors, medical droids, and other medical personnel in the Alliance Military were also part of Support Services. The medical services of the Alliance ranged from front-line medics attached to ground units, Rebel bases, or capital ships, to hidden hospitals and roving hospital ships. In addition to the personnel serving in Rebel bases, on board ships in the Alliance Fleet, or on the vessels of the supply fleet, many independent operatives were considered part of the Support Services network. smugglers, shipjackers, information brokers, and informants aided the support services with information, materials, and manpower.

Support Services personnel helped to establish safe worlds and Stronghold for the Alliance. . Scouts from the 624th Scout Group searched the Outer Rim Territories, and even beyond, searching for habitable planets and moons which the Rebellion could use as safe havens. Some of these safe worlds, such as Sanctuary, were previously inhabited remote settlements which elected to support the Rebellion. Support Services was also responsible for taking care of the infrastructure on safe worlds. In time, some of these safe worlds were stable enough to begin exporting raw material for the Alliance to use in its war effort. The doctors, medical droids, and other medical personnel in the Alliance Military were also part of Support Services.

Alliance 6th Fleet

Sixth Fleet was the Rebel supply fleet. Both Support services and supply services made up the sixth fleet. The individual Sector Forces which made up the bulk of the Alliance's military forces also needed a support network. Alliance Support Services filled this roll by breaking down the Support fleet into small support groups which could be attached to other larger fleets and battle groups. Each fleet had a dedicated squadron called "Ordnance and Support Squadrons" These small groups were a mix of vessels and personnel from both Ordnance and Supply and Support Services. The combined force worked to manage all aspects of both service within the attached fleet.

It attended to every outpost, base, and starship controlled by the Alliance. Most of the ships of the Support Fleet were slow, poorly armed, and outdated, making them vulnerable to Imperial attack. Larger ships were relatively rare and always escorted. Modified light freighters with additional external cargo pods, were the most common ships in Support Services. Medium transports were used by Support Services for fleet replenishment missions which could not be handled by light freighters. Though they were still too small for efficient transport of bulk items such as fuel and food, and were slow and vulnerable in battle. The officers and crew in the support fleet were a varied group. Some were lifelong professional spacers and merchants, some of whom were upholding a generations-long family tradition flying the spacelanes. Others were former starfighter pilots either too old or too badly injured for combat missions. Some were recent recruits trained at facilities on Mon Calamari