Mass Effect Timeline

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The current game year is: 2183.

All dates prior to [[#2148 CE |2148 CE]] are approximate, due to the difficulties of reconsiling the Earth Solar Year with the Galactic Standard Year.


Before Common Era (BCE)

~298,000 BCE

~48,000 BCE

~1900 BCE

  • The krogan race enters the nuclear age, and quickly causes a nuclear winter on Tuchanka. The krogan devolve into a society warring clans.

~580 BCE

~520 BCE

~500 BCE

  • First contact is made with the volus.

~200 BCE

~100 BCE

  • First contact is made with the elcor by the asari.
  • First contact is made with the hanar.
  • First contact is made with the quarians.

Common Era (CE)

~1 CE

~80 CE

~300 CE

  • The rachni are declared extinct.
  • The krogan are relocated to a new homeworld. Their population explodes.

~700 CE

~800 CE

~900 CE

~1600 CE =

  • First contact is (allegedly) made with the Collectors.

~1895 CE =

1961 CE

  • Vostok 1 orbits the Earth. Yuri Gagarin becomes the first human in space.

1969 CE

  • Apollo 11 lands on Luna. Neil Armstrong becomes the first human to walk on Earth's moon.

~2000 CE

  • First contact is made with the drell by the hanar.
  • With Rakhana poised for an ecological collapse within twenty-five years, the hanar evacuate 375,000 drell to their homeworld Kajhe over the course of a decade. The remaining 11 billion drell are slowly wiped out by war and famine.

2069 CE

  • Armstrong Outpost in Shackleton Crater is founded as the first permanent human settlement on Luna, on the 100th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing.

2103 CE

~2125 CE

  • First contact is made with the Yahg.
  • After the Yahg kill the ambassadors sent to open diplomatic relations with them, their homeworld Parnack is declared off-limits.

2143 CE

2147 CE

Systems Alliance Era

2148 CE

2149 CE

2151 CE

2152 CE

2155 CE

  • The Systems Alliance begins to occupy completed areas of Arcturus Station. The training of Alliance military personnel is relocated to the station as of that year.

2157 CE

  • Pluto's orbit becomes circular as a result of Mass Relay usage. The shared orbit of Pluto and the Charon Relay is cleared of planetessimals; the International Astronomical Union upgrades Pluto's status from "dwarf planetoid" to "planet".

2159 CE

2160 CE

2162 CE

  • Arcturus Station is finally completed, though it has already been in use for six years.

2163 CE

2165 CE

2167 CE

2169 CE

2170 CE

2171 CE

2176 CE

2177 CE

  • Fifty Alliance Marines under the command of Nikolai Odell are killed when their camp is ambushed by a Thresher Maw on Akuze. Odell and the survivors successfully killed the creature, saving the lives of the colonists.

2178 CE

Mass Effect

2183 CE

Common Era (CE)

  • The Rachni Wars
  • The Krogan Rebellions
  • The Geth War

Systems Alliance