John Jackson

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Detective John Jackson
John Jackson.jpg

Jonathan Jackson, Jr



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}} {{#if:21 (6 May 1970)|

21 (6 May 1970)

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Eye Color

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Hair Color

}} {{#if:Chicago, Illinois|

Chicago, Illinois

}} {{#if:† Elizabeth Jackson|

† Elizabeth Jackson

{{#if:† Jonathan Jackson, Sr
(adopt.) Jackson "Jack" Carter|

† Jonathan Jackson, Sr
(adopt.) Jackson "Jack" Carter

{{#if:Jason Harriman
Thomas Harriman|






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Other Relatives
Thermodynamic Telekinesis
Currently None

{{ #if:Los Angeles|

Los Angeles

Detective John Jackson is a veteran member of the New York Police Department. Following a string of hard-to-solve crimes committed by individuals with mutant powers, Jackson became one of the founding and senior members of the NYPD's Mutant Crimes Unit. When a similar unit was established in Los Angeles, Jackson agreed to travel to California as an "ambassador of goodwill" from New York's MCU, to assist during their fledgeling stages.

Jonathan Jackson Junior was born in Chicago: the son of a Police Detective and his musician wife. His life in the city was short however; his mother was killed in a car accident when he was three years old and, hoping to escape the ghosts and memories that the city held for him, John Jackson Senior moved to Brooklyn and joined the NYPD.

John was eleven when his father died, shot by a suspect that he and his partner were trying to arrest. John was adopted by "Uncle Jack" - Detective Jackson Carter, his father's partner - but was raised with a department full of surrogate uncles and aunts in the shape of his father's old collegues.

It was inevitable that John would join the police force, and by the turn of the century he had become a Detective, partnered with Dwayne Stiles. As crimes committed by mutants began to increase in New York, the NYPD found itself needing to evolve with the times and find new ways to combat them. Jackson and his mutant was an asset that New York's newly-formed Mutant Crimes Unit could not afford to ignore.

For about a year, Jackson pursued a romantic relationship with Phillipa Heller, the representative of the District Attorney's office to the New York MCU. Like John she was a mutant, and for several months their relationship was blissful. But before long their respective powers got in the way: Jackson's psychometry forced him to relive the emotions of every argument they ever had, over and over again; and Phillipa's eidetic memory refused to let her forget the reasons. The two parted on less than amiable terms, and have not spoken since.

A month or so later, New York MCU was approached by Michael Stern: an LAPD officer establishing a similar unit in Los Angeles. Having met Jackson before, he personally requested his help as an advisor and ambassador: to help bring the Los Angeles MCU get off the ground, and to provide cooperation and resource sharing between the LAPD and NYPD. Feeling that the change of scenery would do him some good, Captain Sean Pope agreed to "loan" Jackson to the LAPD on an indefinate basis.

Powers / Abilities
Psychometry - Jackson is able to sense the psychic imprint left on objects and areas by powerful or intense emotion. Older imprints only provide vague emotions, but with fresher imprints he experiences flashes of thought and image as well: enough to discern the cause of the emotion, but not to identify who it is specifically directed at. He can only sense the imprint on inanimate objects: he cannot read emotions from people.
Current Timeline of Roleplays
Out of Character

Jace has been around on the site since January 2007. He knows all the things, including board lore, random trivia, and really really terrible jokes and puns.

Star Wars
                    Inyos Aamoran : Jaden Luka : Amos Iakona : Vittore Montegue  : Lúka Jibral

Achilles Sienar-Santhe : Ambassador Wrath : Atton Kira : Ceto Rübezahl : Delgado Xaanan : Soto Terius : Torrsk Oruo'rel : Tristan Tahmores : Vansen Tyree

Adonis Inirial : Aiden Tahmores : Alexander Tur'enne : Alexi : Amaros Koine : Amés Falcon Liszt : Aonar : Arnan Jsorra : Augustus Valorum : Avar Adamas : Azrin Shadowstar
Chir'daki : Crotalus Viridis : Eckard Batāna : Elias Akasha : Ernan Jsorra : Ethan Tahmores : Garrick Kane : Ghtroc the Hutt : Hugo Montegue : Issiodorr Enssiss : J'onn Scarlet
Jaan Furlow : Jaron : John Glayde : Justin Dechen : Kalibac : Kelvin Stark : Khalid : Kieran Luka : Kijirra Adhaferra : Kolya : Lazuli : Father Lucian : Lujayne Barzilai : Lux
Mace Riko : Mackenzie Tallen : Mandalore the Liberator : Marhaus : Max Valorum : Maximus Whitesun : Merrin Altink : Muridaemus-musculus : Nen Lev'i : Niomon Terius
Nix Neutron : Norio Itzalizar : Nychus Antirr : Oisin Ocasta : Olso Ayl : Oolan Valx'ir : Ophion Rübezahl : Oran Jsorra : Orenth : Ouran Akasha : Prael Atalon
Quin-Tain Starwind : Red Queen : Regan Altink : Rinzai Terius : Rurrick Grov : Ryota Navarro : Sabinian Tellar : Sphyrna Mokarran : Thaumas Drude : Trance Farani
Tukphen : Ulysses Cygnus, Jr : Usil Anansi : Varon Farani : Vhiran Antilles : Victor Montegue : Vulcan Tanner : Vyna Moyzenvyo : Xanthos Asael : Xi Vanadís
Yon the Butcher : Zane Brasko

Ayla : Trip : Sleazy : R4-K8 : Bumblebee : Greg & Abby : Lapis : Ivy : STE-V : D.M.O.

Andor Tyree : Anpher Inirial : Benton Inirial : Gideon Lazuli : Lance Inirial : Mandan Hidatsa : Pharos Inirial

† : Crichton Stark : Ecidae Mandrill : Jacob Tur'enne

Al-Maisan : Contras Ath-Thu'ban : Cor Leonis : Nair al Saif

The Force Awakens
DC Comics