Section 13

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Military Intelligence, Section 13
Paranormal Investigations
Counter (Mutant) Terrorism
Thames House
(ex) RAF Pitreavie Castle
Security Service (MI5)
British Government

Established during the Second World War, Military Intelligence, Section 13 was one of a total of nineteen intelligence sections providing information on Nazi Germany and her allies. In particular, Section 13 dealt with the occult aspects of Nazi research, particularly focusing on their search for religious artifacts and their ambitions towards breeding an Aryan race of superhumans. Amongst their early investigations, they discovered the first indications of what was eventually understood to be mutation, and the x-gene.


Operation Pelius

Named for a weapon from Greek mythology, Pelius is the codename of an MI-13 task force that operated during the Second World War. Their primary focus was on finding ways to employ persons with supernatural abilities as part of the war effort. Rather than emulating the efforts of the United States in developing a super soldier for use as a propoganda tool however, Operation Pelius focussed primarily on training empowered individuals in covert and commando techniques.

Operation Damocles

A decade or so after the Second World War, the focus of MI-13 changed. The new MI-13 used a combination of specially trained military officers and individuals with supernatural abilities, in order to investigate and combat threats to the United Kingdom from persons of a similar nature: the figurative sword hanging over the head of Great Britain that it's codename Damocles references.

The operation was moved to a new headquarters in Scotland, from which it provided support to the Secuity Service (MI5), the Intelligence Service (MI6), various law enforcement agencies, and other branches of the military and government as well. It's agents were considered experts in "assessing, containing, and combatting threats of a supernatural nature".

However, with government and military budgets severely taxed after the recession of the 1980s, it was decided that the operation of MI-13 could no longer be afforded. It's headquarters was closed, and it's personnel were either made redundant or reassigned, with MI5 taking over the state security aspect of it's mandate.

Current Status

There has been a recent - minor, though noticable - peak in mutant activity in Great Britain over the last decade or so, now that mutation has become a more publically-recognised situation. After attacks were made by an unknown element against former members of Operation Damocles, a number of other former agents were reactivated in order to consult with MI5 on the ongoing threat to national security.

Notable Members


