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In Character

Personal Information
Name: Michael Rodermark
Known As: Jude
Age: Unknown
Birthplace: London, England
Species: Vampire
Clan: Malkavian
Title: n/a
Physical Description
Gender: Male
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Other Information
Sire: Unknown
Generation: Nineth
Childer: None


Physical Appearance


Character Perceptions

Ask around and you'll quickly find that there is no unanimous opinion on Clan Malkavian. While everyone thinks they're mad, no one is quite sure what else to think. This is the case for Jude. The exact details of his past are unknown. Jude himself has told numerous different and contradicting stories about his life. While the kindred population are always wary of an unpredictable Malkavian, the majority would not view Jude as a threat.

Extended History

Born April 2, 1862. Committed to Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum in late 1884, after having numerous visions of his 'dead' brother Gabriel. Embraced into Clan Malkavian on July 20, 1885 by an unknown vampire.

Out Of Character

See Dasquian Belargic.