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There is some contention over whether or not so-called Metal Magic is really a Magic unto itself, or simply a derivative of Earth Magic. Rather than being able to shape stone, those gifted with Metal are able to weld and reform many minerals. Metal mages are often given the title of Smith, as many of them make their livings in the forges of Dalriada. Metal Magic also grants the user enhanced strength. The swash-buckling Glauca are, perhaps unexpectedly, strong in the use of Metal Magic. Many of the Ankaaric magi are also skilled Smiths, as are the Men of Midgard. Based in the forges Bai-Ulgan, The Order of Hephaes is the largest known sect of Smiths in Midgard.

A Metal affinity can also cause someone to become a master swordsman, if they learn to use their powers in that area.

Sorcerers who use Metal Magic are unable to use Wood Magic and Air Magic.

Metal Affinity Characters

primary affinity

secondary affinity