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Revision as of 02:14, 23 May 2007 by LilaenaDeVille-2830 (Talk | contribs)
- Aurelias Kazaar, the loose cannon
- Estelle Russard, the Kid
Survival follows the adventures of Aurelias and Estelle as their 'standard' diplomatic mission goes awry over the planet Trandosha. As the Rebel Calamari Cruiser Memory of the Organas is double-crossed by the Trandoshans, the two Rebel Intelligence agents find themselves on the surface of a most unforgiving planet.
Together with the Wookiee diplomat Lahakka, they must escape slavers and other horrors. Above all, they must survive.
Sneak Peek
It was a simple 'escort' mission, make sure th'diplomat ensuring Trandosha's admittance into the Rebellion made it out alive, then go back t'Coruscant. Simple, right? Psh they never frackin' were. Turns out, it was a Wookiee who'd set up this meeting between the Rebellion and the Lizardheads. How one of those walkin' carpets had set it up, who knew...but he'd done it...the two were meeting. So it'd be interesting t'see what the two sides would actually talk 'bout. Certainly, the Rebellion wouldn't be happy 'bout Trandosha's slaving, nor would the Trandoshans be happy 'bout the Wookiees' involvement. But the Rebel Agent left that up to th'fracking diplos and their 'great minds'. Another snort from Kazaar. He hated diplomats almost (almost) as much as he hated th'Empire. All they did was frackin' talk.
- Aurelias Kazaar, post five.