4 AE

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This is for a timeline of our Star Wars roleplays. Edit your contributions into this article. Please include character names in the thread descriptions when possible.

AE = After Endor

Timeline Sections

  • Before Endor
  • 1 AE - The year after Endor
  • 2 AE - Second year after Endor
  • 3 AE - Third year after Endor
  • 4 AE - Fourth year after Endor


3 Years, 1 Month AE

3 Years, 2 Months AE

3 Years, 3 Months AE

3 Years, 4 Months AE

3 Years, 5 Months AE

3 Years, 6 Months AE

3 Years, 7 Months AE

3 Years, 8 Months AE

3 Years, 9 Months AE

3 Years, 10 Months AE

3 Years, 11 Months AE

3 Years, 12 Months AE