4 AE

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This is for a timeline of our Star Wars roleplays. Edit your contributions into this article. Please include character names in the thread descriptions when possible.

AE = After Endor

Timeline Sections

  • Before Endor
  • 1 AE - The year after Endor
  • 2 AE - Second year after Endor
  • 3 AE - Third year after Endor
  • 4 AE - Fourth year after Endor


3 Years, 1 Month AE

Charlotte Tur'enne receives a mission report that informs her that her former taskforce with the 5th regiment have all been killed in action. This knoweldge combined with the junior officer's normally firey temper brings her into direct confrontation with her brother, Captain Mara Tallen, and finally her commanding officer, Major John Glayde

Several days after learning of the demise of her former squadron, Charlotte Tur'enne and Dashiel Starborn are teamed up once more to investigate a mysterious sudden malfunction with a Bothan water siphoning plant on the planet of Nelvaan.

3 Years, 2 Months AE

3 Years, 3 Months AE

3 Years, 4 Months AE

3 Years, 5 Months AE

3 Years, 6 Months AE

3 Years, 7 Months AE

3 Years, 8 Months AE

3 Years, 9 Months AE

3 Years, 10 Months AE

3 Years, 11 Months AE

3 Years, 12 Months AE