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R. S. Esalis is the current director of ImpIntel.


Headed by Director Isard, ImpIntel stood for Imperial Intelligence Headquarters. The group was originally cerated in September 2000 by GrandAdmiralThrawn and Director Isard, and initially its members were almost completely made up of Roleplaying newcomers as they had been a fan fiction group from another messageboard. ImpIntel was a sub-group of The Galactic Empire with its own ezboard, and later part of the Imperial Nexus.

The board was split into categories of the various Intel skills, but the exact names are no longer known.

The board kept a relatively low number of members and finally dissolved in 2001, although some of its members still roleplayed actively.

At some point during late 2000, Pierce Tondry was made assistant director and Intel's man on Coruscant, and he remained a secret agent for the Empire even after the group didn't exist anymore.

Other known Members: