Aurelias Kazaar

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In Character

Personal Information
Name: Aurelias Kazaar
Age: 35 GSY
Birthplace: Aldera City, Alderaan
Species: Human
Marital Status: Single
Physical Description
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 241
Gender: Male
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Father: Dead
Mother: Vera (Dead)
Droids and Ships
  • HWK-200-class freighter The Flying Dutchman
  • YT-2000 class freighter The Night Train
  • R7 droid named 'Trey'


A young Aurelias Kazaar in the service of Gorgja the Hutt.

An Alderaanian by birth, Kazaar grew up on Brentaal. As a teenager he ran errands for a minor crime lord named Garfield Tidar, until Tidar was killed during a takeover by Gorgja the Hutt. One rumor suggests, Kazaar was the one who let Gorgja's men into into his compound.

Kazaar's parents were active in protesting the power grabs made by then Chancellor Palpatine. They were both killed during the Ghorman Massacre, when Grand Moff Tarkin (then a younger officer) landed his ship on a group of protestors demonstrating against Palpatine's taxation. Kazaar retaliated, killing three Imperials in an apparent bar fight (the investigation was never completed but Kazaar still spent almost a year in jail).

During his tenure with Gorgja, Kazaar gained some notereity after claiming the bounty on Zimar Tooklutu, a Aqualish soldier-for-hire, accused of raping a Hapan princess.

Seven years before the Battle of Yavin, Kazaar left Gorgja and joined the Rebellion where he was assigned to the Rebel Army and assigned to Dantooine.

Kazaar's service in the Rebel Army is known for two incidents, one when he was involved with several skirmishes against Imperials during the resistance at Corellia.

The second, and more infamous, happened during the Battle of Kuat his commanding officer, Captain Pax Harkan, discovered Kazaar torturing an Imperial Officer for information on the TIE Interceptor. Kazaar was immediately arrested and dishonorably discharged. Recruited to RebelOps shortly afterwards.

Kazaar is partnered with Estelle Russard.


Kazaar was a former Rebel soldier who worked as a bounty hunter for Gorgja the Hutt. He was based off of Kuat.

Out Of Character

Kazaar's real name is Taylor and he lives in North Central Texas. He is currently a news/traffic reporter in the DFW Metroplex and can be heard on most radio stations.