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Malachi Rayner

Allegiance: Brotherhood

Age: 19

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 190 lbs

Nationality: North American

Powers: When suffering a fatal incident body will heal itself of all impurities. Wounds, illnesses, scars, etc. Resurrection takes a few minutes. Has been shown to regenerate from any 'death'. Shooting, stabbing, suicide, natural causes, etc.

Weaknesses: Body will not heal until point of death. All wounds/illnesses suffered remain until that point.

Bio: Has been on his own since the age of 12 - when he and his parents discovered his mutation after he first passed away. A sickly youth, he died of natural causes, only to resurrect on the way to the hospital morgue. His parents, being extremely religious saw it as a devilish omen and cast him from the family, going as far as to hold a funeral for son.

He has died multiple times since then. Once when a friend's gun went off, once through an suicide attempt, once from a hate-crime stabbing, once when hit by a truck while attempting to save a little girl in it's path, and then the next day when her brother - blaming him for her injuries shot him in the face. As well as several since, including stepping in front of a bullet meant for a young mutant girl.

He has a dislike people in general and tends to stay by himself, has had no real friends or associates until his recent involvement with the brotherhood.