Irkhaniel Feskin

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Irkhaniel Feskin
Irkhaniel Feskin
At Death: 37 GSY
Eye Color
Hair Color
Home Planet
The Jedi Order
Jedi Master
Ulgrim Manastare
Istina Ch'fer
Kerlos, Shamasi, Vanel, Mathazar, (Irkhaniel), Rexan, Massie

" You will know that you are chosen - not by me, nor by the Jedi, but by the Force - to bear the weight and responsibilities of its gifts. A Jedi must bear these burdens with equanimity by virtue of necessity, for the power of our emotions manifests much more dramatically than it would if we were not in touch with the Force. Any bitterness at our lack of choice in this matter must be let go quickly so that we may understand that our lives will not be defined by serving ourselves, but instead by serving others. "
―Jedi Master Irkhaniel Feskin to his padawan, Istina Ch'fer
Irkhaniel Feskin was born in 60 BBE, the fifth of seven children to Mayor and Hadda Feskin, on the world of Dantooine. He was the only member of his family to exhibit Force sensitivity of a strength to be regarded as eligible to become a Jedi. During his childhood on Dantooine, he would levitate objects to entertain his younger siblings, and diffuse arguments between his siblings if he could. Mathazar, jealous of his brother's abilities, bullied him; the young Irkhaniel never fought back, though he was often brought to tears at the jibes of his elder sibling.

He came to the attention of the Jedi at the age of four, when a Jedi came to the planet to investigate a strange creature said to be drawn by the echoes of the Force in the ruins of the Jedi Academy there. The Jedi Knight Ulgrim Manastare took as a guide Mayor Feskin, who brought along his young son Irkhaniel.

Irkhaniel: "You glow. Almost like the glow of the ruins, but it's like you're burning more than the ruins or the planet or any animal I've ever seen."
Ulgrim: "What do you mean?"
Irkhaniel: " Whenever I lift something but don't touch it, it starts burning white (the flames almost touch me!), but doesn't get hot."
— Ulgrim Manastare and Irkhaniel Feskin{{#if:|[[|[src]]]}}

Intrigued by the youngster, Ulgrim sought him out once his investigation of the creature was complete. To his surprise, he found that Irkhaniel could see the Force around and within anything around him when he concentrated. Determined to hone this boy's potential, he convinced Mayor and Hadda to allow Irkhaniel to become a Jedi. His brother and sister, Shamasi and Vanel, also displayed sensitivity to the Force, but were not strong enough to be taught. The young boy promised his tearful sister and somewhat bitter brother that he would return and teach them what he could.

It was somewhat difficult to get the Council to see the boy, but once they were shown his great ability and the potential it promised, they allowed for Ulgrim to train the boy as his padawan; the brightness of the Temple and the Council in the Force prompted him to wear a blindfold wherever he went until he gained control of his Force-Seeing ability.

Irkhaniel progressed normally, learning the intricacies of using Force abilities quickly, disliking sabre practice, though he was able enough in those as well, sensing that they had meditative potential. As his skills grew, he gained more control over his sight, but beyond using the ability for a number of small tasks, they were unable to hone it to the level the Miraluka were once fabled to see. This did not irk him however, and he accepted the limits of his ability with grace.

Irkhaniel was Knighted in 37 BBE at the age of twenty-three, after having turned down the invitation to the trials twice, citing that "it didn't feel right" to do so before then. By this time, Irkhaniel had gained noteworthy control over his sight, allowing himself to see normally and "in the Force" when he desired to. He completed his first few missions with only a little trouble, but after his sixth mission he disappeared for two months; when he returned, he spoke of what had happened only with Yoda and no other.

It was five years after his knighting that he was raised to the rank of Jedi Master, but he did not choose a padawan until he was 33, in 27 BBE: a young twelve year old girl by the name of Istina Ch'fer. Some concerns were raised about the turn in the relationship between them that could occur due to the intimacy of their bonds, and training, especially when Istina grew older; these were mostly raised due to the rarity of mixed gender master-padawan teams, though it was not unheard of. Irkhaniel then revealed that he was a homosexual, though he was a steadfast practitioner and adherent to the Jedi's rule of celibacy. Sensing no lie or duplicity in Irkhaniel, the Council allowed the assignment of Istina as Irkhaniel's student, and she began her tutelage in the ways of the Jedi.

Master Feskin died during the battle of Geonosis four years later, leading a squad of Clone Troopers into battle. The squad lost contact with him when the dust wave from a Confederate starship's crash enveloped their position reducing visibility dramatically. He is assumed dead.

Skills and Abilities
Irkhaniel was adept at using a wide variety of Force powers and abilities, though he had no talent for Battle Meditation or anything of the sort. While adept with a lightsabre, he was no master of it, preferring instead to give himself up to the Force in direct combat, allowing it to make up for his deficiencies, and keeping him from trying to over-analyse his opponent. He was said to be so well honed in the Force Telekinesis that he could use Force Push as a shield against a lightsabre, allowing him time to gain some distance and to disarm and subdue his opponent. He abhorred violence, but was endowed with an indomitable will, aiding him greatly in subduing Force sensitive opponents. His greatest abilities were known to be in his ability to see the varying degrees of the Force within a person he was speaking with face to face, watching the flow of the Force through the person and the energy they gave off; through this he could sense if someone was lying, or if they were troubled by some emotion that was overwhelming them.