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Nerf Steak ................ 20 credits
Nerf Steak ................ 20 credits
== Wine List ==
== Beverage List ==
'''Abrax Cognac'''
'''Abrax Cognac'''
a pale blue, alcoholic distilled spirit. It was favored by New Republic General Salm.
a pale blue, alcoholic distilled spirit. It was favored by New Republic General Salm.

Revision as of 22:11, 3 June 2007

It's a bar...

in Cloud City.

The ONLY place in the Galaxy to get "Yog's Grog!" Open all day and night for all your entertainment needs! Dinner, dancing, gaming, private suites and a nightly stage show featuring the lovely and talented Miss Lili von Wolfson known throughout the sector for her unique melodic tones.

Cloud 9, an affordable* slice of heaven among the clouds.

*Ask about our frequent diner cards. ~ Mu Satach


Nerf Steak ................ 20 credits

Beverage List

Abrax Cognac a pale blue, alcoholic distilled spirit. It was favored by New Republic General Salm.

Alderaanian Ale this fermented, alcoholic beverage was brewed from the fragrant grains once native to Alderaan.

Algae Sugar this sweetener is created from the dried extracts of certain forms of algae. It is often dissolved in water and fermented, then consumed as a alcoholic beverage.

Andoan Ale green, alcoholic beverage. Angerian Fishak Surprise this mixed, alcoholic drink was a favorite at the Binary Bar on Venaari.

Antakarian Fire Dancer this was a potent alcoholic drink.

Bantha Blaster a green and pink alcoholic drink that fizzes and pops as it goes down your throat.

Bantha-blood Fizz an alcoholic drink made from clarified bantha blood. Barium Frizz an alcoholic concoction created by Wuher.

Bellorian Ale a malted, alcoholic beverage fermented in Elrood Sector.

Blue Dwarf an alcoholic beverage.

Breath of Heaven an expensive, nearly pure grade of alcoholic drink.

Cassandra Sunrise this alcoholic beverage is similar to a Tatooine Sunburn, only much more potent.

Chagarian Ale an alcoholic beverage.

Carshoulis Blood Wine a dark red elixir.

Chartash this abundant Adumari grain is the primary ingredient in their basic alcohols. It can be fermented into a hard liquor or an ale.

Corellian Twister an alcoholic beverage.

Cortyg this is a strong alcohol produced by the Wookiees.

Dagobah aka "Yog's Grog" boiling hot water, rum, lime juice w/ a stick of cinnamon and a cube of dry ice. Created by Mu Satach in honor of Master Yog who prior to the reset owned and operated Yog's Bar & Grill.

Danaru this rich, tasty beverage is fermented from terrberries, spicy nuts, and stored in Parein Sweetgreen fruit shells. At first, the drink is highly refreshing. However, the alcohol content hits you hard about a half-hour later. It originated on Parein II 4.

Dentarian Ripple a deceivingly strong alcoholic drink.

Desert Bloom this mixed, alcoholic drink was popular at the Bantha Traxx establishment on Lianna.

Dorian Quill an alcoholic beverage aged 12 years or more.

Doth Brandy this well-aged alcoholic spirit is considered a delicacy by the rich and powerful. It compliments the taste of tranna nougat, and is often consumed with the sweet candy.

Dun Brandy an aged alcohol favored by the Krish.

Durindfire an alcoholic concoction that uses a phosphorescent agent to make it light up.

Ebla Beer an alcoholic brew favored by Captain Huba.

Elba Water a non-alcoholic beverage created from elba.

Endrolian Ground-apple Juice this beverage is supposedly non-alcoholic, but it can be quickly fermented into a fine spirit.

Eyeblaster this was a mixed, alcoholic drink favored during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy.

Frosty Sulphate an alcoholic concoction created by Wuher.

Fruit Fizz a non-alcoholic drink favored by many of the New Republic's starfighter pilots.

Garrmorl this is a potent alcohol created by the Wookiees.

Golly Molly an electric blue bitter sweet non-alcoholic drink garnished with a cherry.

Grakkyn this fruit is native to the planet Kashyyyk. The flesh and juice of the grakkyn are fermented to create a potent, alcoholic beverage.

Gralish Liqueur a form of alcohol preferred by Moranda Savich.

Gruvian Tovash this was an alcoholic spirit produced on the planet Gruvia. It was favored by Koth Melan and many other Bothans. It was discovered that Gruvian Tovash, when mixed with ryll spice, reacted with incendiary force. Many criminals made bombs by smuggling ryll into an event and the mixing it with the liquor pruchased from the bar. Ryll addicts often drank a shot of Tovash after consuming ryll, burping up puffs of blue smoke as a way to impress their friends.

Halmad Prime this grain alcohol was one of the primary exports of the planet Halmad. It was regarded as the best, and most expensive, alcohol produced on Halmad, and was only available on its world of distillation through the black market. Almost all Halmad Prime was shipped off to Imperial worlds.

Ice Blaster an alcoholic beverage made from Sullustan gin.

Idlewil Liquor this rare, expensive alcohol was distilled by the Shashay.

Isothane this alcoholic beverage is often served with water and ice.

Jargridian Brandy an inexpensive alcohol, Jargridian Brandy was the favorite of Brooser.

Jawa Juice this mixed, alcoholic drink was popular at the Bantha Traxx establishment on Lianna.

Johrian Whiskey this was a blue-green grain alcohol.

Kyrf this fruit, grown on a single plantation on the planet Korbin, is often fermented to create an alcoholic beverage also called kyrf. The kyrf fruit is quite flavorful, and the alcohol is quite powerful. Cross-Galactic handles all the exportation of kyrf liquor, which is produced by Drelmar Bin.

L'lahsh this was a distinctive, blue-green alcohol distilled from the nectar of the blossoms of the t'iil plant. Because each t'iil blossom only produces a single droplet of nectar, and because they must be picked by hand, hundreds of thousands of blossoms must be harvested each year to produce a small vintage of l'lahsh. This forced the price of l'lahsh to a high level, especially offplanet.

Megavegiton Ale this alcoholic beverage is favored by Yarblok Yemm.

Meltdown this alcoholic beverage is similar to a Reactor Core. It is made from Spice Liquor and Lum.

Merenzane Gold a subtle, sweet-tasting alcoholic beverage that has been brewed in the galaxy for thousands of years. Depending on the vintage, it can be quite expensive. It was the favored beverage of Kardue'sai'Malloc, who consumed it under the alias of Labria.

Moonshine Molly the alcoholic version of the Golly Molly it's an electric blue bitter sweet drink garnished with a cherry, however if it is drunk too fast it will knock you out as it's key ingredient is Breath of Heaven.

Narcolethe this Mandalorian alcohol is famous in the Outer Rim Territories.

Nikta this frothy, powerful alcoholic beverage was created by the Nikto race.

Noonian Fixer this alcoholic concoction was guaranteed to make you forget your troubles.

Orryxian Catsblood an alcoholic beverage favored in the Outer Rim.

Osskum Ale an alcoholic beverage.

Pica Thundercloud a green, alcoholic beverage which is sipped, rather than mixed or swilled.

Pink Lizard Thunderbolt this alcoholic concoction is similar to an Elshandruu Pica Thundercloud, and is named for the indeterminate species of small reptiles that created it.

Polaris Ale an alcoholic brew favored by Muftak the Talz, it is best served tepid.

Potwa Beer an alcoholic brew created by the Gamorreans.

Reactor Core many individuals claim that this alcoholic beverage should only be available via prescription. It is made from Spice Liquor and Blue Tonic.

Renan Irongut this strong, alcoholic concoction is named for what you need to have in order to drink one.

Rhuvian Fizz an alcoholic drink.

Ruby Bliel this non-alcoholic drink is a favorite of young children.

Rummy Tonic an alcoholic beverage.

Rydan Beer an alcoholic brew.

Satach Screamer Only Mirko Spendrim knows what's in this drink. It's been described as an "obnoxious shade of purple." Mirko describes it as, "Its one of those drinks you think you can just man up and down the whole thing, but about half-way something starts to creep up behind your eyes and before you know it, you got way more than you can handle."

Savareen Brandy Stinger an alcoholic drink favored by Tribune Challer, Ysanne Isard's agent put a lethal dose of poison in one for him. Challer was killed almost instantly by the poison.

Settov Hammer a strong alcoholic beverage.

Silika Water a highly-potent alcoholic distillation created by the Silika race.

Skannbult Likker this alcoholic drink is made from surplus dust-corn and dry gene wheat on the planet Skann. It has been described as the galaxy's most volatile form of fire-water.

Snillik a thick liquer that Lando often ordered when a sabacc match requires alcoholic consumption. He chose snillik because it tastes awful, so he must sip it slowly. It is produced somewhere in the Core Systems.

Spenny Cola A fizzy brown drink with a bit of a sweet after taste.

Spice Liquor a potent form of alcohol made from fermented spice extracts.

Splicer Corellian Ale

Starshine Surprise a mixed, alcoholic beverage. It is named for the first thing you notice after drinking one: the starfield whirling in front of your eyes as you hit the ground.

Sullustan Gin an intergalactic alcoholic spirit.

Talmog an alcoholic drink made from equal parts of ethanol and Lyme's rose juice.

Tarkenian Nightflower an alcoholic drink.

Tatooine Sunburn a thick, bitter-tasting alcoholic beverage. It is created by placing two Starshine Surprises in one glass, and was named for the twin stars Tatoo I and Tatoo II.

Thikkiian Brandy this potent alcoholic beverages is created by Wookiees.

T'ill-t'iil a sparkling alcoholic drink similar to champagne, served chilled for best flavor.

Ugorian Spore-gruel this is the preferred alcoholic beverage of the Ugor race.

Veronian Berry Wine a non-alcoholic drink.

Vishay Water this is a mildly alcoholic, carbonated beverage.

Wookiee-wango an alcoholic beverage made with Sullustan gin and stirred, not shaken.

Zadarian Brandy a smooth, fermented alcohol.


A private club hidden within Cloud 9.