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Revision as of 16:14, 7 February 2010


Jake Daniels
Eye Color
Hair Color
Home Planet
Dantella IV
Maria Daniels
Jack Daniels

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Official Background
Jake Daniels is a Sith Knight with no allegiance to any order of the Dark Side. Known amongst most circles by the name Darth Gravis, he is currently a restaurant owner on the planet of Dantooine. Almost all understand that this is a front to fund his private operations, however big or small those operations may be.
Biographical Information

The planet of Dantella IV, a modest, more middle class planet thrived for centuries, living off its own natural resources and the planets natural skill of working out trades and deals with nearby systems. No one with the exception of the politicians were grossly wealthy and most people survived with a modest income. Among the populace were a young married couple, Jacob and Maria Daniels. Both were well known pharmaceutical scientists who owned their own private company as well as a chain of pharmacies within Ple City. When the pair received financial independence that began to try for children. They were immediately blessed with Jake. The pregnancy was routine and very text book. At each stage Maria was where she needed to be. Jake grew healthy within her womb and as a result Maria remained healthy herself. When the birth came Maria retired from the stores to remain a stay at home mother. They offered Jake the best of what they could get. Within their home they spared no extra expense and used it to ensure the safety and continued growth of their young infant. As Daniels grew through his first year, he astonished his parents at how quickly he could walk and talk. He showed an inquisitive nature and even seemed to understand what his parents would say to him at a faster rate than most children his age. The young Jake had become the child of any parents dreams.

At Jakes second birthday, his parents had gone out to finish preparations, leaving Jake with an elderly care giver. Stefan', the Daniels neighbors had often looked over the young toddler, especially now that his mother was pregnant with their second child, a daughter they planned to name Fall. It was not until Stefan' began to act differently and night fell that Jake began to realize something was not right. The boy cried, screamed, yelled and threw things in angry fits through the night, screaming for his parents. All Stefan' could do was try and keep Jake calm. The next day Stefan' took Jake back to his home, however his parents were not there. As they entered the home, the older man knelt down to Jake and let him know that his Mommy and Daddy would no longer be coming home. He gently broke the news as simply as possible that they were involved in an accident and were now in a better place. Jake understood more than Stefan' predicted and all the boy did was hold his now legal guardian. During the rest of his second and well into his third year of life, Jake did not speak. He did not smile. He did not laugh and he hardly played. The loss of his family had taken its toll on the young boy. As the young boy struggled within, Stefan' worked vigorously to preserve the Daniels fortune. Taking the young Daniels to court time and again, he battle the board of the pharmaceutical company as well as the board to the pharmacy chain to ensure they remained the Daniels family sole possession. In what became a planetary spectacle of family rights, the Dantellian Supreme Court agreed with Stefan' and stated that for the lifetime of Jake Daniels, the pharmaceutical company and pharmacy stores would remain his. Until his eighteenth birthday, Stefan' would act as the head to both organizations. Any profits earned from the businesses would be put into two accounts. The first being an account for Stefan' so he had funds to help raise Jake, the other a savings account Jake would receive on that eighteenth birthday.

Jake remained a relatively quiet child though he began to talk once more. Stefan' put him into pre-school before kindergarten. Jakes memory was remarkable. He distinguished colors and learned the alphabet. He understood numbers and could perform basic math skills. When he entered primary school, Jake excelled to the top of his class. Math showed to be his least favorite of subject but science and history were his best. Stefan' hired a private tutor who spent two hours with Jake at the end of each school day, drilling math and science into the young boy. He knew that Jake was just like his parents and if he could keep him focused on Science and Math, he would prove to be a great leader for his companies. When Jake hit puberty, Stefan' instilled the idea of manners and how to act like a gentleman. Using the code that men in the Daniels family had used for generations, the guardian turned Jake from a hormonal teen into a near perfect young man when it came to treating ladies with respect. As Jake passed through junior high school and then high school, he continued to learn about his family history and codes through Stefan'. Being a star on his schools speech and debate team, Daniels had no problem developing friends through his first year. When Stefan' learned of Jakes growing interest in the opposite sex, he ensured he instilled in the young Daniels the code of a gentleman.Jake learned the greatest respect a man could give a woman is to show he has the self-control not to try and get her into bed upon first introductions. By following this code, Daniels would set himself apart from every other human male around the galaxy.

Known Sith Masters
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Force Abilities
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Known Possessions
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Darth Gravis was a renowned duelist, often overpowering and outmaneuvering most Jedi on occasion. Since his talent as a duelist had evolved in such fashion, Gravis was an extremelly prideful being and often found comfort in his own strength. Unlike others, Gravis very rarely kept his arrogance in line. When he defeated an opponent, Gravis ensured his opponent was run down both physically as well as mentally. More often than not, the man gloated about his triumph as a way of destroying or cracking the confidence of his opponent. Still, there were extremelly rare instances in which Gravis humbled himself towards people he felt were superior to him.

Though most people found his arrogance to be the downside of his strength, no one tried to argue the mans bravery. Even when only an Apprentice, Gravis fearlessly went into battle against people, even those immensely more powerful than he in the ways of the force. Despite this bravery, Gravis was known to be extremelly reluctant and and went to great lengths to be cautious and wary of people; this often led to him coming off as intense, unmoving and uncaring. Gravis trusted very few people and even amongst those few, only a couple could say they knew the man behind the name of Gravis. As a result his personal relationships suffered greatly.

The Apprentice was a top of the line commander and combat strategist. This was displayed during his planets inter-system civil dispute which saw the then Apprentice taking up a military command for his home planet. On the battle field, Gravis' personality rarely shifted though his men learned quickly that he was a gifted tactician. Before a battle, Gravis always found it necessary to address his opposing field commander. Most Generals who faced Gravis often viewed him as a great diplomat as well as a great oratarian. Though Gravis was commanding the Dantellian 31st, he preferred to operate alone - especially when on a mission. Given his naturally solitary nature, Gravis understood that though he was a skilled combatant within a cohesive unit, he was much deadlier alone. Still, even for Gravis, the Sith failed missions and when he did, he often fell back and went in search of personal insight to better himself.

The Sith understood that when he failed, he messed up. Where other Sith blamed their failures on other aspects, outside issues such as environment, the incompetence of others, or unseen circumstances, the Apprentice knew that it was ultimately his decision making that cost him dearly. In these instances, the Apprentice would meditate; often disappearing while he began to contemplate his next move and reflect to ensure he did not make the same mistake twice.

Gravis, though cautious, was renowned for being highly aggressive and showing an outright dominate side. His aggression often got the better of the Sith and routinely resulted in other emotions flurrying forth, such as jealousy. When in private, no matter with who, he ensured his dominance was recognized to some degree. When in meeting with other Sith, he did more talking than he normally would have done with other people regardless of Affiliation - often times making disparaging remarks or openly challenging them to try and find a way into the thinking process of his fellow dark siders. This resulted in him becoming highly judgmental of his fellow Sith.

Because of his personal successes Gravis viewed any order of Sith as weak. He believed each Sith was their own Order, their own Council and ultimately their own army. Obviously conceited to some degree, he always craved greater power, yet unlike the other Sith, he cared very little for the Sith as an Organization. Instead, he followed his own code, which strictly meant he had to do things on his own.

This was where the assumptions made by people on what they thought of Jake, clashed with the reality of his being. Jake held an unusual sense of attachment. Due to his moral code on how to treat women, Gravis has never been ruled by his pants. Where as most Sith felt no need to settle down or find a mate, Gravis had always had the yearning - given the background of his people as family oriented. What most are unknowing is that in order to claim Gravis, one would need to be of equal dominance or stronger in order to be able to show the Sith the stability that he had, so routinely in his life, been forbidden to have. Most worry that if Gravis did find stability in the form of a woman, that his mind would become even more focused, more clear and ultimately become that much more of a treat towards fellow sith. Still though secretly, the Sith maintained an un-Sith like characteristic in wanting to be accepted by someone on a deeply emotional, intellectual and physical level.

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Out of Character
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Current Timeline of Roleplays

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