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My name is Amanda.  I’m 21 years old and I live in Florida.  I’m currently attending UCF.  My major is humanities and I have a minor in history.  I want to be a high school teacher in the near future. I am married to Walter, who plays Matthias Marzullo. 
I also RP as Nadia Surrvelen Marzullo.  I have RPed for several years now, but I am just getting back into the swing of things. 
[[Category:Star Wars Roleplaying Characters]]
[[Category:Star Wars Roleplaying Characters]]
[[Category:World of Darkness Roleplaying Characters]]
[[Category:World of Darkness Roleplaying Characters]]
[[Category:Mutants, Unite Roleplaying Characters]]
[[Category:Mutants, Unite Roleplaying Characters]]

Revision as of 09:58, 18 June 2007


In Character

Personal Information
Name: Alexia Marzullo
Age: 19
Birthplace: Zoist
Species: Human
Marital Status: Single
Force Sensitive: Yes
Rank: Apprentice
Master: Marcus Marzullo
Apprentices: N/A
Physical Description
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 145 lbs
Gender: Female
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Father: Matthias Marzullo
Mother: Nadia Surrvelen Marzullo
Sister: N/A
Brother: Alexander Marzullo - twin
Droids and Ships
  • None
  • None

In Progress..

Alexia Marzullo was born and raised on Zoist. She was raised, just like all the other Marzullo children that family was the most important thing.

Out Of Character