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**'''Chiss Judicial Court''' was the main judicial court for the Chiss Ascendancy. It dealt with Civil and Military judgments and operated from Csaplar.
**'''Chiss Judicial Court''' was the main judicial court for the Chiss Ascendancy. It dealt with Civil and Military judgments and operated from Csaplar.
**'''Chiss Judicial Department''' was the law enforcement force of the Chiss Ascendancy. It operated on all 28 colonies and was headquartered on the Sabosen home world of Sposia.
**'''Chiss Judicial Department''' was the law enforcement force of the Chiss Ascendancy. It operated on all 28 colonies and was headquartered on the Sabosen home world of Sposia.

Revision as of 15:26, 10 April 2013

Chiss Ascendancy

Chiss Ascendancy
Govorn and Defend Chiss Colonies and Chiss Space Bordors
Republican oligarchy
Supreme Commanding Prefect Stela'shlit'Nuruodo

The Chiss Ascendancy, sometimes termed Chiss Space or the Chiss Empire by outsiders, was a portion of the galaxy just inside the Unknown Regions that was ruled by the Chiss.


The Chiss were very xenophobic, believing themselves to be superior to all others. Because of this, the Chiss were as isolationist as possible. They rarely engaged in trade with those outside their borders. Despite their isolationism, Chiss goods, like charrics, could be found in Republic markets. The vast financial holdings of the Chiss kept their supply lines running and also provided them access to a number of independent shipyards which they used to keep their vessels on constant patrol. It was through such methods that the Chiss maintained a poacher base at the Etyyy hunting grounds on Kashyyyk. At some point prior to 1,000 BBY, the Brotherhood of Darkness raided the Unknown Regions to bolster their own forces. As part of this operation, a regiment of Chiss were relocated to Thule.


The Chiss were governed by an oligarchy of four extended Ruling Families from House Palace, located in the city of Csaplar. Each family was headed by Aristocra who wore particular colors to indicate their clan and family loyalties. Issues were siphoned up through the parliament to a cabinet of appointed governors, and then to the ruling families, where a decision made by the parliament and/or cabinet could be approved for action.

  • Executive Branch
    • House Csapla was a Chiss Ruling Family responsible for colonial affairs, agriculture, and redistribution of resources, making it the most important House in the Chiss Ascendancy.
    • House Nuruodo, was a Chiss kin-group from Naporar, responsible for military and foreign affairs, including the command of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force and the House Phalanxes. House Nuruodo would be ranked as second, considering the importance of warfare on Chiss society.
    • House Inrokini was a Chiss kin-group from Csaus, responsible for industry and non-military science making it the third ranked house.
    • House Sabosen was a Chiss kin-group from Sposia, responsible for social issues such as justice, health, and education. It was the forth and last house of the Ruling families.
    • The Governors Council was a Cabinet of 28 Governors, one from each colony, that operated as the Main Executive body of the Ascendancy.
  • Legislative Branch
    • Council of Families was the committee of the leaders of all of House Families of the Chiss Ascendancy. It insured that each Family remained on equal footing. Although the four extended ruling families were not known to face power struggles, five lesser clans often vied for greater authority and power, such as House Chaf, which was considered the fifth ruling family.
    • Chiss Parliament or Chiss Senate, was the legislature of the Chiss. The Parliament was made up of members democratically elected from the twenty eight colonies of the Chiss Ascendancy. Day to day decisions would be made by the Parliament, while more complex issues would be deferred to the Cabinet and the Ruling Families.
  • Judicial Branch
    • Chiss Judicial Court was the main judicial court for the Chiss Ascendancy. It dealt with Civil and Military judgments and operated from Csaplar.
    • Chiss Judicial Department was the law enforcement force of the Chiss Ascendancy. It operated on all 28 colonies and was headquartered on the Sabosen home world of Sposia.
