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Lord Tavington
Dec 20th, 2000, 01:23:24 AM
[i]In the corridor Tavington acceted that there was no escape from this situation. He quickly took a great gasp of good air, using his time to deactivate his lightsaber and sheath it. He then sat on the foor, proping his back to the wall, placing himself into a coma like state before the sedative could get to him. As his heart rate slowed and his breath came less and less all he could think of was his family...

Itala Marzullo
Dec 20th, 2000, 01:32:07 AM
Ribbs: Update me colonelC: Sir, we figured a way to get to the submarine, but we need reinforcements, and more explosvies.Ribbs: You got it.The troops carefully set explosives in a wide perimiter basises, covering hundreds of acres, all above the lava ocean..Trooper: This sucker is going to blow big.Beyond the giant natural flames 1000 meters ahead of the main trench surrounding the sanctuary were being set explosives in strategic places, they troopers needed to buy themselves as much time as possible.LT: We have used up 50% of our explosives sir.GR: That would be enough, let's save some for the worst part Lieuteant.LT: Yes, sir.The troopers could not return because of the flames which had completely surrounded the sanctuary by then, they had managed to sneak out while the flames had just started but it was too late now, the hundreds of troopers hid around the thick forresst just outside the flames, ready to ambush any intruders, some of them set explosives around their bodies and were ready to blow for TMC..

Colonel Soontir Fel
Dec 20th, 2000, 07:35:18 AM
Sigma 8-"Squad at point six two."

Fel-"35th, form up on me. RSO Army is getting strafed, we're heading to assist."

Phalanx Allger-"I copy."

Caleb Orele-"Copy, Colonel."

Sigma X-"Looks like they don't need much help, boss."

*As the 35th wheeled back towards RSO's position, they noted about 5 squints left in the air. There were several explosions on the ground, and another firestorm was sure to start when the downed squints' fuel pods detonated, and caught the forest on fire.*

Fel-"Allger, send a flight to mop up."

Allger-"Already there."

*The five remaining squints were quickly vaped.*

Fel (to all fighters in his group)-"Gentlemen, stay out of range of any enemy anti-aircraft that you spot. Our scouting is finished. Our next objective is to make sure that RSO army down there doesn't get killed."

Itala Marzullo
Dec 20th, 2000, 09:27:14 AM
Most of the troopers were burned to ashes, about 10% of them managed to hide inside small caves and stone shelters, and were prepared for guerilla-style tactics against the enemy forces...

Darth Viscera
Dec 20th, 2000, 11:19:23 AM
*A superlaser cut through the shields of the Unification, completely destroying the number 3 superlaser lense.*

Weapons Officer-"Sir, we just lost the #3 superlaser."

DV-"Then replace it. Send damage control teams to that sector immediately. Resynchronize the shields to cover that superlaser hole."

Shields Officer-"Shields resynchronized, sir."

DV-"Signal the paladin: Fire their superlasers-as well as ours- at the remaining SoSD on my command...............Now."

*Four superlaser beams fire at the remaining SoSD, blowing it to smitherenes, while other GMA ships target the CSSDs. Two GMA Imperial Star Destroyers, the Retrevator and the Purificator, explode from the counterfire of the enemy ships.*

General Scorpion
Dec 20th, 2000, 04:09:26 PM
"Good shooting on your squadron's part, Colonel.. Give them our gratitude.. Fleet's picking up some heavy enemy activity.. Think you could send a few of your men to investigate..? I was expecting more than a squadron to attack us.."

Finishing with Colonel Fel, Scorpion switches over to Sergeant Urza.

"What's going on there, Sergeant..? They've apparently got a good idea of where we are.. I need that outpost destroyed quickly.."

Itala Marzullo
Dec 20th, 2000, 04:38:12 PM
A hiding trooper spots a man not far, he yells in desperation as he runs out from his shelter and aims his blaster at the enemy soldier. The soldier had seen him on time and shot him in he chest, to his surprise the trooper exploded killing the soldier and throwing back the ones behind him, wounding them gravely. This was repeated in many spots eliminating many enemy forces..

Darth Viscera
Dec 20th, 2000, 04:58:34 PM
The 35th Fighter group is 3 squadrons of the GMA's finest starfighters and starpilots, commanded by Colonel Soontir Fel. Sigma squadron is 12 TIE Defenders, commanded directly by Colonel Soontir Fel. Omega squadron is 12 V-42 TIE Paladins, commanded by Major Caleb Orele. Zeta squadron is (right now) 12 TIE Devils, commanded by Major Phalanx Allger. Zetas usually ride in 12 Missile Boats, however. Please edit that accordingly. If Gen. Scorpion still requires more than 3 squadrons, tell Fel and he'll have Viscera send down 1 more fighter group (3 more squadrons), or however many additional fighter groups you wish.

Bear in mind, though, that Viscera is conducting a space battle, and as such cannot spare too many military units. The GMA has already lost 2.3 billion credits' worth of military hardware, not to mention 4 star destroyers of varying types, and 1,015,300 casualties killed and wounded have been sustained.

Anyways, how many fighter squads do you want? I'll have Viscera send them down.

Evola Marzullo
Dec 20th, 2000, 05:34:39 PM
*To Pollux through the force*

"I know you're tired dear, but you mustn't give up..You must keep on fighting..Your family waits for you..I miss you..I am concerned for your safty..Remember Pollo..you'll always be my hero..I love you..return to me safely"

General Scorpion
Dec 20th, 2000, 07:09:04 PM
OOC: I think you read that post wrong. I'll reword it. What I was saying is that I was expecting more than one squadron to attack us. I actually only need a few of your fighters from your current unit to do recon.

Admiral Jyener
Dec 20th, 2000, 10:05:57 PM
*Admiral Jyener looked up from his plans, a flashing red siren catching his far from dreary eyes. Yes, he thought, only a few more minutes until his fate was decided. Whether he was reduced to a pile of crisp space dust, or whether he emerged victorious, only one thing mattered. He had died for a good cause; the utter destruction of the Marzullo's, who had no real cause in the universe except to serve as the scum floating atop a murky pond.

The three inch holoprojection hovering in front of him fizzled away into thin air, and Jyener moved his finger to hold down a small button.

"Lieutenant Pollizo, prepare all gravity wells.."

*He then flicked a switch with another finger, changing the com channel to Starfighter Command

"Captain Kastek, make sure no starfighters leave that hanger bay.. Have each pilot prep up their starfighters and wait for my signal.."

*Doing this simultaneously, the admiral gave out orders to each primary station aboard the Eclipse Star Destroyer until they finally were able to make the transition from lightspeed to realspace. Starlines dimmed to starspecks and an endless black wall closed in around them. Hundreds of massive bulks could be seen all around the planet ahead.

Death Fleet, consisting of the following ships;

Task Force One
Eclipse Star Destroyer Diablo
Soveriegn Star Destroyer Hell's Heart
Dominator Star Destroyer Grey Meteor
Imperial Star Destroyer Silver Moon
Imperial Star Destroyer Iron Fist
Imperial Escort Carrier Tyrant I
Imperial Escort Carrier Tyrant II
Dreadnaught Bastille
Dreadnaught Jekyll's Pride
Dreadnaught Necromancer

Task Force Two
Super Star Destroyer HellFire
Imperial Star Destroyer Mark II Dark Vigilant
Imperial Star Destroyer Mark II Dark Vigilant II
Imperial Star Destroyer Mark II Dark Vigilant III
Dominator Star Destroyer Entrapment
Imperial Star Destroyer Dark Anvil
Nebulon-B2 Frigate Swift Fire
Nebulon-B2 Frigate Swift Fire II
Nebulon-B2 Frigate Swift Fire III
Strike Cruiser Conquest

Task Force Three
Super Star Destroyer Hell's Guardian
Super Star Destroyer Leviathan
Imperial Star Destroyer Mark II Sithspawn
Imperial Star Destroyer Dragon's Pride
Imperial Star Destroyer Dragon's Pride II
Imperial Star Destroyer Dragon's Pride III
Interdictor Cruiser Black Ice
Interdictor Cruiser Enticement
Strike Cruiser Extinguisher

moved into their assigned task forces, staying in a V-line pattern. Veering courses, the three arrowhead formations sped towards the Caracan forces.

Coming up from behind Admiral Jyener, was Commander Lawlir, the second-in-command of the Diablo.

"Sir, shouldn't we send orders to the rest of the fleet?"

"No use Commander.. With all of these ships in the area, there is no doubt that the majority of them are jamming each other.. There is no point in putting up resistance.. Besides, all commanding officers recieved their orders before we departed.."

"Ah, yes, sir."

*All 29 starships of Death Fleet - each refitted with either TIE Defender, TIE Dagger Mark III, TIE Vindicator, or TIE Advanced Mark IV starfighters - prepared to engage the Caracan fleet.

Sniper Tondry
Dec 20th, 2000, 10:33:58 PM
The Kappa shuttle pilot realizes that he is in a fix. With shielding down to 20%, he could easily get killed by one of the weaker units. Since the AT-AAs will catch him if he goes high and the regular line forces will be waiting for him when he tries to duck beneath the effective anti-aircraft range, his best bet appears to be hitting the engines at full burn.

The shuttle's engines flare as the pilot makes the necessary adjustments to power intake and his course starts to zig-zag. The shuttle's shields dip to 10%, but as the self-repair mechanisms and droids start their work they raise to 35%.

With its' increased speed, the shuttle quickly passes over the GMA lines and enters Marzullo held territory, broadcasting as a friendly signal. As the ten TIE Avengers and the Breakaway shuttle pass over GMA lines, their signals switch to TMC-friendly as well.

Itala Marzullo
Dec 20th, 2000, 11:34:41 PM
Itala receives the signal and gives Sniper his coordinates...they needed a big escort since there were about 4 Tydirium hutles carrying the MArzullo's, from under the Colloseum waited the last squadron which contained 20 X-wings and 5 tie bombers, it was going to be very tough to make the run..

Dec 20th, 2000, 11:58:56 PM
*The remaining CMF forces detect the jump of Death Fleet, bt do not surrender, keeping their fire on the Planetary Shielding and The ships surrounding them. Three ore ships are destroyed, and the rescue of the Marzullos was beginning to look more like the slaughter of CMF, However the moment that the CMF was awaiting arrived. The ewly formed AssualtFleet Zeta fell out of hyperspace in a brilliant flash of light. The cloaking field laid by the orignal forces fell revealing an ESD which was waiting behind it with the Nightcrawler. The AssualtForce Zeta consisted of 1 more ESD, 7 SoSDs, 5 CSSDs, 6 SSDs, 17 CSDs, 12 ISD³, and 10 VSDs. It was an assualt fleet of great power put together from the other CMF fleets and sent to Frih'Tan V in this time of emergency. If this was put together on the fly, what would CMFs true power mean for it's enemies? Superlasers were ordered to be charged as the first wave consisting of the VSDs and ISDs moved into the fourth and third quadrant. Now the true battle would begin......*

General Ribbs
Dec 21st, 2000, 01:19:19 AM
+++COMM LINK+++GR: How long would it take for our troops to build, say...500 wooden catapults? CT: With all the men we have now? A few minutes past an hour General. GR: Really now? Then tell the boys to build them, we have oil right? Let's make it happen! CT: Right away, sir.[c]+++COMM LINK+++The entrenched soldiers rush to cut down hundreds of huge trees and collect oil from the recently discovered vast source. Primitive did not necessarily mean ineffective in this occasion...

Dante Marzullo
Dec 21st, 2000, 03:53:06 AM
Grips his father's hand and his sister's as he knows trouble is coming for the family...

Darth Viscera
Dec 21st, 2000, 08:42:34 AM
Darth Viscera-"How many ships is that, Lieutenant?"

Commscan Officer-"Approximately 70 CMF warships, sir."

Darth Viscera-"Their firepower rating?"

Commscan Officer-"Tactical indicates they have a 120 firepower rating, sir."

Darth Viscera-"Signal the fleet to switch to a defensive posture and form up with the TSO fleet and the Death Fleet. Recall all starfighters to defensive positions among the fleet. If any ships in this fleet have superlasers which are not charged, orders are to charge them. If any ships approach our lines, kill them immediately. Gentlemen, this battle has just turned into one of attrition."

Crystal Marzullo II
Dec 21st, 2000, 10:33:33 AM
:::::Annoyed and worried at the events currently developing, she boards one of the shuttles:::Whoever is responsible for this shall have to face me one day.

Dec 22nd, 2000, 12:07:12 AM
DarthPoreon had recently arrived back at the 2nd GMA Fleet's Flagship from his ground role in the TMC Battle. He walked over to his personel Hypercomm unit in his quarters onboard the ESD and called for Admiral Thraci.

"Admiral Thraci, this is Grand Admiral DarthPoreon. Take my fleet to Frih'Tan V and assist the GMA Allied Front destroy the Mazrullos"

"Acknowledged Grand Admiral Poreon"

Fleet, this is Admiral Thraci, acting command of the Fleet. Prep for a jump to Frih'Tan V. We are to assist the GMA Allied Front in the battle. We jump in 2 Hours.

The Fleet that will jump in Two Hours Consists of:

Super Star Destroyer Shark Bait
Super Star Destroyer Death Blizzard
Super Star Destroyer Borderline
Strider Class Star Destroyer Alpha
Strider Class Star Destroyer Beta
Strider Class Star Destroyer Final Test
Impstar Duece Star Destroyer The Bouncer
Impstar Duece Star Destroyer Worthy
Interdictor Cruiser Fortitude
Interdictor Cruiser Forthright
Interdictor Cruiser Fortify
Abolisher Class Cruiser Downright
Abolisher Class Cruiser Upright
Victory Class Star Destroyer x2 Unnamed
Victory Class Star Destroyer Zeta's Home
Victory Class Star Destroyer The Rock
Victory Class Star Destroyer Backlash
Victory Class Star Destroyer Sith Glaze
Victory Class Star Destroyer Wolverine
Victory Class Star Destroyer Diablo
Victory Class Star Destroyer MK III Scrooge's Misery
Corellian Corvette Hope
Corellian Corvette Baby
Corellian Corvette Wind
Corellian Corvette Pain
Corellian Corvette Despair
Corellian Corvette The Third
Corellian Corvette Second Wind
Corellian Corvette Glaze
Corellian Corvette Counterstrike
Corellian Corvette Escape
Omni Frigate MKII Stupefy
Carrack Class Light Cruiser Zeta
Carrack Class Light Cruiser Zeta's Flight
Carrack Class Light Cruiser Zeta's Fight
Strike Class Cruiser Zeta's Pride
Strike Class Cruiser Zeta's Salvation
Strike Class Cruiser Last Laugh
Strike Class Cruiser First Light
Strike Class Cruiser Portside
Nebulon C Class Frigates x5 Runner I to Runner IV
Dreadnaughts x17: Unnamed
Corellian Gunships x7: Legacy I to Legacy VII
Lancer Frigates x27: Fast I to Fast XXVII
Imperial Escort Carrier Cheerios' Ride (For Interceptor Wing Cheerios)
Imperial Escort Carrier Curiousity's Ride (For Devil wing Curiosity)
TIE Defender Wing Hellfire (Hyperdrive Equipped)
TIE Interceptor Customs Wing Blowfire (Hyperdrive Equipped)
TIE Interceptor Wing Cheerios
TIE Devils Wing Curious
Uglies Wing Second Chance (Hyperdrive Equipped)

Note: Wings are extra to the compliment on the ships

Admiral Jyener
Dec 22nd, 2000, 12:10:56 AM
*Jyener throws his head to the side, making a piercing glance at a large holoprojection showing all enemy, friendly, nuetral, and hostile craft in the area. Taking note of a sudden and quick shift in movement by most friendly ships, being the GMA and TSO, he turns his gaze back through the main viewport, showing many small and large explosions. After a few seconds, a small, mocking grin can be seen on his usually calm face.

"Commander, set up a short range frequency to The Sith Order fleet.. Inform them that we shall regroup with them and the GMA forces shortly.. Give them no reason why our arrival will be...delayed.."

"But, sir. There is no use in trying to send a signal that far with jamming systems activated all over the place."

"Lawlir, tell me.. How do you think both the Galactic Military Alliance and The Sith Order fleets were able to suddenly regroup with no evidence that they planned it..?"

"A mere...coincidence?"

"I don't believe in coincidences Commander, now send that message.."

*Only minutes later, Death Fleet was on the once retreating Caracan forces, putting themselves between the minor Caracan fleet and the largely scaled Caracan reinforcements. The ESD Diablo and the SoSD Hell's Heart had already begun charging their superlasers. Once coming in range of five kilometers of the Caracan Military Forces, every single starfighter was launched, looking like a swarm of angered bees exiting a large beehive. Consisting of exactly 355 squadrons(132 TIE Daggers Mk III, 104 TIE Vindicators, 68 TIE Defenders, 57 TIE Advanced Mk IV), the storm flooded the enemy starfighters and smaller capital ships, engaging in immediate dogfights.

While this happened, every capital ship of Death Fleet, besides the ESD Diablo, the SoSD Hell's Heart, the SSD HellFire, the SSD Hell's Guardian, and the SSD Leviathan, made their way to rendezvous with the TSO and GMA forces. Meanwhile the Diablo and Hell's Heart charged their superlasers with the other three Super Star Destroyers as escort. Their main target, the decloaked ESD.

General Ribbs
Dec 22nd, 2000, 12:52:33 AM
+++COMM LINK+++LT: General, they're finished and loaded, the bombs just need to be ignited.GR: yes, I can see them from here. Good job.LT: Thank you SirGR sweats as he knew the catapults would only take out troopers, it was worth a try..+++COMM LINK+++

Iris Marzullo II
Dec 22nd, 2000, 06:11:53 PM
*Deep within the Marzullo stronghold a personal comm link starts beeping. Iris casually pulls it out and begins to read an encrypted message. Her upper lip starts to snarle and she shuts the link off. Turning quickly she heads into her quarters and begins throwing together her things.*

"Damn fine time for this to happen." she mutters to herself as she throws her gear into a bag.

Lady Vader
Dec 22nd, 2000, 07:18:29 PM
*LV made one more flyby to make sure the resistant forces of enemy fighters had dwindled to a size small enough that didn't need her to command the TSO fighter squadrons*

*she switched her command frequency to her next in command of the squads*

LV: Captain, see to it that the rest of those enemy fighters are either disabled or destroyed. Afterwards, remain out here patroling the captured space. I will be in contact as to ongoing situations.

Captain: Aye, Commander.

*LV switched her frequency over to Damien who was flying her TIE*

LV: Damien, I am docking back at the flag ship. Join me.

*she heard a double click indicating that her apprentice had acknowledged her command*

*as LV began docking proceeders on the high security docking platform, she recieved a faint message from Admiral Jyener of Death Fleet... the message was slightly broken, but the implications were clear... she would relay the message to LL once she reached the bridge*

*LV docked her ship... beside her landed Her TIE, with Damien emerging... both made there way towards the lift that would take them directly to the bridge*

*on the way there, she saw a squad of troops heading towards the lower docking levels... she stopped one of them*

LV: What's going on, Trooper?

Trooper: We've captured one of the escaped pods from the destroyed enemy vessel. It was a two seater pod. The two captured are being detained.

LV: I see. Carry on.

*both she and Damien made it to the lift and ascended to the bridge... once there, she saw LL over to the side on the command deck, and a quivering JF4 to the side, two heavily armed troopers to either side of her*

*she walked up to and just behind LL*

LV: I just recieved a message from Death Fleet. Admiral Jyener has informed me that his fleet will arrive shortly to renevous with ours.

*LL nodded, taking in the information*

LV: I hear also that we have captured an escape pod. Are the two found aboard Marzullos?

*she saw LL smile and nod again*

*LV smiled at the thought of having two more Marzullos in their grasp... she turned to look at JF4 again and gestured with her head*

LV: What about her?

*she looked at LL for an answer*

Dec 22nd, 2000, 07:47:30 PM
Admiral Thraci, we are about 3/4 of the way to the battle.

[i]Good... Order all shields to be powered and all weapons to be charged. Make sure the fighters are prepared.

Admiral Jyener
Dec 22nd, 2000, 08:51:27 PM
*Sticking to their own fighter units, the TIE Dagger Mk IIIs, TIE Vindicators, TIE Defenders, and TIE Advanced Mk IVs rapidly engaged any remaining Caracan starfighters in the area, keeping them from launching strike attacks at the larger capital ships of Death Fleet.

Behind the five large capital ships of Death Fleet, the newly arrived Caracan reinforcements were closing in on them. Flanking Death Fleet's only Eclipse Star Destroyer and only Soveriegn Star Destroyer, the three 15 kilometer Super Star Destroyers grew closer to the reduced and trapped Caracan Fleet. Engaging every tractor beam possible, the HellFire, Hell's Guardian, and Leviathan targeted the smaller starships of the fleet, trying to drag them closer to their deadly laser turrets.
Meanwhile, the Diablo and Hell's Heart grew closer to completely charging up their axial superlasers.

OOC-DDC or Slash, can you give me some stats on your CSDs, CSSDs, and any other custom ships you have..?

Darth Viscera
Dec 22nd, 2000, 09:16:35 PM
Caracan Ships (http://community-2.webtv.net/bonz316/CaracanShips/index.html)

*DV strode across the command deck of the Unification. Technicians had patched up the damaged superlaser, and although it still was by no means able to fire, the damage would have no chance now of spreading to other systems and overloading them.*

DV-"Is the entire fleet accounted for?"

Commscan Officer-"Yes, sir. All ships are charged and ready."

DV-"Very well. Charge."

*The warships and starfighters of the 1st GMA fleet charged forth, heading towards the enemy fleet. The alpha star destroyers Cavalier, Frederick, Supreme Being, and Janissary opened fire on an enemy SoSD, the green blasts of their superlasers impacting against tactically vulnerable sections of the SoSD, destroying the ship. The Mangudai, Berserk, Huskarl, and Trebuchet mimicked the maneuver, and one more enemy SoSD was lost.*

Dec 23rd, 2000, 12:03:32 AM
*Commodore Lei Lebron, of the Third Task Force of Death Fleet,stands aboard the Hell's Guardian, wearing his traditional tan Pants and long sleeve shirt, with white boots, gloves, and white armor across his chest and stomach,His black hair in it's messy position, his sharp brown eyes looking at stats of the battle. Lei watches the battle, with a grim smile on his face.

" Commander Natola, inform the fleet that Task Force number Three shall fight. We will move into postion as well. But I do not like this. Inform Jyener that I have a plan. I will discuss it over Com Channel BRADF. Understood?" Commands Lei cooly.
"Ye-es Sirr."Replies Commander Natola, Second in Command of Hell's Guardian, with Fear. He does as told.

"Remember, I do not tolerate failure. And my methods are not as..Quickly as Lord Vader would have done." Says Lei now smirking while looking down at his dagger.

Task Force three Splits up the SSD's heading towards the Diablo.*

Admiral Jyener
Dec 23rd, 2000, 12:37:32 AM
*An Eclipse Star Destroyer, and a Soveriegn Star Destroyer; two gigantic killing machines. Now with each having their superlasers fully charged, they proved to be even more deadlier.

A brilliant flash of green was sparked, emitting two long streaks of high powered neon green lasers. Blinding those who weren't familiar with the sight, each laser split off into its own direction. One, from the ESD Diablo, flew towards the newly arrived Caracan Eclipse Star Destroyer, scorching the outer hull until it finally erupted into a fifteen kilometer long cloud of fire. The other, from the SoSD Hell's Heart, sizzled through space until it finally erupted on the black hull of the once cloaked Caracan Eclipse Star Destroyer, causing a similar explosion.

All in a few blinks of an eye, thousands, perhaps millions of people-who made it off easy-were burnt viciously onboard the two ESDs. For those who were not so lucky, they survived the explosion and most likely imploded once touching the vacuum of space.

Dec 23rd, 2000, 12:45:20 AM
*Lebron stands on his bridge..laughing.
"The Sheer destruction of it was Beutifiul.." Says Lebron to his bridge crew. " To bad that it was reall...." Lei Laughs..*

Dec 23rd, 2000, 12:51:48 PM
*The SoSDs with their suprlasers fully charged targeted the Diablo and the Hellsfire. One fires on the SoSD crippling it sever and two more on the ESD sending it exploding into a firey amber. two more ships near death fleets ESD were knocked out in the explosion and the SOSD stood there lifeless in space. The remaining SOSDs fired on ther ships knocking out 4 more and the CSSDs and SSDs moved in on the now superlaserless Death fleet and begin engaging while the SoSDs recharge their lasers.*

Admiral Jyener
Dec 23rd, 2000, 01:00:26 PM
*Ejection pods shot into space, cruising away from the Diablo like crazy mynocks with their tails on fire. Behind them, an explosion rocked the small cylindrical pods, indicating that they made it just in time.

The Diablo was destroyed, however 78% of the crew were able to evacuate safely. On the otherhand, their Soveriegn Star Destroyer, Hell's Heart, was severly crippled, rendering it near useless.

The three Super Star Destroyers swung around to starboard 80 degrees, and pushed forward with immense speed towards the waiting TSO and GMA fleets, along with the rest of Death Fleet. The HellFire, being closest to the explosion, engaged their tractor beams to tug in the pool of escape pods from both the Diablo and Hell's Heart.

*Meanwhile, the remaining 125 starfighter squadrons of Death Fleet continued to pound on the Caracan Star Destroyers, having just finished off the last starfighters.
The fearless TIE Vindicators and TIE Defenders managed to take out three CSDs in only several minutes. Turning away from the enemy, the batch of mixed starfighters eluded the nearing reinforcement fighters, and were able to escort the three SSDs to safety.

Itala Marzullo
Dec 23rd, 2000, 01:06:18 PM
OOC: If I'm correct, you could have posted that you had escaped just before.

Admiral Jyener
Dec 23rd, 2000, 01:09:42 PM
There's no way you could see it coming, reach an escape pod, eject, and get out of the way of the blast radius in time.

Itala Marzullo
Dec 23rd, 2000, 01:13:31 PM
Find a way.

General Scorpion
Dec 23rd, 2000, 03:31:27 PM
After a seemingly endless period of waiting, the command ship of the Rogue Sith Order Army arrived, the Argus Battle Station I. A full forty kilometers in diameter, it exited hyperspace fifty klicks from the main battle, and immediately began to charge its superlaser.

From the docking facility, eight standard Strike Cruisers launched. Four from Inquisitor group, and another four designated AA-1, AA-2, AA-3, and AA-4. Almost clouding their exit, over two thousand fighters launch.

Major Kij, Chief Communications Officer, sends an open message to allied forces, asking for prime targets.

* * *

On planet, the assault force awaits Sergeant Urza to finish his mission.


Argus Battle Station Specs (http://www.geocities.com/lordjyanis/argus.html)

Dec 23rd, 2000, 03:40:18 PM

Dec 23rd, 2000, 04:20:00 PM
* Aboard the Hell's Guardian Lei looks at his ship and it's current struggle for life.
"Commadner, Was Jyener killed in the blast?" Ask's Lebron calmly.
"No Sir." Replies Commander Notala briskly.
"Ashame... Order back all Fighters. Have them line up in CC Formation. Also find Jyener, if he is alive stil and send him to the Leviathan. Have Captian Colan prepare the ship for command purposes. Also Lt. Dikas, Instensify forward batteries. That is all."
"Yessir" Comes a reply from both Officers as they begin on their tasks.

The Hell's Guardian continues pounding on the hull of enemy CSSD's.*

Dec 23rd, 2000, 04:37:01 PM
*The other CMF forces traveling through hyperspace moving nearer and nearer to their destination with every moment. Meanwhile the Hellsfire was taking serious damage to it's shielding from the Haymaker missles on the CSSD. Their shielding was moving near 25% and still dropping fast.*

Dec 23rd, 2000, 04:37:25 PM
*The other CMF forces traveling through hyperspace moving nearer and nearer to their destination with every moment. Meanwhile the Hells Guardian was taking serious damage to it's shielding from the Haymaker missles on the CSSD. Their shielding was moving near 25% and still dropping fast.*

Darth Viscera
Dec 23rd, 2000, 07:30:17 PM
*The GMA fleet surrounded the last 4 SoSDs the CMF had in the area, and began firing. 3 ASDs, 3 SoSDs, and 5 ESDs opened up with their superlasers, and they were joined by the turbolasers of all other GMA warships. The scarlet and emerald beams tore into the CMF battle cruisers, shredding them. When the pulverizing stopped, nothing was left of the 4 SoSDs, and the fleet turned its attention to mopping up the smaller vessels, since no enemy ships with superlasers were left in space. Starfighters flew freely across space, haranging the CMF ships, disabling one CSD, destroying another. A GMA SSD moved in and used several tractor beams to secure the enemy CSD, locking the ship down on the ventral side with its magnetic constricters and landing claws. All the while, GMA ships had to fend off enemy cruisers who attempted to prevent the capture of the ship.*

DV-"Recharge all superlasers. There may be enemy reinforcements approaching. Signal the fleet to disable or destroy all remaining ships, then to reform."

*Visible from just outside the bridge's transparisteel windows, 9 Imperial Star Destroyers opened fire on one of the Caracan Super Star Destroyers, destroying it. The skirmish was not one-sided, though, as 1 GMA Impstar exploded in a ball of flames.*

<font size=1>GMA Fleet Listing-Temporary (http://www.geocities.com/generalnorys/members.html)</font size=1>. I had to temporarily move it, as my @Home Webspace is acting up a bit.

Admiral Urza
Dec 23rd, 2000, 08:15:17 PM
:: The blood of war was on the ground. Marzullo Clan soldiers were falling like flies and would lose this battle if reinforcements were not sent. Urza sat in the c0ckpit of an AT-PT a sly smirk danced across his face as the mere humans fell before the marvelous machines. Urza was quite tired of his surroundings and decided to change it up a bit. His fingers trotted across the control board until they came upon a switch to the comm link. He flipped it up and a low murmur was heard. He bent down to the speaker and spoke to the commanding officers of each AT-PT.

"We will begin to overtake the base. Do not leave a man standing!"

The group of AT-PTs began to form up and focused their weaponry towards a weakened defense wall. Their cannons shot through the concrete wall like a knife cutting through butter. They began to walk steadily towards the opened hole taking light fire from the enemy. The large mechanical feet stepped into the compound, guns firing away. Marzullo Clan soldiers fell to the ground as blast of energy pierced their chest. The AT-PTs' hangar doors slid open and 5 to 6 troops emerged from each vehicle. They dropped to the ground and began to hunt through the facility for extra men.

Urza still in the c0ckpit flipped the comm switch once again but opening it towards general Scorpion.

"Lord Scorpion, we have entered the base and we are progressing from the inside to the outside. Their defenses are gone." ::

General Scorpion
Dec 23rd, 2000, 09:31:16 PM
Lord Scorpion finished with Urza, "Excellent work, Sergeant.. Set explosives inside the outpost and return immediately.."

Flicking a switch, Urza's image was replaced by one of Colonel Loopan, acting commander of the Argus Battle Station I.

"Colonel, send your bombers and attack ships to assist with the ground assault.. Move into position around the planet and ready your superlaser.. How high will it need to be charged to penetrate the planetary shield..?"

Colonel Loopan put his fist to his chin in thought, "About 25%, Sir. Wouldn't break the crust though, just burn the surface to a crisp."

"Good, that is all we need.."

With that, Scorpion turned the com unit off and awaited Sergeant Urza's forces.

Admiral Urza
Dec 23rd, 2000, 10:00:36 PM
:: The troopers searched through out the building finding scattered officers everywhere. They picked their targets with deadly accuracy and all enemy officers were dead. They began to finish and retreat back to the AT-PTs but a comm link bellowed in their helmets. It was Admiral Urza.

"Scorpion has ordered that the building be demolished"

The soldiers spread out after hearing the message and traveled through many corridors. They broke of and placed small explosives in areas of the building. With a quick snap the explosives were set and the timers ticking away. The Rogue Sith Order troopers regrouped and headed towards the assault vehicles. The loading bay doors slid shut and the troopers were in. The AT-PTs began to crawl away from the fortress, only minor hull damage was done to the vehicles. After a kilometer outside of the outpost a large boom went of. A flame reached the sky and the building was in flames.

"Lord Scorpion, mission complete........." ::

Itala Marzullo
Dec 23rd, 2000, 11:24:28 PM
As Itala and the rest of the clan awaited for the near impossible rescue, the 600000 troopers left were tired but ready, naural resources and traps, deep trenches which provided with exceptional protection from ground assaults. The raptors well hidden and waiting for their prey, cannons and a few "surviving" innon ones as well. The huge flame wall, the dug hole traps, set explosives and such, all ready for the enemy. The soldiers on the sub mission detonated the explosives and caused a massive land slide which covered most of the lava ocean, the dirs cooled it off quickly as the few hundred soldiers rushed to the spot and began retrieving the 10 heavy torpedoes...

Dec 24th, 2000, 12:42:15 AM
*Lebron sits abord the Hell's Guardian. The bridge crew scrambling. Lei issuing orders. "Notala order all repair crews to fix shields, Ordin, Pulls us back. Dikas, order all Vinticators not engaged in Dogfights to pull back and defend the the HellFire."
"What about us sir?" Asks Lt. Dikas shakily.
" We use our laser cannons."
"But-" Starts to say Dikas as a knife enters his throat.
"Ashame..you were a good officer." Says Lei with little regret.

The Hell's Guardian pulls back away from the battle, the Hellfire in bad shape, but it has a swarm of TIE Vinticators covering it.*

Admiral Jyener
Dec 24th, 2000, 04:30:36 AM
OCC: I was wondering, maybe there should be a two day pause of this battle. I don't mean to dissapoint anyone, but I'm sure most of us won't have much time during today or monday to participate. For those who can't check in, it can lead to missing out on things and falling behind on the events. It'll also benefit those who feel like they're getting their fleet destroyed or missing out on a chance to do some damage, while they are stuck visiting relative and all that other holiday stuff. Just my opinion..

Lady Vader
Dec 24th, 2000, 04:49:56 AM
OOC: I think that's a good idea, Admiral... I too feel we should take a couple of days off to enjoy the holiday with our family an friends without worrying about falling behind in this battle... we can continue it after Monday...

Sniper Tondry
Dec 24th, 2000, 01:58:15 PM
(ooc) Seeing as how I've fallen behind, I'll use people's absence to catch up. I think that's fair, don't you? :)


The Kappa shuttle broadcasts a quick message to its' escort and the TIE Avengers begin circling above the coordinates Itala has provided. The Breakaway follows its' comrade down into the Marzullos docking bay, where the two shuttles dock. The Kappa's pilot rushes out and greets Itala, while the Breakaway lowers a rope ladder to allow his comrade to get into the Breakaway from where its repulsorlifts are keeping it aloft.

The Kappa pilot spots Itala and runs over. "Vice Director Tondry sends you this shuttle with a transponder that will allow you to escape the planetary shield, as well as compliments for escaping destruction for so long," he greets Itala in a rush. "If you don't mind, my escort and I will be leaving, since a full-scale assault is no place for Intelligence agents."

Itala Marzullo
Dec 24th, 2000, 04:07:57 PM
Itala takes out a blaster and points it at the pilot's head, as well do the rest of the Marzullo's.My apologies my "friend", but after this, we can't trust you or anybody, you will fly us the hell out of here or I'll splatter your brains all over the place. Now move!TMC boards the shuttles as the pilot takes the pilot's seat, sweating..And if you as much as move to the wrong direction, the next wings you're gonna see are the flies' buzzing over your rotting corpse. The shutles take off with the MArzullos...Don't worry, we'll let you go, we just want out of here.

EDIT: Annoying.

Darth Viscera
Dec 24th, 2000, 04:15:45 PM
Sniper Tondry is not on Frih'Tan V. He was writing for the pilot of the vessel. Please edit your post accordingly.

The Lounge Lizard
Dec 24th, 2000, 04:38:25 PM
:: LL paces the bridge again, watching as reinforcements begin to come in, locking down the Caracan task force and slowly destroying them. Quickly, LL strides to the Chief Tactical Officer, indicating on his target screen a position of DDC's force that has become isolated. Soon, one TSO SSD and three ISD's converge on two isolated ISD's, scoring their hulls with strafing turbolaser fire. Suddenly, the two ships explode, but not before causing considerable damage to the lead TSO ISD. LL looks at the screen again, and turns to the communications officer ::

LL: Send a message to Naboo. Have Mistress Live Wire withdraw her fleet here, and set up a perimeter around the system.

Comm Officer: Aye.

OOC: This will be my last post until around Dec. 27th in this thread.

Sniper Tondry
Dec 24th, 2000, 04:58:15 PM
(ooc) Quick ooc note here- I'll edit this post later to add something but I have to go now. Pierce Tondry is in an office on Coruscant watching what's going on, not at Fri'Tahn V, and before you go any further, Itala, I need to post something. Like I said, can't do it now, though... if I'm lucky I'll be on later today to make the necessary addition.

EDIT: And now for the IC part.

The pilot, obviously a new recruit, shakes a bit at the gun pointed at his head. He begins manipulating the shuttle's controls with shaky hands, and the Kappa ship lifts off. The Breakaway retracts its rope ladder and preceeds its comrade out of the docking bay.

"I must warn you, sir," the pilot replies worriedly, working the control panel. "That I have a device implanted in my brain that monitors it. I'm told that if my brain activity changes too much, then explosives planted about the shuttle will detonate and everything on board will die."

Itala sneers. "Then I would have been dead anyway, once you got a certain distance from the shuttle."

"Not so, sir," the pilot remarks as the Kappa shuttle lifts out into the air. "If I proceed beyond a certain distance from the shuttle, then the explosives are disarmed and must be activated by a remote device. Standard Intelligence procedure dictates that while on missions, if an agent meant to pilot an escape shuttle dies, the rest of the agents must have a way to escape."

Avoiding some laser fire, the pilot heads towards the corridor in space where the GMA ships are fewest, which unfortunately means another trip above GMA lines. The TIE Avengers which had been escorting the shuttle are gone, having headed immediately for the shields above the Marzullo docking bay. The Breakaway ship is the Kappa shuttle's only companion.

(ooc) This post does a bit of retroactivity- the "corridor where the GMA ships are fewest" is intended to mean the area where the CMF fleet is. Future posts by me will operate under the condition that the CMF forces have left. I felt that the whole embarking process would have taken very little time, since both parties were ready to go, whereas the withdrawl of a fleet would probably have taken a little more time for coordination and hyperspace calculation purposes. If that doesn't sound fair, feel free to let me know and we can work something out.

Admiral Jyener
Dec 24th, 2000, 05:28:28 PM
*Admiral Jyener glances slowly around the bridge of the Super Star Destroyer Leviathan. It was surely more accomidating than a cramped escape pod, but it couldn't replace the command bridge of the Diablo.

"Officer, get me a secure communications line with Lady Vader, I wish to speak to her, privately.."

"Of course, sir."

*Taking his stern eyes off of the rookie officer, Jyener walked over to another man in his young thirties, sitting near a comm board.

"I have new orders for the fleet.. Inform them we are to recover all fighters and make the jump to lightspeed.. Any remaining fighters are to jump themselves.. Here are the coordinates.."

*The seated officer hesitated.

"Why so close sir?"

"Simply for precautions.. We wouldn't want anyone to trace their way back to the base, now would we..?

*Finally a transmission to Lady Vader was linked securely, insuring their private chat.

"...Yes Miss Vader.. I do not wish to dissapoint you, however I cannot stay much longer.. In a short time we will be departing.. Death Fleet has some rebuilding to do, and perhaps when the time comes, we shall be stronger than before and will be able to assist your forces once again.."

"Perhaps that day will be soon... Goodday Admiral..."

*Nodding his head assuringly, Jyener reached over to turn off the three foot tall holoprojection of Lady Vader. Outside, Death Fleet formed a screen formation and began to move into position. Shortly they would retreat.

Dec 24th, 2000, 06:30:21 PM
* The battered Caracan forces recieve new orders and pull away from Frih'Tan V in any direction possible to escape. The Turbolaser shower from the enemy ships destroys 8 more SDs trying to escape and one SSD falls, but the CMF forces jump into hyperspace*

Darth Viscera
Dec 24th, 2000, 06:38:22 PM
Commscan Officer-"Sir, CMF forces are withdrawing."

DV-"Cease fire. Head back towards the planetary shield. Dispatch all starfighters available. If anything breaches the atmosphere anywhere, kill it."

Dec 24th, 2000, 09:42:15 PM
*The Hell's Guardian remains until the rest of the Death Fleet has jumped. Then a squadron of Daggers is ordered to make a loop around the mighty SSD. Aboard the ship, Lei Lebron makes preperations for Hyperspace. Which include ordering the remainder of the Fleet and double checking security procedures.
Lebron watches as the daggers return safely and dock.
"Commander, Since I'm Jewish and don't understand why they are leaving, begin to sweep the area for parts and ships. Consider anything left Death Fleet Property."

And with that, the searching begins.*

Lord Tavington
Dec 24th, 2000, 09:56:53 PM
BlacknessWho am I?Faded memoryOh yeah, Pollux...Pollux MarzulloMemory of the space battle?!?!?, My homes in danger!Memory of escape pod incident and his captureI have to escape, save my familyBluriness, a small table by my side, wall on the other. A person is beside me.....a woman....i know not who. I struggle to stand and she comes to my aid. MY HEAD HURTS! Vision clears slightlyMARA! Its my duaghter!Father? Are you alright? What did they do to you??Ye..yes, im ok, they hit me...hit me with some sorta gasHe chuckles to himselfWhat? Why are you laughing?I dont know....whats eeping us here?Some security feild..Oh...[i]i look out at the guards on either side of the archway and i guess their would be something between us and their backs, would only be smart. Guess Ill figure a way out of this....

Lord Tavington
Dec 24th, 2000, 09:57:56 PM
BlacknessWho am I?Faded memoryOh yeah, Pollux...Pollux MarzulloMemory of the space battle?!?!?, My homes in danger!Memory of escape pod incident and his captureI have to escape, save my familyBluriness, a small table by my side, wall on the other. A person is beside me.....a woman....i know not who. I struggle to stand and she comes to my aid. MY HEAD HURTS! Vision clears slightlyMARA! Its my duaghter!Father? Are you alright? What did they do to you??Ye..yes, im ok, they hit me...hit me with some sorta gasHe chuckles to himselfWhat? Why are you laughing?I dont know....whats eeping us here?Some security feild..Oh...[i]i look out at the guards on either side of the archway and i guess their would be something between us and their backs, would only be smart. Guess Ill figure a way out of this....

Live Wire
Dec 25th, 2000, 12:05:33 AM
*LW gets LL's transmission. The fleets had already departed Naboo and were at tso when the call came in.*


*LW signaled the fleets and fed them the jump coordinates. A few minutes later they went into hyperspace*

Lady Vader
Dec 25th, 2000, 01:04:13 AM
*LV remained staring at the space that had just moments before held the hologram of Admiral Jyener... suddenly without warning, she slammed a fist onto the console making a few heads turn and a few young officers jump*

*when she turned back to view the command status, she saw LL looking at her*

LL: Problem?

*LV shook her head*

LV: Nothing we can't get around. The Admiral just informed me he is pulling back. His fleet has lost quite a bit.

*LL said nothing and merely turned to watch through the veiwport at the ongoing battle in space*

LV: But, I have another surprise to add to this space opera.

*LL gave her a sidelong glance*

LL: Yes?

*LV smiled*

LV: About a month ago, four ISD were deemed too old and were to be scrapped at the TSO ship yards. I stopped their demise.

*this time she got LL's full attention*

LL: I thought I ordered their scrap to be used for other ships.

LV: I overruled it.

*LL crossed his arms and looked at her incredulously*

LL: Overruled?

*LV held up a hand to forstall anymore conversation on the matter*

LV: The ships were basically rebuilt and modified with heavier gun implacements, back up shield generators, and something instead of tractor beams.

*she took a breath*

LV: I called in some favors from my "associates" on Coruscant, and used some of the new ores from our asteroid mining field. The ships are better than they were before.

LL: You mentioned something instead of tractor beams? Did you replace the tractor beam implacements with something else?

*LV nodded her head*

LL: What?

*she smiled*

LV: You'll see. When LW arrives, you will see.

*she turned to look out the veiw port again, and saw from the corner of her eye LL look at her for a moment longer, then look back out at the battle*

OOC: I think this will be my last post until either the 26th or 28th, in which case I will be back... have a good holiday everyone...

Dante Marzullo
Dec 25th, 2000, 05:04:36 AM
*looks at his father pointing his blaster at the pilot while he boards with him and the rest*

Admiral Jyener
Dec 25th, 2000, 12:36:12 PM
*Waiting impatiently for the last starship, the Hell's Guardian, Admiral Jyener held his arms crossed and his glare out at space's cold darkness. Suddenly a large arrowhead appeared, growing larger as it neared the fleet. When finally taking the shape of a Super Star Destroyer, officers on deck flew into action.

"Engage sir?"

"No lieutenant, it's only Lebron.. Give him his orders to form up with the rest of us.."

*Turning his head to his side, he talked with the same calmness to another one of his personnel.

"Lieutenant commander, order the Black Ice, Entrapment, and Grey Meteor to charge up their gravity wells.. Have all super star destroyers form a defensive line, including us, and order all starfighters to move into escort position of the super star destroyers.."

"Yessir, anything else?"

"Prepare to go to red alert.."

*The Hell's Guardian and Leviathan formed a frontal defensive line while all available starfighters flew escort to the two massive killing machines. Time was counting down until their prey fell into their trap.

Dec 26th, 2000, 03:34:58 PM
*Lei sits in his command chair..angry that his search resulted in little materials.. a few tubrolasers and plats of metal.
"Open a channel to the Leviathin."
"Yessir." Says a comm officer. "Done"
" Jyener, explain this...trap..."*

Evola Marzullo
Dec 26th, 2000, 04:08:59 PM
*through the force to her husband*

"Are you alright dear? I miss you so much my love. You're doing so well. Remember that you're my hero, Pollo. Love you. Keep our daughter safe. I will wait for you, rescue me when you can darling"

Itala Marzullo
Dec 26th, 2000, 08:42:28 PM
Observes events as the squadron protects the shuttles. Itala sweats nervously as he tells the pilot..

Jump to hyperspace immediately, I want a swift, quick escape. Our x-wings and bombers should be enough to cover us for the moment.

Dec 26th, 2000, 11:06:28 PM
*Lei watches as Notala runs the ship... after a few minutes Lei looks at him and says

"Notala, take the rear turbolasers offline, as well as all side rear turbolasers. Intensify the forward ones with that, prepare Ion cannons with Laser cannon power. When we prepare to jump, we'll mainly need those. Call in all fighters, have them inspected and let the pilots rest, put them in a cycle..with oh say...20 shifts. That'll keep most of our fighters out running drills. Load the launchers...and have a nice day" Lei smiles. "Understood?"
"Will do Sir." Says Notala in a military voice. *

Admiral Jyener
Dec 27th, 2000, 12:02:35 AM
"Lieutenant, has our hyperspace jump been acurately calculated..?"

"Yes, Admiral Jyener, all of Death Fleet has recieved hyperspace coordinates. We jump on your mark."

"Good work, remind me that you will recieve your promotion when we're done with this.."

*With a newly promoted lieutenant commander, the spirit of crew of the Leviathan was raised, and was now ready to work.

Nearly five kilometers away, about a dozen small capital ships skidded to a halt behind the fleet. Just dropping out of hyperspace was one Super Star Destroyer, four Imperial Star Destroyers, six Dreadnaughts, and two Interdictors. Over the bridge intercom, a husky voice could be heard.

"Admiral Jyener, this is Line Captain Zuel of Task Force Blue. We come in the name of Azeal Fleet with the request of Commodore Lei Lebron."

"Ah, welcome Captain Zuel.. You've made good time.. Will you be joining us..?

"Yes, we'll fit in behind your fleet if that's alright."

"Alright.. The hyperspace jump coordinates are on their way to you.. We'll meet you there.."

"Good luck Admiral."

*Jyener nodded his head to the transmission officer and the message link was cut. Giving the signal to his crew, the SSD Leviathan prepared for the jump to lightspeed, as did the rest of Death Fleet.

Sniper Tondry
Dec 27th, 2000, 11:49:11 AM
Itala: (ooc) Look at the top of this page. You'll find a post by me, edited with a section of it that is IC. In that post, we've already taken off. Have a nice day.

Dec 27th, 2000, 01:30:03 PM
* "Captian Notala, I shall be departing this ship soon, have a shuttle prepped for my departure." Says Lei.
" Yes sir... Might I ask where you are going sir?" Replies Notala
"Heading to meet the Black Thrust"
"I see sir. I'll order a shuttle ready for launch in a half hour."

Itala Marzullo
Dec 27th, 2000, 07:28:57 PM
The small quantity of troopers build some catapults by himself, after modifying the torpedoes' heads, they load the catapults in strategic places outside the perimeter far from the sanctuary, awaiting the ground assault..

IM: If you manage to escape alive Ribbs, well, i'll be surprised.

Darth Viscera
Dec 30th, 2000, 01:10:34 PM

Is anyone going to make any additional posts here? *Cocks an eye at Pierce*

I seem to recall that when we last left things, the Marzullos were in an airborne shuttle.

Itala Marzullo
Dec 30th, 2000, 02:31:15 PM
*thinks of Scotpion, as well*

General Scorpion
Dec 30th, 2000, 03:16:24 PM
OOC: Have any of the TMC troops evacuated yet? I'm wondering about the current size of the army.

Admiral Jyener
Dec 30th, 2000, 03:27:09 PM
Yes Viscera, I plan to make additional posts.. Once I know what's going on..

Itala Marzullo
Dec 30th, 2000, 03:32:35 PM
OOC: Hm, the army is waiting for the ground assault, ala ESB. 600,000 in a circular trench around the sanctuary.

Iris Marzullo II
Dec 30th, 2000, 03:42:21 PM
OOC: If this is still going then I'm game for more havok. =)

General Scorpion
Dec 30th, 2000, 04:56:21 PM
OOC: Sorry again, but could I have a description of the size and defenses of this sanctuary? Also, how high is that wall of fire and how far is it from the trenches? Those scouting missions and the fleet reports would justify me knowing all this IC.

Itala Marzullo
Dec 30th, 2000, 05:53:40 PM
OOC; Just read all posts by me and Ribbs, I can't accurately give you all details now, my webtv can't take going from page to page, specially since each page consists of 5 posts. :)

Dec 30th, 2000, 06:43:09 PM
(( OOC: Can I have a list of all ships in Frih'Tan V's orbit or vicinity.

Darth Viscera
Dec 30th, 2000, 07:07:21 PM
Oh, that's a tough one. 1 TSO Fleet (or is it two?), my own fleet, and an RSO fleet. Probably something like 250-400 ships in total.

Admiral Jyener
Dec 30th, 2000, 08:13:49 PM
I think the Commodore meant to say enemy ships. Are their any threats in the air?

Sniper Tondry
Dec 30th, 2000, 08:45:41 PM
DV: (ooc) Yeah, well, I gave everyone a legitimate chance to respond to my post, including the people who've been absent due to holiday vacations. If you don't like the speed I'm proceeding with... *Holds some mistletoe over his butt.* Pucker up and kiss it.

And since your forces were one of the impediments in the Kappa's way and you didn't respond to that fact, I guess I'll just continue on my merry way.


The Kappa shuttle spins, deftly avoiding the laser fire that would have pegged it earlier. With a better idea of the AT-AA's abilities, the Kappa's pilot does an improved job of evading them.

Still, the AT-AA's do their job and reduce the shuttle's shields to 10%. The pilot realizes this, and spins the shuttle upside down in an evasive manuever, trying to give the repair droids as much time as possible to bring the shields up for the space run.

The Kappa shuttle approaches the shields, fully aware that without any fleet support, they will probably not make it out of the gravity well.

The shields just ahead of the Kappa wink out in response to the transponder readings transmitted by the Kappa and the Breakaway. The Kappa spins upside down and remains that way, leaving the people in the cockpit upside down and strangely without any gravitic compensation.

The pilot then pushes a button and a large durasteel wall slides into place between pilot and passenger. A noise of decompression is heard as a strangely constructed escape pod spins away from the shuttle.

The Breakaway's pilot performs a spectacular grab-and-catch trick with a tractor beam and secures the escape pod.

Itala suddenly realizes that he can't sense the pilot through the Force. A hologram of Pierce Tondry suddenly projects itself from the dash. "This is my protection against treachery," the hologram drawls. "You get to pilot this ship the rest of the way yourself, Itala old boy."

Edit: *Swears at HTML coding.*

Iris Marzullo II
Dec 30th, 2000, 09:23:44 PM
Iris begins reaching for the nearest wall of the shuttle.

If I can just get a hold of something. she thought to herself. Her fingers stretched out and after what seemed like an eternity her fingers brushed against part of the wall grasping quickly she found a pipe and grabbed onto it dragging herself to the wall she then pulled her feet up underneath herself and used the wall to kick herself through the weightlessness to the panel next to the wall separting them from the cockpit. Ripping open the panel she starts working on getting gravity back.

"Think fast boys... the fun is just begining."

Darth Viscera
Dec 30th, 2000, 09:34:23 PM
*DV watched the events unfolding from his command bridge. The Kappa shuttle had turned blue on the combat sensor screen, signifying that it was a hostile member of a neutral/allied party.*

"Hostile craft, this is Interim Diktat Darth Viscera of the GMA. You are harboring enemies of the empire, a crime which is punishable by death according to article 32 of the Tarkin doctrine. Deactive your engines and prepare to be boarded, or risk having your craft disabled and being executed for your crimes. You have 60 seconds to comply."

*One flight detached from the 237th GMA fighter squadron, and set an intercept course for the shuttle.*

"You'll notice 4 TIE Defenders en route to your current destination. The 237th squadron has no seen action this entire battle, and thus the pilots in those ships are very trigger happy."

*The comm channel closed.*

"Signal the Confiner to set a pursuit course on the shuttle, and proceed at maximum sublight. What craft do we have available that are armed with the new gravity-well torpedoes?" Viscera asked Captain Bounna.

"4 Assault Gunboats from Tau<sup>35</sup> squadron have been retrofitted, sir. They can be off the flight decks of the Coronius in 90 seconds," replied the Captain.

"I want that shuttle disabled, and soon, Captain. We've gone too far to have our plans wrecked by one bad Marzullo pilot."

Itala Marzullo
Dec 30th, 2000, 09:36:13 PM
*Itala struggles to reach the pilt's seat and uses the force, with all of his might to turn the ship upside down...he loked at the rest alerted...*COMM LINKViscera, from one gentleman to another, kiss my ass.[/b]COMM LINK[/b] *after shutting off the comm link Itala ponders*This is bad...how are we going to get past the gravity wells?Somebody???*Itala sighs as he feels LL through the force as well as his sister, his direction, Itala smiles and turns the ship to LL's ship's direction...by miracle evading the massive fire...and flying right under its tractor beam*Want me? I'm here you specter...

Sniper Tondry
Dec 30th, 2000, 10:14:09 PM
The Breakaway shuttle swerves sharply away from the Kappa shuttle, their association broken. It burns away from the scene untouched.

Meanwhile, the hologram of Pierce Tondry next to Itala smirks. "There's something called 'The Isard Doctrine'," it says aloud.

"You know Isard," the hologram continues. "Always looking out for ways to open a wound even further, or crush people's hopes. Torture's one of her specialties."

Itala doesn't pay much attention to the hologram as he attempts to fly the shuttle. Lasers from GMA ships flicker past the viewport.

"I think I've picked up a few things from her," the hologram adds. "Crushing someone's hopes, for instance. Doesn't it hurt more to fail when you think you've got a chance? This looks like a good spot."

Itala suddenly turns to the hologram, watching it make exaggerated nods to itself, its' eyes wandering past things that would attract normal attention, giving away the fact that the message is a recorded one.

Suddenly, a large explosion comes from the engine room. "You never did get to the tenth person in that line of yours," the hologram mentions nonchalantly. "And I wanted a chance to hurt you. But I did that. The engines ain't worth scrap anymore, and for some reason the spare supplies are empty."

The hologram suddenly turns and faces Itala, guided by a quiet scan of the cockpit. "I've been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, preparing for every situation I could. Don't ever forget that I was the one who got you, Itala Marzullo. Viscera may have trapped you on your planet, but I was the one who dug you out of your hole and made you helpless and worthless like the bastitch you are. Don't ever forget me, Itala, 'cause I haven't forgotten you."

The hologram vanishes as the program ends, leaving the shuttle and all its' occupants inside a makeshift metal coffin, shaped like a shuttle.


...I love the smell of treachery in the morning...


Darth Viscera
Dec 30th, 2000, 10:38:39 PM
*The four TIE Defenders maneuvered across the hull of the shuttle, firing white ion bolts from their cannons.*

"Sir, the shuttle is entirely disabled, save for the life support generators," reported Captain Bounna.

"I noticed, Captain. Keep them in space. Allow TSO to pick them up. Our ships are not equipped to counter the Marzullos' Sorcerers' ways as their ships are."

*The Captain spun on his heel, and walked back towards his command chair.*

Iris Marzullo II
Dec 30th, 2000, 10:57:16 PM
Iris kept working at the panel as sparks flew past her face.

#$& damn !@#$@#$%

When the explosion from the engines blew she lost her grip on the side of the panel and hit her head on the bulkhead above her


grabbing back onto the panel she grit her teeth with determination and began working on the wires again. With a final flash of sparks the lights in the shuttle flickered and gravity was restored. Loose items in the compartment and all the family members fell to the floor with a crash.

Iris picked herself up off of the floor and yelled out

Sorry! No time to lose... OUTTA MY WAY!

Pushing and shoving family members out of the way she dug down until she reached her gear. Pulling her gear behind her she went up to the cockpit and began looking over the readings of the engines.

This is very bad. I can't tell from these readings if it the flight control thats just gone or if the engines themselves are gone. That doesn't make sense, if the explosion was big enough to take out the engines completely we'd be sucking for air right now.

Iris reached in her bag and pulled out tools and began pulling open access panels to the flight control systems.

Darth Viscera
Dec 30th, 2000, 11:00:23 PM
OOC-Iris, is your personal pic one of Dax from Deep space nine?

Pollux Katalone Marzullo
Dec 30th, 2000, 11:22:16 PM
A transmission is sent to the GMA fleet in orbit"Attention GMA fleet, TMF requests space access to pursue the TMC shuttle"[i]PowerLifts off from the TMF fortress and heads towards the atmosphere

The Lounge Lizard
Dec 30th, 2000, 11:24:01 PM
:: LL raised an eyebrow by what he saw on screen. The Kappa shuttle that had seemingly rescued Itala and the rest of his family had now come to a dead stop, directly below a tractor emitter cluster. ::

He's giving up. Its over.

:: LL turned and looked into a crewman's well at the tractorbeam operator ::

Lock tractor beams on that shuttle!

:: Triangulating tractor beams converged onto the crippled Kappa shuttle, holding firmly in its grasp. LL crossed his arms, now thinking of the Marzullos' fate. Should he activate the turbolasers, and in one push of a button, scatter Itala and his family's ashes into oblivion? No...not yet. Soon. LL turned to the chief gunnery officer in the crew well ::

Lieutenant, target ion cannons on that craft and fire.

Lieutenant Reikl: Sir, an ion hit of that magnitude would cause complete system shutdown on the shuttle. Main engines, shields, weapons....even life support sir.

Yes I know that, Lieutenant...in fact, I am counting on it. Carry out my orders.

Lieutenant Reikl: Yes, my Lord.

:: Showers of bluish-white streaks shot from the ventral-side hull of LL's SSD, raining upon the Kappa shuttle. Within seconds, everything running on an electric circuit, including the ship's life support system, was completely ruined. Inside the small ship, it began to get very cold ::

Itala Marzullo
Dec 30th, 2000, 11:32:28 PM
*Itala grabbed his throat as he quickly told the family*

Put on your life support suits, hurry!!

*Itala quickly found himself inside his austronaut-like suit along with the rest of the family*

OOC: Gue, you're pissing me off, I'm going to ignore your garbage.

Darth Viscera
Dec 30th, 2000, 11:40:29 PM
*A message is sent back down to the surface.*

"TSO has captured the shuttle. Situation nominal. We will do something about the planetary shield shortly. We have no one to keep stranded anymore."

The Lounge Lizard
Dec 30th, 2000, 11:47:09 PM
:: Commander Sreka walked over to LL ::

Commander Sreka: Lord Hicchoru, there is a probability that the Marzullos have life support suits. Kappa Class shuttles are equipped with such items in their standard payload.

How long is the duration on a suit like that?

Commander Sreka: The suits have enough power and compressed air to last for one hour.

I see. Tractor the shuttle into suspension in the Port Tertiary landing deck. Have all flight crews leave the area, and disengage the atmospheric shielding.

Commander Sreka: I see...we'll suffocate them out.

Yes. Have sensor teams monitor their vitals. When the suits run out, they will most likely use the Force to force their bodies into metabolic limbo, going into a comatose hibernation to protect against the cold and lack of air. Let me know when this occurs.

Commander Sreka: I will make preparations immediately.

:: Commander Sreka strode off the bridge. As he did so, the tractor beams pulled the Kappa Class shuttle into the Port Tertiary flight deck. The tractor beams kept the ship locked in place, hovering over the atmospheric field. Within moments, all external flight crews had moved behind bulkheads, and the atmospheric shield was disengaged, restoring the cold vacuum around the ship. Containment crews began to make preparations, engaging force fields around key sections, and bringing in Ysalimir-wielding guards. The entire area around the flight deck locked down, as the wait began. Time for the Marzullos was now about to run out ::

Iris Marzullo II
Dec 30th, 2000, 11:47:54 PM
When the ion blast hit a shot of sparks flew up through the engine access panel Iris was working on. Screaming she flew back from the panel and held her arms out infront of her. The skin was seared with 2nd & 3rd degree burns from the electrical short.


Everything went black inside the shuttle for a moment then Matthias started breaking out emergency lights from the gear they had brought with them so the family could start getting into life suits. Iris slumped down the far wall. Thol stopped and looked down at Iris,

Thol: "Ah damn... Gretchin! Gretchin!"

Gretchin: "What?"

Thol: "Get over here, Iris got burned when the ion blast hit."

Gretchin kneels down beside Iris and uses her force healing to heal the burns. When Iris regains the use of her hands she places a hand on Gretchin,

That's enough Gretchin. Save the rest of your strength for when LL's troops try to board us.

Standing up,

Listen up everyone! I don't know what LL is going to have planned for us once our shuttle is in the hangar bay but you can bet it's not going to be pretty. Make sure everyone has their blasters, sabers, thermal detinators, throwing knives, everything you've got, and I mean everything. This is going to get very bloody.

OOC: My pic is Carrie Anne Moss other wise known as Trinity from the Matrix. :) [Edit that's CARRIE not Catherine. ACK! Getting too carried away with the story here. :)]

Admiral Jyener
Dec 30th, 2000, 11:50:02 PM
*Space sits silently, waiting for any sort of disturbance to occur. Blanketing the Frih'Tan V area, the black abyss appears to be shutting off the turmoil in the area from the rest of the universe.

Exactly 100 kilometers from the planet's atmosphere, three Interdictor Cruisers and two Dominator Star Destroyers slide out of hyperspace. With three kilometers of space between each of them, the five vessels begin to emit a large gravity field. Stretching over 15 square kilometers, the gravity well stands strong, ready for its trap.

*The thirty-one capital ships, traveling hastily through hyperspace, were suddenly jerked violently. Without touching a single switch or button, the fleet was manually pulled out of their lightspeed travel. In a screen formation, Death Fleet fell into realspace right near the planet Frih'Tan V. Caught by their own gravity well, the newly arrived 31 capital ships came to a halt. Now at their destination, Death Fleet launched all TIE Defenders. The fighters flew in their assigned groups while they awaited furthur instructions.

Admiral Jyener onboard his new command ship leaned over a communications board with a built-in microphone, his finger pressed down on the corresponding button. Over a hundred highly trained pilots were now listening in.

"Attention all Death Fleet starfighters.. Keep a sharp eye on your targeting sensors for any odd reading. Your targets are two shuttles with the word "captive" written all over them. It seems as if one of them has already been dealt with, but their may be a second. Move past the GMA starfighters and guard the atmosphere. We don't want any Marzullo's pulling tricks on us. Your orders are to disable any hostile craft and let the others handle it. Carry on..

*Even from a far distance, Death Fleet held a close watch on Frih'Tan V, ready to stop anyone from crossing their path.

Thol Marzullo
Dec 30th, 2000, 11:57:32 PM
*Thol quietly sits down and inspects his weapons. He had with him, his lightsabre, his mini-blaster and a few detonators. A small switch-blade was concealed in his sleeve. This was it, the big battle he was waiting for. Thol sighed and waited.*

Pollux Katalone Marzullo
Dec 30th, 2000, 11:59:34 PM
[i]Power Registed the TIE's on its sensors, but being under the shield it sill was powerless to do anything. The ship reached the Ionosphere and held position awaiing response by the GMA

Matthias Marzullo
Dec 31st, 2000, 12:04:51 AM
*as he puts on his suit he talks to himself*

Could this be the end of the Marzullo's, never we won't give, atleast I won't and I know they wont either.

Itala Marzullo
Dec 31st, 2000, 12:09:22 AM
*Itala receives some explosives from LArs*

This is going to be a very crazy thing, but family, everyone gather at the front of the ship, Lars and I are going to do something with the engines, we have a few replacement parts on hand, have your sabers ready, and I mean everything.

*Itala runs with Lars and starts working on the engine, time was running out*

Thol Marzullo
Dec 31st, 2000, 12:11:13 AM
*Thol grips his saber and stands up. He calms and readies himself. The time had come for him to fight and he was ready.*

Matthias Marzullo
Dec 31st, 2000, 12:16:00 AM
*Takes his saber and twirls it a bit then gets his 2 Mini Blasters and a couple of detonators and stands he knew he might die but if it helped the family he would do anything*

Commodus Marzullo
Dec 31st, 2000, 12:21:50 AM
*commodus lookin at his family as they getting ready to face a battle as he is..*

Lord Tavington
Dec 31st, 2000, 12:23:58 AM
Pollux opens his eyes, unable to feel the force, but his natural human abilities let him stand up normally, he realizes he's in a prison. He hoped his family somehow arrived to the rescue.

Matthias Marzullo
Dec 31st, 2000, 12:28:14 AM
*walks over to his brother*

Brother, are you scared? Don't be We will win because we are Marzullos.

Commodus Marzullo
Dec 31st, 2000, 12:34:37 AM
*Smiled at his brother* "I know we will, I have the feeling we will"

Verias Marzullo
Dec 31st, 2000, 12:35:20 AM
(Verias broods as one of his relatives helps him into his survival suit. The odds did not look good, and the strangeness of the situation made him wonder. It had been about 20 minutes since they were drawn into the flight bay, and yet, the attack had not come. Verias brooded once more, lying on the floor. He was perplexed)

Iris Marzullo II
Dec 31st, 2000, 12:46:53 AM
Iris finishes double checking all her weapons. Then looks over to Dante. Dante's eyes are wide with fear as he crouches behind the other family members.

Smiling Iris say's, "Don't worry little one. You just stay close to any of us and you'll be alright."

Iris turned her head quickly. She didn't want to show Dante the grim truth... *sighing* she said under her breath to herself,Who wants to live forever anyway.

She pulled out her comm link and checked her small sensor pack... all dead from the EMP blast, useless... chucking them to the side she stood up.

I don't know about you guys but I'm sick of waiting in this tin can. My guess is that they are trying to wait us out which means they may not be prepaired for an all out assault. Everybody make sure your helmets are in place, there could be gas or god knows what out there.

Iris placed a charge next to the hatchway.

Stand back!

Iris secured her helmet, ignited her saber and stood back to manually detonate the explosive. As the hatch blew off all the air was sucked out into the airless flight deck. Before the smoke cleared she said a personal prayer and charged out of the shuttle.

Thol Marzullo
Dec 31st, 2000, 12:50:44 AM
*Thol donned his helmet and put his thumb on his saber ready to ignite. The smoke was clearing. Thol used a Sith method to calm his anticipation. He adjusted his Knife in his sleeve and waited for Iris and the others.*

Darth Viscera
Dec 31st, 2000, 12:56:16 AM
"Shields lowered," said Ensign Daggery, to the comlink.

The planetary shield over Frih'Tan V was now down, and TMF forces were free to exit the planet.

Commodus Marzullo
Dec 31st, 2000, 01:12:02 AM
*The Marzullos' one by one escape the hatch. Fortunately no enemy on sight.*

Iris::"We better get moving before anyone shows up. We need to get to the atmosphere part of the ship.."

Commodus::"..to the Brigde?"


The Marzullo clan evacuate the area and headed to the bridge partof the ship

Thol Marzullo
Dec 31st, 2000, 01:15:36 AM
*Thol follows behind Como and Matthias. He did not ignite his lightsaber, for it might bring some unwanted attention. Thol reached out with his senses and found a block in the force*

Thol: "They have ysalimir here! Be aware everyone!"

*Thol noticed that soldiers were heading their way.*

Thol: "Look alive people, we have company."

The Lounge Lizard
Dec 31st, 2000, 01:22:17 AM
OOC: Guys, you are floating in space if you do that. You are not near any troops, as they are locking down the bay you are in.


:: As the Marzullos exit the ship and step out into the vacuum, small cargo tractor units begin to spring to life, locking and triangulating on each space suit. The dozen or so Marzullo's struggle to no avail against the beams. Suddenly, Itala can hear LL's voice through the Force ::

~~Do not try this, Itala. I will kill her. Jade will die if you resist.

:: a series of 4 dozen swiveling turrets pop up, tracking life signs, and firing stun blasts ::

Itala Marzullo
Dec 31st, 2000, 02:05:58 AM
*Itala runs out of the ship as he detonates the explosives planted in the back of the ship, he made sure no MArzullo was nearby as they all exited, the explosion caused a short circuit which restored the shields around the hasngar bay, Itala ran with the rest quickly, and ignites his saber, starting to melt the thinnest wall nearby, and soon creating a door leading to a hall*HEre we come.*Itala uses the force to smash the droids against each other, he picked up the stun guns and made sure all the family made their way to the hall...*

Iris Marzullo II
Dec 31st, 2000, 02:28:51 AM
Iris drew her blaster and began shooting out the cargo tractor units to free her trapped cousins as she ran for the hole in the wall Itala had cut open.

The Lounge Lizard
Dec 31st, 2000, 02:47:13 AM
OOC: I reiterate, an ion cannon will destroy everything within its vicinity containing an electric circuit. This includes ship systems, personal electronics, and even firearms and lightsabers. Also, unless those explosives are lit with a cigarette lighter or a match, they also will not work, as an electronic detonator will be useless.

Therefore...you are all still without your equipment, and in the grasp of the tractor beams.

Itala Marzullo
Dec 31st, 2000, 03:07:21 AM
OOC: Equipemt was stored inside the suits, can an ion cannon's power destroy even what's inside there? What are we supposed to do? LEt eevryone be captured? I'm not allowing that.

The Lounge Lizard
Dec 31st, 2000, 03:12:59 AM
OOC: Ion cannons, aka EMP will disable ALL electronics within its radius. I am capturing you, not killing you. Killing is illegal, remember. Just relax.

Lady Vader
Dec 31st, 2000, 03:23:27 AM
OOC: ok then... those last few posts were a bit of wasted time :rolleyes:


*LV watched the display of the hangar bay as each Marzullo was "captured" by seperate tractor beams, and stun blasted with swiveling cannons on the deck*

*she smiled with satisfaction... but her smile was cut short as a small beeping started to emit from her personal computer gauntlet*

*reaching down to her left arm, she punshed a few buttons and read what was on the small display... smiling again, she turned to LL*

LV: The surprise has arrived and is holding position on the edge of captured system, protecting any escape route the enemy ships may wish to take to avoid the Interditors.

*LL looked out the veiw port, then back at LV*

LL: Where? I don't--

*he stopped in mid-sentence, realization dawning on him... he turned and smiled at LV*

LL: The tractor beam implacements you mentioned having been replaced... you replaced them with cloaking generators, didn't you?

*LV nodded her head and smiled*

LL: Well, in that case, I guess overruling my order wasn't too much of a waste.

*LV nodded her head again and went over to one of the command consoles to converse with the captains of each of the ships, Darkness, Shadow Hunter, Black Spear, and Gaping Maw... she ordered them to remain cloaked and at the edge of the system, and to disable any ships attemtping to escape*

*once the order was given, she went back to watching the monitor that displayed what was happening in the hangar bay containing the now unconcious Marzullos*

*the satisfaction returned once again, and she couldn't help but smile*

Itala Marzullo
Dec 31st, 2000, 03:28:44 AM
OOC: Hmm...okay TMC< let's go with that.Itala finds himself unconscious product of the stun guns, including the whole rest of his family which included:Itala, Dante, Jaina, Lana, Malycia, Menoj, Castor, Iris, Thol, MAtthias, Verias, Maximus, Commodus, Hilda, Arles, Vin, Chimera, Crystal, Shena, Andre, Milo, Sara, Gretchen, Raveena, Evola and the rest...some spouses and children yet needed to arrive to Frih'Tan V and fate had excluded them, Haken was floating in deep space inside his capsule, until the shields were lowered and he got [ast the orbit in the planet, reaching land close to general Ribbs, Pollux and Mara, along with Jade trapped by LL, nobody knew what would happen next. It might just be the end.

Pollux Katalone Marzullo
Dec 31st, 2000, 03:37:04 AM
As Commodus Thaken Marzullo and Pollux Katalone Marzullo watch from the bridge of Power they notice the TMC ship being tractored into the SSD. Power moves beyond the planetary shield and into space. A TIE fighter launches from its luanch bay and heads for LL's ship, Power itself heads towards the TMC sanctuary via space to make the trip shorter. Aboard the TIE Pollux hails LL's SSD"This is Pollux Marzullo, of TMF, requesting permission to land"

The Lounge Lizard
Dec 31st, 2000, 03:40:46 AM
OOC: The Oozaru II is my personal transport. I am on a SSD now

Itala Marzullo
Dec 31st, 2000, 03:53:38 AM
OOC: Gue, everyone except Viscera will ignore your crap, stop being so damn obsessive about Pollux, he isnt yours anymore, and never will be.

Iris Marzullo II
Dec 31st, 2000, 04:07:04 AM
OOC: damn... I knew I should have packed a revolver. Sorry about the mess up over the EMP stuff. I do better with dilithium crystals, deutriumn slush, warp cores, phasers and such. ::makes a mental note to pick up some SW tech books next time at the bookstore:: ;)

IC: As the beam hit her Iris's last thought before slipping into unconciousness was...

Oh @#%$!

Dec 31st, 2000, 04:38:48 AM
* AF looks around as they exit the shuttle wearing there pressure suits *

* she grumbles, sweating in the stupid thing *

* she is one of the last to follow the group out of the suttle onto the landing bay, but still stands by the door wary of the situation *

* suddenly she sees several tractor beam implacements begin to "grab" her family members and hold them still as blaster turrets on the deck stun each of them *

* AF tries to dive back into the shuttle to avoid getting caught by the beam, but is not fast enough *

* the last thing she remembers is a blaster pointing at her and its muzzle lighting up blue then blackness.*

Pollux Katalone Marzullo
Dec 31st, 2000, 04:52:16 AM
[i]Pollux, in his TIE actually had to stop as the reply from LL's SSD was slow to forth coming. [b]Power rentered the atmophere ad a transport launches towards the sanctuary labs and mini lab complexes

Vin Diesel Marzullo
Dec 31st, 2000, 05:05:45 AM
*starts to run as the gravity is lost inside the SSD, as it loses gravity he is lifted up off of the floor, his head smashes into one of the support beams causing him to fall unconscious as the glass in his life support suite is cracked, he comes to some time later finding himself on board another ship, suddenly he realizes that he has been captured*

Thol Marzullo
Dec 31st, 2000, 12:10:46 PM
*Thol starts to run, but is kept in place by the tractor beam. He tries to squirm his way out, with all his might. No such luck. He was kept in place good.*

*Suddenly a turret pointed itself at Thol and shot him. The blast was to stun him. It was as if everything was in slow motion. Thol thought about how they'd all pay in blood for this. Everything went black...*

Pollux Katalone Marzullo
Dec 31st, 2000, 12:24:52 PM
[i]Pollux hovers around the entrance to the hanger bays, awaiting an acess granted permission. Power sits over TMC sanctuary as awkward stormtroopers pour out of the transport and enter the DNA storage chamber of the genetic labs

Itala Marzullo
Dec 31st, 2000, 12:39:17 PM
OOC: Itala has all the dna samples hidden, read my first posts here Gue, shucks! :lol: YOu'll just find some half-done clones of Gav, videl, sage and some others.

Darth Tholuem
Dec 31st, 2000, 02:07:41 PM
*Gretchen comes out of the shuttle and she see's some droids standing affrond of her. The aimed there guns on her, and the shoot. GM passes out.*

EDIT: Okay, that wasn't me, Tholuem, but my RL sister, she mixed the acounts up :mad:

Dec 31st, 2000, 02:15:40 PM
::as she steps off the ship she quickly feels a force pulling her, she looks around confused as the rest are pulled along with her--she turns to her father obviously stunned:: But...I thought...

Dante Marzullo
Dec 31st, 2000, 02:19:15 PM
OOC: :lol: You mixed your brother's account Emma!

*Dante shakes and sweats in fear as he wraps his arms around his father's leg and falls unconsious with him*

Sara Draco
Dec 31st, 2000, 02:31:29 PM
::: hears the stun shoots fired and before she can react to it..is hit with one..falling to the floor :::

Pollux Katalone Marzullo
Dec 31st, 2000, 09:18:18 PM
[i]As the troops enter the lab compex they find tubes filled with some lquids, and what appeared to be people. As their primar mission was not to find this they started looking all over the labs, thugh their search would be fruitless, they had not known that and continued on. Pollux watched with a bit of dismay as his family fropped like flys in the bay in front of him, but he must come for what he came for, he awaited LL's reply

Itala Marzullo
Dec 31st, 2000, 10:24:58 PM
He dreams of a vast roman universe...where all Marzullos would rule each system with a firm grasp, where they could visit their former and dead enemie's tombstones....images of his former followers..victories and battles flash through his dream..

Lady Vader
Jan 1st, 2001, 05:10:32 AM
*LV continues to watch the monitor as the Marzullos surrender to unconciousness at the mercy of the stun blasts*

*she grinned thinking... My, my... but how they DO drop like flys.*

*she chuckles, turning momentarily to see what was happening out in space, only to find the resistance minimal and nearly gone... she turns back to the monitor and smiles*

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 1st, 2001, 05:51:56 AM
:: As the Marzullos all succumb to the stun blasts, the automated tractor turrets police up the unconcious bodies, sending them into cargo interface, into a nearby processing room. Several squads of containment personel stand ready, equipped with ysalimir. As a precautionary measure, cortosis-plated shield emitters are activated around the processing room, locking the containment down. Each unconcious Marzullo is worked out of their survival suit, and into a locking vertical restraint table, which completely immobilizes their every limb. Onto each unit is attached a ysalimir nutrient cage. As the Marzullos are loaded into their transportation units, a special cocktail of IV-fed drugs are set up in an injection port on the side of the restraint tables. The drugs are a combination of Verulased, a heavy-sleep narcotic, Midulex, a Force-supressing depressant, and Parietol, a drug that docilated its patient's demeanor. After 30 minutes, every Marzullo is completely locked down, and being escorted under containment guard to the level 4 confinement brig ::

Darth Viscera
Jan 1st, 2001, 06:22:55 AM
*Shuttles are exchanged from the Nebula-Class star destroyer Unification to the Eclipse-Class star destroyer Impervious, the new 1st fleet flagship. The Unification jumps back to GMA space for repairs, and the rest of 1st fleet enters hyperspace to Naboo.*

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 1st, 2001, 06:35:21 AM
:: LL sends a message to Viscera's new flag ::

Darth Viscera, prepare to continue our mission at Naboo. I will not be joining you, as I have other matters to attend to.

:: LL then sends a message to Scorpion, Urza, and the RSO contingency ::

General Scorpion, our work here is done. Take any measures necessary to quash all resistance on Frih'Tan V. Once all resistance is annihilated, lock down the planet, and prepare to ready it as a mining colony for the Axis.

:: LL sends message to Admiral Jyener ::

Admiral, if you can spare a portion of your fleet for picketing patrol until the system is completely locked down, it would be greatly appreciated.

:: LL put down the comm, turning to Dyzm ::

Lord Dyzm, Take your flag and gather the fleet. Whatever you can send to aid in the Naboo fight, it will be appreciated. However, I know we took extensive damage, and I know that such assistance is a best case scenario. I will be taking this ship elsewhere.

:: LL turned to look out of the viewport as Dyzm departed ::

Helm, maneuver outside the star system, and set a course for Zur-Uura Penthu.

A Nameless New Republic Tech
Jan 1st, 2001, 09:08:43 AM
A thte edge of the system, a small Y-Wing class ship, so far unobserved and sulking near a comet continues to record with long range sensors. It records the ships (Capital class, at this range anything smaller cant be detected) and the firepower, relative groupings and makings.

The pilot drops a sensor package, designed to detect hyperspace vectors for later transposition. For now, the pilots jobs was done. He pointed his snubby away and with a blur, went to hyperspace, the sensor package passively recording in his place. How New Republic spies had found out about this fight, he didnt know. He did know the fight was almost over nad had been in progress for some time before he had got there.

Whatever. Time for home. What the data pushers wanted with this data, he didnt really care. He had done his job and was going back to base

Pollux Katalone Marzullo
Jan 1st, 2001, 11:52:53 AM
[i]As LL's SSD begins moving towards the edge of the system Pollux hails them one lasttime. on the planet TMF roops unsuccesful, load back into the transport as it lifts off

Admiral Jyener
Jan 1st, 2001, 02:40:27 PM
*A First Officer nods, as if to himself, while his fingers dance across the comm board.

"Sir, all TIE Defenders have been called off. Starfighter Command relays that all TIE Daggers will be launched in a matter of seconds."

Behind the seated officer, Admiral Jyener takes in the report and continues to watch the man send out direct orders to anywhere in the fleet.

"Good.. Acknowledge Task Force Two that they are now under my command.. Inform the Rear Admiral that her orders are to perform a complete perimeter scan of the area.. Have our Daggers split into flights of six and go on a deep space scouting mission, no further than 300 kilometers from Frih'Tan V.. I want each flight to check in every five minutes.."

"Understood Admiral...Orders are now relayed."

*With old plans changed and new orders given, Jyener had a lot going on in his mind for someone who wasn't doing much. In the Super Star Destroyer's command bridge, he looked out through the large viewport, watching closely as a single Super Star Destroyer was sitting in space. The ship had tractored in a shuttle earlier, and there was no doubt of who was onboard the small craft. Thinking over the scenerio a number of times, Admiral Jyener finally decided what he was to do.

"Fleet command, has Commodore Lei Lebron's shuttle arrived at the Black Thrust yet..?"

Picking up the question, one officer replied hastily

"Yes sir. Several minutes ago he took command of the ship."

"Alright.. Are we capable of sending a transmission down to the surface of Frih'Tan V..?"

This time a different voice was heard.

"Planetary shields appear to be lowered Admiral. We may be able to patch a message through to the surface."

"Then open up a clear transmission with General Scorpion's forces.. Get working.."

Pollux Katalone Marzullo
Jan 1st, 2001, 03:50:43 PM
As Power lifts up and out of the atmosphere Pollux contacts the ship"Commodus, get ready to head back towards the planet.""Yes father, Power will be...""No, you in a TIE, you will be taking command of TMF on the planets surface, I am taking Power and following LL's ship, we need that DNA to complete our family""Yes dad"[i]Pollux turns his TIE at the Power and is quickly tractored into the landing bay, as he lands he spots his sons TIE exiting the launch bay towards the planet. Pollux reaches Power's bridge and quickly sets course to follow the SSD

Gretchen Marzullo
Jan 1st, 2001, 06:47:21 PM
* GM dreams to. She sees a very big hall, front of her, and she is walking. She is walking near a man. Lots of people are looking at her. the man is nice dressed. he looks really good, but can't see who the man is... then she looks at herself and sees she is dressed nice too. this is her marriage !!! Then when she finally came near the man, she suddenly falls into an other dream. She sees herself fighting to some man. She is very good. She became a very good fighter. Then she falls ( again ) into an other dream. Now she sees herself with eighteen kids !!! She hopes that dopes never come true !!! then behind her she sees that man again. She looks again really good but she can't see who it is. then she falls in an other dream again. Now she sees herself sitting front of a very big beautiful house, near a swimming pool, with everything a swimming pool can have. Again she is sitting with that man, but she still can't see who it is... *

Itala Marzullo
Jan 1st, 2001, 08:39:30 PM
OOC; 18 kids? Who knows... :lol: , you can have 3 sets of sectuplets. :)

Maximus Marzullo II
Jan 1st, 2001, 08:43:30 PM
:: Maximus dreams, a dream of a hall, an empty hall which goes on forever. Then and the end he sees his family, all of it and he smiles but as Maximus takes a step forward and the hall disapears to be replaced by a vast waste land, his family no where in sight, leaving him comletely alone, this dream fast becoming a nightmare. A sharp wind blows the sand around and into his eye. Maximus squints knowing it isn't real but some how not knowing what is. Maximus looks around him and reaches out for the Force, only to find it gone, he sighs, knowing the dream for what it is, a dream from which there is no escape ::

Malycia Marzullo
Jan 1st, 2001, 09:11:24 PM
**She passes out like the rest and dreams as well. A huge palace.....beautiful and fancy. Glitting in the sunlight. She was standing on the steps of this huge palace that she somehow knew was her's. Many followers bowed down before her. She was their leader. She was in power. The ruler of many systems, she could have anything she desired. She was a god to these people. No one whould dare challange her family. TMC's enemies had long since been destroyed. tt was a dark paradice**

Thol Marzullo
Jan 1st, 2001, 10:02:52 PM
Thol dreams of himself getting his 70,000 credits back from that backstabbing smuggler. Thol sees himself gutting that guy and running away to a paradise where no one or nothing could bother him.

He has another dream, this one different. He sees himself, along with his family ruling the Universe. Below his feet are the crushed heads of their enemies. There was no opposition toward TMC.

Lady Vader
Jan 1st, 2001, 10:08:50 PM
*LV watches as LL gives the order for the junp into hyperspace*

*she then looks down at her personal gauntlet on her left forearm and speaks into it to the Captain commanding the Black Void fleet*

LV: Captain. Take the four cloaked ISDs and follow Viscera's fleet to Naboo. You're to remain there and protect the system until further notice. Remain cloaked, but on yellow alert status.

Captain: Aye, Commander. As ordered.

LV: Excellent. LV out.

*she looked out the viewport, not seeing the four ISDs moving, but knowing full well they would carry out her order to the letter*

*LV stood on the command deck with her arms folded in front of her, beneath her cloak, and watched the preparation for hyperspace*

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 1st, 2001, 10:26:00 PM
:: Zur-Uura Penthu. It was one of the most desolate star systems in the galaxy. A few millennia ago, it was a solar system of 13 planets, orbiting binary stars. However, as the gravitational masses of the stars increased, they collapsed upon themselves, becoming white dwarf stars. The resulting gravitational vortex was sufficient to tear apart the planets in the system, leaving nothing but a maelstrom of large super-asteroids. These quasi-planetoids still maintained very thin atmospheres and paltry living conditions, although those who might have once lived there were long-since dead from the disaster that destroyed their worlds. The system was so gravitationally hostile that ships could only skirt around the edges of the systems, the gravity vortex created by the dwarf binaries was nearly as strong as a black hole. LL's SSD came out of hyperspace just on the outskirt of the system, its engines going into reverse slightly, to maintain its position. LL stood on the bridge, looking at the hell that appeared in the bridge's main viewport. He smiled. This would be a fitting place for the Marzullos to meet their end. He tapped a communications device on the wall ::

Have the containment teams stand ready. I will be down shortly.

:: LL left the bridge, followed by LV ::

Pollux Katalone Marzullo
Jan 1st, 2001, 10:56:47 PM
Aboard The Power Pollux followed the SSD, it was some time and he had become highly irritated at the SSD's unwillingness to respond to his hails"Sir, theres a rather large gravametric anomoly along the course the ship were pursuing is following""What kind of anomoly?""A rather strong one sir, im detecting readings similar to that of a Plank radious ~Damn, cant remember the physic's guys name~ of a black hole, but our charts shw no black hole in this a...Sir! The ship has just stoped!""Good, exit hyperspace now!"As the ship jumped out of hyperspace the crew awed out the window at the wonderous scene that bore them, having seen nothing bt trees all their life anything in space amazed them really, but this was all too much"What is LL's ship doing?""Appearently just sitting there sir""Hmmm, hail them..."

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 2nd, 2001, 12:19:50 AM
:: As LL walked down to the containment area, his personal comm device went off ::

LL: Yes?

Comm officer: Lord Hicchoru, an unidentified vessel has come out of hyperspace near our position. They are hailing you.

LL: Me?

Comm officer: Yes sir, that is what they said.

LL: Very well, put it through

OOC: Sorry I didn't see this sooner.

Pollux Katalone Marzullo
Jan 2nd, 2001, 12:33:16 AM
Aboard The Power the comm unit beeps with the signal of conected transmission"Sir, LL has opened comm with us..""Finaly, patch me in""Yes sir"After about 5 seconds the person operating the comm station gave him the thumbs up"Lounge Lizard, this is Pollux Marzullo of TMF. I have followed you here to discuss an important matter regarding the family you now hold captive in the bowels of that very ship"

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 2nd, 2001, 12:45:12 AM
:: LL raises an eyebrow, as he entered the containment room in which the Marzullos were being held ::

That is impossible,Pollux. You cannot be who you say you are. I am looking at Pollux Marzullo right now.

Shena Marzullo
Jan 2nd, 2001, 12:57:36 AM
*in her own little world* Dreaming standing at the gathering that she called explaing to the people of "Kisenian" she was wearing a short blood red leather dress and Wearing a Crown with ppl waiting on her Left and Right and asking her if she needed anything ..and if she was ok ........she was telling them something about an invasion from another galaxy ..she told them that..that was all she had to tell them and that they was dissmissed she turned and looked around ...then walked slowly to the palace......there she could live in luxary ..servants and cooks and maids and butlers and food whenever she wanted...was this really like her????.... Oh well

Pollux Katalone Marzullo
Jan 2nd, 2001, 12:58:02 AM
He sighed as he heard this then continued"Yes, unfortunatly thats a truth that I discovered all too recently. Im quite afraid im his failed clone. He tried to clone himself once, and thus I was born. I am not like him though, that is why I am here, we in TMF have certain genetic strains that differ than that of our....guess you could call them cousins.."[i]Brief laugh[i]"..., but yes, he is the real Pollux, but that makes me no less of a person than that of who I am"

Itala Marzullo
Jan 2nd, 2001, 03:34:03 AM
Abruptly and suddenly Itala's eyes are opened, he moves his eyes all around the place, he knew what was going on..and immediately closed his eyes as he saw a droid approaching him...he had lost his force powers..he was irritated as he saw all his family next to him...Itala spat on Andre who was next to him and he quickly opened his eyes as well, Itala widened his eyes at him..they both knew they were trapped..

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 2nd, 2001, 03:41:28 AM
OOC: Itala, you cannot see any of your family from where you are. Every Marzullo is isolated in his own lockdown area in the containment center. Also, the drug cocktail you are on is making sure you're still in a good stupor.

Itala Marzullo
Jan 2nd, 2001, 03:45:19 AM
OOC: Hmm..ok...either way, a psychopath always opens his eyes abruptly.. :lol People, just edit it with your minds I feel lazy. :)
Oh, you mean "their own" because we're all not only men.

Vin Diesel Marzullo
Jan 2nd, 2001, 04:18:46 AM
*dreams of a grand ship called the Vin Diesel Palace II, the ship is but one of three.*

*Vin finds himself walking down a vast network of hallways to the central chamber of the Palace ship*

*Once to the central chamber a large mass of people salute him, soon he realizes that this is a vision of a future yet to come and that this is a but a fraction of the military that he will command*

*He makes his way to the center of the room where a rather large console is, he skillfully taps on the keys and a map of a vast system comes up, he takes a look at it and sees that he is near one of the inner planets, he then presses one of the switches and it all disappears*

*He turns to the mass of people and bows to them, he then notices that they all wear military clothing, this pleases him greatly knowing that one day he will rule over this many and millions more people*

Imperial Jay
Jan 3rd, 2001, 01:13:00 AM
OOC: LL what are your coordinates, and what is the name of your ship?

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 3rd, 2001, 01:25:21 AM
OOC: SSD Vendetta, in the Zur-Uura Penthu system.

Lord Gue
Jan 3rd, 2001, 01:32:06 AM
OOC- LL, ya know youve done like 3 OOC comments in this thread and as Pollux im sill waiting for a response

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 3rd, 2001, 01:37:59 AM
:: LL continued the conversation ::

Alright...Pollux, what is it you want? I hope it is not to beg for the lives of your real self's family. I have fought hard for this, and reprieve of sentence for them is not negotiable.

Lady Vader
Jan 3rd, 2001, 02:24:57 AM
*LV stood to the right of LL, looking towards him as he conversed with this Pollux clone, waiting to see how the conversation turned*

Dante Marzullo
Jan 3rd, 2001, 05:16:40 AM
Dante dreams himself of a fine warrior, mercilessly destroying the next generation of weak goons, visiting his aged father Itala whilst trillions upons trillions bowed to him, he kneeled in front of his father and smiled proudly...

Jaina Lockheart
Jan 3rd, 2001, 07:47:20 AM
Jaina lies alone, seemingly asleep, in her own little world, dreaming of one day living a perfect life. She watches her life go by in her dreams, not knowing what's going on around her in the real world...

Imperial Jay
Jan 3rd, 2001, 06:14:52 PM
Imperial Jay, Commodore of the Galactic Military Alliance stood on the bridge of the Flagship SSD Terror II. Darth Viscera Interim Diktat had ordered him to stay in GMA space and protect their borders. Instead he had gone to the battlesite of OLK.

Jay: "Officer, How soon until we reach our target?"

Officer: "Sir we coming up on Fih Tan IV within the hour."

Jay: "You are dismissed."

Jay watched as the stars lengthen to starlines. The GMA Reserve Fleet had followed him. Jay was in complete control of them. Once out of the system controlled by the GMA he had quietly executed all the officers who were known to be loyal to Viscera. He was in command now. These ships were his.

They were:
Flagship-SSD3 Terror II
SSD3 Heartless
SSD3 Decisive
SSD3 Invincible II
SSD3 Death's Hand
SSD3 Torturer II
SSD3 Relentless II
SSD3 Dantooine's Fury
ASD Derenger
ASD Subjugator
ASD Predominator
ASD Wrath
ASD Devour
ASD Shrike IX
ASD Overlord
ASD Taskmaster
ASD Master
ASD Art of War
ASD Man of War
ASD Seductress
ASD Disdain IV
DSD Griffin
DSD Watchkeeper
ISD3 Conqueror
ISD3 Conquest
ISD3 Hero
ISD3 Emanator
ISD3 Vengeance
ISD3 Paraplegiater
ISD3 Obtruder
ISD3 Intractable
ISD3 Commander
ISD3 Warrior
ISD3 Subdominator
ISD3 Extractor
ISD2 Devastator II
ISD3 Valiant
ISD3 Eviscerator
VSD3 Enunciator
VSD3 Intolerator
VSD3 Inoculator
VSD3 Iniquitor
VSD3 Inquisitor
VSD3 Supplant
VSD3 Disdainful
VSD3 Furious
VSD3 Reprehensible
VSD3 Felonious
VSD3 Raze
VSD3 Fealty
VSD3 Loyalist
VSD3 Pride of Delteon
VSD3 Remorseless
VSD3 Obtruder II
VSD3 Firestorm
VSD3 Escape
VSD3 Gauntlet II
VSD3 Emasculator
VSD3 Polemicator
VSD3 Emaciator
VSD3 Gruesome
VSD3 Polarizer
VSD3 Invocator
VSD3 Invidious
OF2 Turrascous
OF2 Darm Omen
OF2 Bozeman
OF2 Briggius
OF2 Gargantuan
OF2 Insipid
OF2 Antagonistic
OF2 Hot Streak
OF2 Shanafius
OF2 Perplexor
OF2 Hispaniator
OF2 Suprevator
OF2 Elustrious II
OF2 Devastator III
OF2 Eviscerator IV
OF2 Triumph III
OF2 Victious
OF2 Dark Crisis
OF2 Ornothopter
OF2 Zhilophenator
INT Punctuator
INT Stellar Web
INT Constrainer
INT Repeller
INT Restrainer
ITC Plague
ITC Success
ESC Diablo
ESC Container I
ESC Container II
CRC Vainly Triumphant
CGU Lance
CGU Caitlin

Though the funny thing was that Jay had no intention of helping GMA. He was actually turning on GMA. Darth Viscera hgad controlling devices on the ships, but each and everyone had been destroyed and replaced with Jay's controlling devices.

The fleet headed toward the system.

Iris Marzullo II
Jan 3rd, 2001, 09:14:48 PM
< dreaming >Iris was standing at the edge of a vast chasm. The cold wind blew her dark hair around her head. A voice behind her whispers, "You will return to me." In an instant her lightsaber flicks on and she turns around to face the wind. Her eyes look for the speaker but only finds the vast empty expanse stretch out infront of her. She turns slowly full circle making sure that everything is clear. A dark shadowy winged figure materialises forcing her to lose her balance and fall of the edge into the dark ravine. Falling, Iris reaches out and grabs nothing but air. As she rushes downward into darkness the voice returns... "You will return to me."</dreaming>

within her containment container Iris's body begins to jerk uncontrollably

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 3rd, 2001, 09:31:53 PM
OOC: So let me get this straight, you come straight from "On Leave" status, commandeer the entire reserve fleet with no word or notice, not even a question from your superiors as to why you are activating the reserves. THEN...you hyper immediately to Frih'Tan's location after I've left, miraculously divine my location, and THEN hyper directly to my location...all in one post.

We have a word for this. Its called No.

Imperial Jay
Jan 3rd, 2001, 09:40:05 PM
OOC: First of all, I am not on leave, I came back. That website has yet to be updated. I was opointed the Reserve Fleet by Darth Viscera himself. I traced you to your current position. Deal with it.

Lady Vader
Jan 3rd, 2001, 09:44:35 PM
OOC: NO?? I thought it was called GOD-MODE... *shakes her head at the absurdity of Jay's post*

Imperial Jay
Jan 3rd, 2001, 09:46:13 PM
OOC: God Moding how? I clarified on the post.

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 3rd, 2001, 09:51:03 PM
OOC: God moding by going Zip...HEY! I'm from point A to Frih'tan! God moding by going Ala-kazaam! I am psychic enough to know exactly where LL's ship (and even WHICH ship LL was on, since I wasn't around) is, and where he left to, before I even arrived. God moding by going BOO-YAH! I'm gonna hyper over to your exact position in the same exact post!

I think I made myself clear on that. Post ignored, Jay.

Darth Turbogeek
Jan 3rd, 2001, 09:59:53 PM
OOC : I just checked this out... I believe Imperial Jay was moding. I see no valid way for the following two reasons...

1) Where the hell did that fleet come from?

2) I see no way Jay would know where to arrive at.

Imperial Jay
Jan 3rd, 2001, 10:03:14 PM
OOC: Please READ people! It was GMA's reserve fleet which Viscera appointed to ME. I traced LL's ship, which he never posted about any procautions to not be followed. Plus I was kept up to date by GMA forces, that is a second on how I confirmed the location.

Imperial Jay
Jan 3rd, 2001, 10:07:16 PM
OOC: If it is still considered God Moding, I shall edit my post.

Itala Marzullo
Jan 3rd, 2001, 10:07:27 PM
I see I'm not the only one to snap when things don't go one's way.

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 3rd, 2001, 10:07:55 PM
OOC: There is no logical way for you, who were way the hell away in another star system, to track where I was going, without the aid of a hyperspace buoy. Not to mention, you did this miraculously in one post. Objection overruled.

Edit: I never informed Viscera or GMA of my new course. The 1st GMA departed for Naboo before I left.

Imperial Jay
Jan 3rd, 2001, 10:09:35 PM
OOC: Then I will edit it.

Imperial Jay
Jan 3rd, 2001, 10:18:49 PM
OOC: I have edited the other post.

IC: Jay orders every device by Viscera to be seeked out and destroyed. He opened the comm channel to all ships and informed them of this. They were still in Hyperspace. Jay created his own ship controlling devices that overruled DV's. They were placed all around each ship.

Officer: "Sir we are in the process of destroying all of the controlling devices and placing yours."

Jay: "Excellent."

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 3rd, 2001, 10:19:07 PM
OOC: Enough bickering...I intend to finish this RP.

:: LL stands before his prizes. The time had come for his final vengeance. He turned as several medics wheeled in Jadesfire Marzullo's battered body. She was propped up in the center of the room on her containment unit, similar to the rest of the Marzullos in each of their isolation cells around the isolation area. LL turned to the chief prison medic ::

Revive them.

:: The medic introduced a dialkolide into each of the Marzullo's bloodstreams, bringing back their conciousness, but still depriving them of their major motor abilities. Unable to do anything but observe, the Marzullos looked on at the scene. LL gestured straight at Itala's isolation chamber ::

Bring him.

:: Two troops moved Itala's containment unit to the center of the room, with LL, LV, and Jadesfire ::

Imperial Jay
Jan 3rd, 2001, 10:23:12 PM
Officer: "Sir, we are coming out of Hyperspace now."

Jay: "Order all ships go on alert status. I want this fleet operating at maximum efficiency."

Officer: "Aye sir."

Aboard each vessel troops scurried and readied their ships. The crews didn't know what to expect but everyone was on their toes as the recent change of command had brought home the dangers of working for the Empire.

Jay: "Well, well, seems our little plan is working so far so good. Have all the objections to my command orders been effectivly dealt with?"

Officer: "Y'Yes S'sir" the officer stuttered.

Jay: "Excellent."

Imperial Jay
Jan 3rd, 2001, 10:25:39 PM
Officer: "Sir?"

Jay: "What?"

Officer: "Darth Viscera will becoming after us."

Jay: "I'm counting on it."

Lady Vader
Jan 3rd, 2001, 10:31:05 PM
*LV watched as Itala's containment unit stopped just inches away from them*

*she moved her eyes, looking first at Itala, then at Jades, then back at Itala... Amazing what chemicals and a little animal can do to powerful Force-sensitive beings.*

*LV looked at the several Ysalimiri that were in and around the room... she frowned... Damn animals are starting to give me a headache.*

*she waited silently for LL's next move in what he had in store for the Marzullo Clan*

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 3rd, 2001, 10:32:28 PM
OOC: A few brief things, Jay. I want to get on with what I came here to do.

1. No GMA officer knows my ship's location. Not even Viscera. All GMA forces left for Naboo before I left, and before you arrived. You could not have divined this from talking to a GMA officer, much less one on your ship, which was not there when the Vendetta entered hyperspace.

2. I am flattered, but no, my ship has no cloak. I really don't need one anyways, as you cannot be on my trail in the first place.

IC: :: LL turns to Itala ::

Now, Itala...the roles are reversed. I now hold your family's fate within my grasp.

:: LL glances back at Jades ::

Your sister is here. She has not forgotten you. Would you wish to be united? Would you join with her?

Imperial Jay
Jan 3rd, 2001, 10:42:29 PM
OOC: Ok, hang I'm editing somemore.

Itala Marzullo
Jan 3rd, 2001, 10:59:41 PM
OOC: Jeyner and the rest were still orbiting Frihn Tan, since they were allied to GMA they would have no prob telling Jay any info. Oh, shouldn't the ysimiri affect you and whoever is with you as well?*Itala didn't open his eyes, he was well conscious and smiled at LL, eyes closed. The MArzulos have a non midichlorian dependent telekinesis ability, no matter how far or bad the situation is they could communicate through the mind..he tells all of tmc a few things including jade as LL spoke, he having no way of knowing what he was saying*

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 3rd, 2001, 11:05:45 PM
OOC: No, not even Jeyner knew. I told nobody. Yes, the Ysalimir affect everybody, including me and especially TMC, who cannot do any telekinesis (what you described was telepathy, and that isn't allowed either) inside the Ysalimir effect. That "ability" is a load of crap, and is ignored.

IC: :: LL eyes Itala, waiting for an answer ::

Itala Marzullo
Jan 3rd, 2001, 11:17:45 PM
OOC: Paste the rule where it says telepathy isn't allowed.

*Itala starts laughing weakly as he does not say anything*

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 3rd, 2001, 11:25:46 PM
OOC: If you used this technique and documented it before, I wouldn't have any problem with it. However, to simply come up and "Wha-la! I have this cool ability!"...is retarded. Every magical or superhuman act, with the exception of the Yuuzhan Vong, is dealt with in the scope of the Force. Therefore, since you have established that you and your family are force users, this option is null and void for you.

And, in regards to the rule, it is that SW attacks and moves take precedence over all others.

Darth Turbogeek
Jan 3rd, 2001, 11:28:35 PM
OOC : There are no known TP capable races in SW without using the Force and it certainly is not capable in humans within Star Wars

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 3rd, 2001, 11:36:15 PM
:: LL scowls ::

I did not bring you before me so that you would stand here and laugh to me queries. Answer, or I will execute your kinsmen in front of you.

Imperial Jay
Jan 3rd, 2001, 11:37:41 PM
OOC: I have edited my posts.

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 3rd, 2001, 11:46:12 PM
OOC: Thank ya, Jay.

Imperial Jay
Jan 3rd, 2001, 11:46:14 PM
Jay:"Scan the system for the Vendetta."

Officer:"She's not here sir."

Jay:"Damn! We're too late. Order the fleet to head to the second set of coordinates I gave you."

Officer:"Yes Sir, Sending coordinates now."

Jay:"Get us out of this system now."

The 97 ships then stretched and dissapeared within a blink of an eye.

Imperial Jay
Jan 3rd, 2001, 11:47:45 PM
OOC: You're welcome, I'm sorry that I got pissed off before.

Pollux Katalone Marzullo
Jan 4th, 2001, 12:40:57 AM
OOC: yeah, as Gue ive used my mind powers (Telepathy, Telekinesis, Pyrokenitics, ect) for a long time, usualy in battle. But to my recall, i dont remember a TMC usin it before.

Itala Marzullo
Jan 4th, 2001, 12:44:40 AM
OOC: Actualy I have, with Gretchen and MAra, at TMC The Series, their telepathy allowed them to coordinate moves and such. I was going to elborate on it later. And there are no vampires or undead beings in SW yet you don't bitch at those people TG>*Itala smiles as he laughs and says...*"Do your worst bad guy..."

Darth Turbogeek
Jan 4th, 2001, 12:48:08 AM
OOC : Actually Itala, I bitched about vampires and undead a long time ago. I just totally ignore them now.

Itala Marzullo
Jan 4th, 2001, 12:57:36 AM
OOC: Hmm, why don't you people make a rule about that? It's like bringing Superman and getting away with it.

Commodus Marzullo
Jan 4th, 2001, 05:41:16 AM
*Commodus dreams about being surrounded by beatiful women.*

ooc: >=( nuthin i can do right now but dreaming

Arles Marzullo
Jan 4th, 2001, 12:51:53 PM
Confined in his isolated space, Arles lies slumped across the floor in trance like-state. Seeing one of many futures if time continues on its present course:

Surrounded by darkness, in the cold outer reaches of the Unknown Regions of space, a SSD is about to lead a campaign of total dominance. Taking over planet by planet, with no mercy. With hundreds of various star destroyers, a few torpedo spheres, and thousands of starfighters, taking over a series of planets will only take time - which is something Arles has on his side.

Itala Marzullo
Jan 4th, 2001, 01:00:31 PM
Itala's eyes were still closed while he laughed, hew knew this insult irritated LL beyond belief and decided to..spit on him...Cat got your tongue LL?

Imperial Jay
Jan 4th, 2001, 07:46:02 PM
Jay sat, staring out of the viewport of Terror II. It had occured to him that Darth Viscera, could recall these ships at any appointed time. It was impossible for Jay to stop this.

Jay: "Officer!"

Officer: "Yes Sir?"

Jay: "Inform the crew that we will be heading back to GMA space."

The officer dropped his datapad.

Officer: "Sir do you know what Darth Vis-"

Jay: "Yes Officer I am aware. Order all ships back now. I will assume full responsibility for my actions."

Officer: "Yessir! I will inform the other ships."

As the ships turned around and headed into Hyperspace directed at GMA properties, Jay was lost in thought. What he had done was madness. He couldn't even figure out himself why he did it. Jay just hoped Viscera would be light on the sentence, though he doubted it....

Itala Marzullo
Jan 5th, 2001, 02:13:19 AM
Itala finaly opens his eyes and yells to LL's face..I HAVE joined my sister the moment I boarded this rotten ship.

Iris Marzullo II
Jan 5th, 2001, 03:26:36 AM
Iris's body began going into convulsive fits as the med techs tried to revive her.

Mtech: "Sir! This one is haveing an adverse reaction to one of the drugs."

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 5th, 2001, 06:38:48 PM
:: LL's eyes turned quickly to LV ::

Now join her in Eternity.

:: LV withdrew an 8 inch dagger, and plunged the weapon into Jades' side. As Itala tried to scream, he quickly found a similar blade skewered into his own abdomen, with LL holding the handle. LL let the blade stay for a moment, and then withdrew it swiftly, wiping the blade across Itala's robes to clean it. LV did the same with Jades. As Itala and Jades struggled with their serious wounds, LL gestured to two containment guards. ::

Shoot the rest of them, and bring them to deck 129.

:: LL gestures with two fingers toward the door, and he and LV turn to leave. A contingent of containment guards wheel away Itala and Jade's isolation units, a slight drizzling of blood left behind. As the group leaves, the sound of blaster fire can be heard as guards shoot the remaining Marzullos in the side. The smell of ozone, blood, and seared flesh hangs heavy, as the rest of the containment troops begin to haul away the rest of TMC, following LL to deck 129 ::

Itala Marzullo
Jan 5th, 2001, 07:09:13 PM
OOC; Hmmmmm..

*Itala's heart started pumping at a slower rate, as he loses blood he burns in anger, looking to the sides, LL better not let him loose*

Pollux Katalone Marzullo
Jan 5th, 2001, 07:11:24 PM
OOC: Do you just not see my replys LL?

Itala Marzullo
Jan 5th, 2001, 07:30:25 PM
OOC: :lol: :P

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 5th, 2001, 08:24:44 PM
:: LL speaks on the comm as the Marzullos are moved to deck 129 ::

I'll have the cleaning droids bottle their spilt blood if you give me one reason why I would risk having the Marzullos cloned.

:: LL enters a large room, filled with capital ship ordinance. Proton Torpedoes, concussion missiles, heavy rockets, and space bombs line rows of cargo pallates. in front of them, several large depressed tracks line the floor...extending to the wall, where circular doors remain closed. ::

Welcome, Itala. This is projectile battery 39. Twelve weapon tubes poised and ready to unleash a barrage of firepower. Its an impressive feat in logistics. The missiles are fed by crane onto this conveyor, and pulled into the launch tubes for deployment.

:: LL makes a gesturing motion, and several techs operate cranes, which haul a full volley of heavy space bombs onto the feeder track. Once there, the techs begin to remove the guidance and payload, adding a few changes to the weaponry ::

Itala, this will be your final testament...your last eternal resting place. The asteroids of Zur-Uura Penthu are remnants of destroyed planets. They are survivable, barely. The white dwarf binary stars create a gravitational pull that can only be withstood by the strongest vessels. If you survive your voyage, you will be lucky. If you find your comrades scattered across thousands of asteroids, you will be blessed, and if you ever find a ship strong enough and stupid enough to rescue you, then you will be dreaming. I offer you chance enough to live. It is more than you offered my family. I hope you live a long and painful life.

:: LL turned to guards ::

Put them in.

:: One by one, the guards force each one of the Marzullos into the heavy space bombs, which were fitted to allow one person to survive in each...although comfort was quite lacking. After several minutes, every Marzullo was packed into a space bomb. LL kept the access hatch to Itala's space bomb open, as he leaned close ::

Now, I have my revenge. Goodbye, Itala.

:: LL slammed the bomb door shut, motioning to the fire control chief. ::


:: Slowly, the tracked conveyors pulled the bombs forward, to the launch tubes. LL stood by LV, watching what he had waited for for a very long time. The two walked over to a viewport as the first space bombs entered the launcher. Seconds later, an audible hiss could be heard as the bombs were launched, heading towards the asteroid field. With no guidance, they would go out of control, scattering amongst the super-asteroids. Whether they survived or not depended on luck and whether they could regain control of the Force in time. After that...who knew. One thing was for sure, if the Marzullos ever came together as a presence again, it would be an arduous task. As the last space bomb was launched to space, LL walked away. ::

Pollux Katalone Marzullo
Jan 5th, 2001, 08:36:29 PM
As Pollux gazes out theview port he noices objects that look stangly artifical comared to the asteroid backdrop, checking his scanner screens he verifies his suspicions. He gestures to a crew member to keep a track on these lauches then turns back into the comm"Well, were not the same Marzullos you do so seem to love to hate. We are merely the inheritors of a hated name. Or DNA Cloning process's are wrong...but not in a bad way. They make us different than our originals, but better, at least I think so, im sure my originator wouldnt though. Were not the ones you hate, were just a family getting on its feet asking for your help, just this time....will you help us?"

Itala Marzullo
Jan 5th, 2001, 08:37:38 PM
*Like magic, Itala slowly regained his force powers and checked to see everyone in the family was ok, he shut the door of the pod/bomb and started breathing..the restraints came apart as he shot some lightning to his wound, cauterizing it..more and more energy invaded Itala as he is almsot 80% alright. He uses the force, concentrating more than ever before..to expand it throughout the cold space. With the force, he called all the bombs and soon all of TMC united..Itala guided them to aid with their force power as they all headed in the most suitable-looking asteroid*

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 5th, 2001, 08:45:03 PM
:: LL activated the comm ::

Understand, Pollux...it is a long road for me to trust a Marzullo...or a clone of a Marzullo. I will have the blood samples stored. Gain my trust, and you shall gain your prize.

Pollux Katalone Marzullo
Jan 5th, 2001, 08:49:11 PM
"Alright, but in the mean time your free to visit our home on Frih'Tan V"

Itala Marzullo
Jan 5th, 2001, 09:16:32 PM
*Soon, each of the marzullo pods entered one of the asteroids. Itala struggled to guide them safely as they started burning slightly. Itala managed to land all pots safely on the unknown asteroid. It was a miracle, any ship would be smashed by the near infinite amount of asteroids, yet thanks to Itala's help and some luck they succeeded.*

Thol Marzullo
Jan 5th, 2001, 10:09:14 PM
Thol slowly opened his eyes and surveyed hsi surroundings. He was in a pod. He looked around and saw the pod had landed on an asteroid. There were many other pods on the asteroid too. Thol felt the Dark Side rush back into him. He felt power again in his body. Thol sent a message out to Itala.

Thol: "Itala are you and the others Okay? It's Thol I just woke up."

Itala Marzullo
Jan 5th, 2001, 11:00:42 PM
Itala: "Nice to hear you Thol, yes, everybody is alive and safe, they are waking up slowly, now we just need to call our friend Cloak, he'll send a ship right up and nobody will know."

*Itala steps out of the pod and looks around..he could breath normally though the air was dense..*

Thol Marzullo
Jan 5th, 2001, 11:22:34 PM
Thol literally jumps out of his pod. He hated being cramped up in tight spaces. Thol could breath too. He walked over to Itala.

"So Cloak is coming? How long will it be until he arrives? This place is cold. I need a cigarette."

Iris Marzullo II
Jan 5th, 2001, 11:39:56 PM
Inside her pod Iris screams in agony. Every bloodcell in her body burns as the chemical reaction continues. Weakly she pushes on the pod only to collapse and passout from the pain.

Thol Marzullo
Jan 5th, 2001, 11:53:25 PM
Thol sees Iris.

Thol: "IRIS! NO!"

Thol runs over and picks her up. He sets her down in her pod.

Thol: "We need some medicine and a cigarette for afterwards, the woman has to smoke ya know! Is there a Doctor in the house?"

Itala Marzullo
Jan 6th, 2001, 12:18:36 AM
Find gretchen, she'll be able to heal Iris, hurry!

Thol Marzullo
Jan 6th, 2001, 12:24:44 AM
Jumps up and cups his hands over his mouth.


Gretchen Marzullo
Jan 6th, 2001, 02:08:54 PM
*Gm heard Thol screaming, and grabs some smokes and gets out of her pod, and runs near the place she heard the screaming.
She sees Iris shaking on the ground, and she try's to lay her hand on Iris, but Iris moves to much. She try's again...... and it works. She heals Iris and gets up with a smile. She walks over to Thol and throws the smokes in his hands. "Here your smokes." she says with a gray.*

Captain Joachim Fena
Jan 6th, 2001, 02:18:23 PM
OOC: Just a friendly reminder, you guys have no communications equipment or any other equipment for that matter.

Thol Marzullo
Jan 6th, 2001, 02:20:16 PM
Thol grabs the smokes and lights one. He passes one to Iris.

"So where do we go from here?"

Thol Marzullo
Jan 6th, 2001, 02:25:38 PM
OOC: Actually we have the Force as communications, plus the pods can be built into equipment.

Itala Marzullo
Jan 6th, 2001, 03:38:40 PM
OOC: Ditto, I can't believe he forgot about the force, lmao..

Commodus Marzullo
Jan 6th, 2001, 11:54:31 PM
:::Commodus Busted himself out of the Pod. Looks around as his family gathering together in a unknown surrounding. Helping some of the others getting out of the Pod.:::

"...Where are we?..."

Camus Marzullo II
Jan 7th, 2001, 09:10:13 AM
Camus fell out of a nearby pod, hitting the ground with a hard thud.

"WOoo..that was one heck of a ride.."

He turns around, noticing Itala and some of the others standing over Iris. Running over to them and grinning uneasily.

"Where are we... and what are we doing here?"

Itala Marzullo
Jan 7th, 2001, 02:18:44 PM
*Itala runs to Jade's pod, opens it and looks at JAde..Itala force pulls her out of the pod and holds her, carrying her over to the rest*

"This is my sister Jade, Gretchen, please, use your powers on her.."

*Itala looked sadly at his suffering sister, she was finaly "home"...*

Admiral Jyener
Jan 8th, 2001, 11:24:39 PM
*Groups of capital ships roamed the vast, nearly empty area. Scans were made, and reports from various fighter patrols flooded in.

"Zeta nineteen to Ecli. . . .destroye. .iablo. Repeat, . .eta ninet. . . to the Diablo."

A second lieutenant keyed off the earlier broadcasted transmission. Turning his head slightly to the side, he continued to try and patch in the message clearly.

"Admiral Jyener, sir. One of our patrol groups just reported in. However, I can't pick up any signal of their location."

Walking up to the panel where the lieutenant was seated, Jyener tilted his head to get a clear view.

"Play back the entire message.."

The voice recording was played several times until Jyener realized what it meant.

"Third Officer Wilco, order all flight groups to form up on Zeta group's last position.. They are to destroy any hostile fighters with no hesitation.."

*Craning his neck to look at the Admiral, the first lieutenant wondered what was going on. Keeping his head straight forward, Jyener felt the question coming and answered it before the words could be spoken.

"The recording was unclear, Lieutenant.. The fighter was either being jammed, or was damaged.. Either way, it encounted an enemy fighter.. It is most likely that it is a lone fighter, performing a recon of the area.."

The man nodded in understanding, and went back to his work.

Jan 9th, 2001, 03:29:50 PM
*Jade lays in Itala's arms unconcious. The emotional trauma had been to much for her and she had retreated in on herself. The torture and mind control had all taken its toll on her over the past months and with the loss of blood she had no more energy left. Months ago she had asked LL just to let her die but he had afforded her no such luxury. Keeping just enough of her alive to suit his twisted purposes. Even now there was no solace for her she had lost herself months before and was ready to accept death with open arms. But fate wouldn't seem to let her go quietly. How much of her was really left no one could tell. She was a shell of the woman she used to be.*

Itala Marzullo
Jan 9th, 2001, 06:05:54 PM
*Seeing as Gretchen is weak from her last healing, Itala places his hand on his adored sister's forehead. he closes his eyes and a red gloom surrounded them both, a warm breeze started a healing process from Itala's force energy, Itala noticed a ghastly wound in her sotmach. Probably cause of LL's sadistic ovarries tearing.*

"You'll have children my sister, we'll make it so, you shall live and conquer, with us..for all eternity.."

Pollux Katalone Marzullo
Jan 9th, 2001, 06:21:26 PM
[i]Spinning around on his heel away from the viewport he taps a few buttons then orders the ship back to TMF/GMA space. As the ship jumps to hyperspace a bouy launches sendinga warning signal out to all who would seek to let MC out, and secretly holding a message to TMC if they did

Itala Marzullo
Jan 9th, 2001, 06:40:40 PM
Itala continues the healing on his poor sister as he wishes she opened her eyes, his dark force healing every organ, every cell of blood in her boidy..

Droid Malay
Jan 9th, 2001, 11:13:09 PM

Itala Marzullo
Jan 9th, 2001, 11:27:00 PM
Itala held his siter and healed her as he talked to Cloak through the force, times had changed, they remembered the old times and he chuckled as he looked at his closest family..

Droid Malay
Jan 9th, 2001, 11:35:18 PM

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 9th, 2001, 11:59:38 PM
OOC: No shuttle has engine capacity strong enough to muscle out of that kind of gravity. If you will notice, the Vendetta could only maintain its position on the edge of the system with engines on reverse. Thus, that shuttle is pretty much stuck.

Itala Marzullo
Jan 10th, 2001, 02:36:33 AM
OOC: What's your point? We're getting out anyway.

Darth Viscera
Jan 10th, 2001, 02:42:13 AM
OOC-Not through that shuttle, you're not. Hope Droid Malay can use 200,000 credits' worth of scrap metal, because that's what it will become once the gravitic anomaly is finished with it. Putting people in it would also be suicidal, and I'm guessing that you would want The marzullo clan to die a more gallant death than pilot error/act of gods.

Itala Marzullo
Jan 10th, 2001, 04:45:13 AM
OOC; OMG< you used Longshanks, damn you to hell, damn you!@!!!!!!!! :)

I know, but then, WHAT ship could do it? Wouldn't this be unfair also? A WHOLE GROUP stuck in an asteroid is so...coshier...what else can i say, mods are annoying me right now and am not thinking too straight..later...

Darth Viscera
Jan 10th, 2001, 05:30:37 AM

I don't know. You'll have to consult with LL on MSN to see what kind of ship could get in there to pull you out. I'm guessing that, since there was a way to get in, there's probably a way to get out.

And I didn't pay $20 for a Braveheart DVD to avoid getting some screen captures of the famous 13th/14th century pagan English King :)

Itala Marzullo
Jan 10th, 2001, 05:59:28 AM
OOC: Hey, let's talk about it in MNS! I need some Lucius from Gladiator caps. :)
Damn, I want the whole movie in caps, involves many pics I want to use for TMC's future empire... ;)

Darth Viscera
Jan 10th, 2001, 06:10:33 AM
I actually don't have the Gladiator DVD, though.

Itala Marzullo
Jan 10th, 2001, 05:29:14 PM

Ah well, since LL can flah forward to the future in other rpgs, I guess I'll do the same and never explain how we escaped. :)

Droid Malay
Jan 10th, 2001, 06:22:02 PM