Avdid Asm

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Avdid Asm is an outcast gran and talented slicer. Driven by an insatiable desire for knowledge of the Force, he is now travelling the galaxy, searching for lost lore and artifacts, unwilling to seek the help of others.



Avdid was born to a working class mining family, one of the members of the gran colony on Hok. At a young age, he was considered gifted, simply unusually clever for a child his age. As he matured, it became clear to his parents that he was force-sensitive. Knowing that their neighbors would eventually alert Imperial authorities of his existence, they sent him away on a departing transport.

The Nomadic Scholar

Avdid began to scour the galaxy for what he was and what he could do. For several years he bounced from planet to planet. He sought anyone and anything that had information about the Jedi, the Sith, and the Force. During this time, he tried to keep a low profile and moved on when people began to become too suspicious about who he was and what he was up to. After a few years, the galactic current dumped him, like many others, on Coruscant. The mid-levels of the city-planet became his sanctuary. By day he worked various odd jobs to bring in the credits, a perfectly respectable member of society. By night, he was a traffiker of knowledge, tracking down whatever leads he could find, whether they be on the HoloNet or in the depths of the city. He began to amass a trove of various stories, legends, and theories related to the Force - and his most treasured find, a Jedi holocron authored by Master Sabla-Mandibu.

One ill-advised quest led him to try and capture the ultimate prize - the knowledge stored within the Jedi Archives. Though he was armed with a careful plan, he was still captured, not by the police, but by the Inquisitorius. He was placed on a prison ship for transport to a secret prison deep within the galactic core. The ship was eventually waylaid by a group of Rebel commandos and Avdid freed with the rest of the prisoners. But his time in solitary confinement, brief though it may have been, had changed him.


Like most gran, Avdid is very personable and craves close emotional bonds. When facing a new setting, he is quick to identify an individual as a friend and work to develop that individual as a companion. Since his imprisonment, the nature of this companionship seems to have changed. He still craves closeness with those he considers "friends", but he has become more guarded, more hesitant to reveal to them anything of his own thoughts or emotions. He has taken to using others more as tools.

The primary driving force in Avdid's life is the thirst for knowledge about the Force. He is insatiable when it comes such knowledge, whether it relate to the Light Side or the Dark. Using a combination of his outgoing personality and his considerable skills as a slicer, he has become an expert at ferreting out this knowledge. He will not hesitate to lie or steal if it means acquiring more knowledge.

He has a strong predilection for the color yellow.


  • Kilo Asm - Father
  • Nee Asm - Mother
  • Tam Asm - younger brother

Avdid has not returned to visit his family in 5 years.


9 ABY :
  • [1] - Avdid's attempted infiltration of the Jedi Archives fails early...and spectacularly.
  • [2] - Avdid experiences the hospitality of the Inquisitorius.
  • 10 ABY:
  • [3] - (Romance not Included) Finding himself stranded on the planet of Circarpous IV, Avdid coerces a group of coworkers into accompanying him on a quest for a legendary artifact.