Guide: Character Page

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Below is a guide for how to create a wiki page for your character that will match's style guidelines. If you are confused by any of the instructions, edit (but don't save!) one of the example pages to see how it was done.

Example Pages: Vittore Montegue, Inyos Aamoran



To add the info box to your character page, you will need to include Template:NuBox Character. Visit the Template's page, and copy-and-paste the code in the grey box onto your bio page. Put this at the top of your wiki page, and then miss a line before you start the rest of your content.

You will need to then change the information for each field to fit your character. As you do so, you can Show preview to see how the infobox is looking so far.

  • Setting= ... What roleplay setting/universe is your character in? Type "SW" for Star Wars, or "MU" for Mutants, Unite.
  • Title= ... Type the name of your character, as it appears on the account you post with. This will show above the image.
  • Image= ... Type the file name for your bio picture. This is usually "Page Name.jpg". If you do not have an image, delete this field completely, and the infobox will automatically use a default image.
  • Description= ... A short description of your character's job/role that shows under the image. Try to keep it short so it fits on one line.
  • Name= ... Your character's full name, including any titles (sir, lord) or suffixes (PhD, MD, Jr) they may have.
  • Alias= ... Any nicknames, callsigns, or alter egos your character may have. You can separate these with commas, and can force a new line with HTML, using < br > (no spaces).
  • Born= ... Where you were born, and when, separated by a dash. Use ABY years for Star Wars, and "Earth dates" for Mutants, Unite. You can force a new line with HTML, using < br > (no spaces).
  • Species= ... What species/race are you? This includes humans and aliens for Star Wars, and mutants for Mutants, Unite.
  • Affiliation= ... Are you affiliated with any teams, companies, or groups, like the Avengers, SpecForce, or Jovan Station? Separate each team/group onto a new line.
  • Role= ... Describe your job, or jobs. Bounty hunter? Chief Engineer? Fighter Pilot (Rogue 7)? Separate each job/role onto a new line.
  • Faction= ... What faction are you part of? Factions are groups like the Alliance of Free Planets, Black Sun, the Brotherhood of Mutants, or SHIELD. If you have no faction, use "Independent".
  • Actor= ... If you have an approved image claim for Star Wars or for General Roleplay, include the actor's name here.
  • Player= ... Put a link to your "main" account, that you use for OOC posting and/or check most often for PMs. You can link to an url using single [square brackets] - type the url first, then a space, and then whatever words you would like the link to say.


Start off your character page with a brief paragraph or two explaining what your character is and how they fit into the story. Make sure to put the name of your character in bold somewhere in the first sentence, by using three apostrophes '''like this'''. If you are a regular part of an important group/setting - if you live on Cloud City or Corellia, if you are part of the crew for the Novgorod or Jovan Station, if you are part of the Alliance Senate, etc - try to include that in bold near the beginning too. If your character has a ship or a close partner, you may want to link to them in your intro as well.

The rest of your character page will be split up into different sections. Each section starts with it's name in bold with two equals signs: == '''Like This''' ==

You can add in subsections to draw attention to specific phases of your history and so on by using three equals signs: === Like This ===


The History section is where you can describe your character's background. Try not to be too specific: players can find out more about your character by reading your threads and talking to you. The goal is to let other players know what you are about, so that they can get stuck into roleplays with you as quickly as possible. You may find it useful to use subsections to describe specific eras of your character's history, such as what they did during the Clone Wars, or since The Treaty.


The Personality section is where you can give a brief overview of what your character is like. Make sure to mention some positive and negative character traits, any aspects of their personality that make them particularly hard or easy to get along with, any extreme biases / phobias / fandoms, and so on. If your character's personality has changed dramatically, you may want to explain how they used to be, to help people reading through your older threads.

If you have a character who has an alter ego (such as a superhero), you may want to use a subsection to briefly describe if/how they act differently while in costume.

If your character has powers - if they are a mutant, a Jedi, etc - you may want to add a "Mutant Powers" or "Force Abilities" subsection to explain those.


The Family section is for a brief explanation of your relationship with your family in general, and with specific members of it. If you are estranged from anyone in your family, you may want to mention why. If there is anyone that your character considers part of their family, even though they aren't related genetically or by marriage, you may want to explain that as well. You can also include a bullet-point list of your family members in this section.


The Timeline is a scroll box where you can list all (or some) of your previous threads, separated by the year that they took place. You can create one of these using Template:Scroll box and Template:Year, or by copy-and-pasting from the box below.

{{Scroll box|

Replace "AAA" with the year in which the thread happens, and "BBB" with a link to the thread itself (the same way you linked your OOC account for the Player= field earlier), and a brief description of what happens. You can also use it to show key events that weren't threaded, like when your character was born, etc.

To add additional threads/events to the same year, start a new line, which begins with < li > (no spaces).

You can repeat the {{Year}} as many times as you need to, just by copying it onto a new line.

Out of Character

Some players have created a template or link box to connect their different characters together. To learn about creating one of your own, visit Guide: Character Box.