Alliance Starfighter Corps

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The Alliance Starfighter Corps, Also called the Rebel Air Force, was first founded as a Non-naval Air force used by the Alliance to restore the Republic. Like its Predecessor, the Republic Starfighter Corps, The ASC was intended to be the Elite Air group of the Alliance Military. As the Alliance stabilized and restructured a working Government, The ASC was made part of Fleet Command. While all fighter wings are now considered part of the Corps each wing operates on its own apart from the Corps Command. Large scale Fighter OPs and Wing deployment fall under the Corps jurisdiction. All Elite Fighter Groups answer to Corps Command no matter their current Deployment.


The Bulk of ASC Fighter's were divided into Wings. A wing was made up of 3 to 12 squadrons of 6 or 12 fighter generally attached to a ship, Station, or fleet. When a larger force is needed up to 3 wings could be formed into a Fighter Group. This was a rare accurence as resources and operational procedure did not allow for such a large number of fighters to be deployed in a single command.

A Squadron consisted of 12 fighters, Commanded by a Lieutenant Colonel, and formed into 3 smaller flights of 4 fighters each commanded by a Major. Each flight was made up of 2 sections of 2 fighters each commanded by a Lieutenant. Most Squadrons within the Alliance Starfighter corps fallowed this structure. Some less orthodox or elite squadrons had command structures singular to their squadron..


Alliance Starfighter Corps is commanded by General Meiers Brecklin

Current Fighter Classes