Czerka Arms

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In antiquity, the Czerka Corporation was a galaxy-spanning conglomerate involved in every industry from mining and bio-research to droids and speeders. Over the millennia since the Great Galactic War the company's influence has declined, with various subsidiaries being foreclosed or sold off to competitors. Now only the weapons manufacturing aspects of the corporation remain, currently branded as Czerka Arms.

Even with such a modest focus, Czerka continued to struggle, failing to achieve the kind of government contracts that allowed BlasTech and Merr-Sonn to thrive under both the Republic and the Empire. By 4 ABY the corporation was affiliated with the Besadii Kajidic, until Rath Ouishii Dae went to war, seizing control of their shadowport on Ord Vaxal and succeeding in a hostile takeover of Czerka Arms.

Now integrated as part of the Rath Cartel's business empire, Czerka Arms has subsumed a number of smaller weapons manufacturers, merging them into a corporation that specialises in the kind of exotic and atypical weapons favoured by bounty hunters and mercenaries. In 10 ABY, the Alliance-Imperial Treaty provided an opportunity for Ambassador Wrath to acquire Ubrikkian Industries and Rothana Heavy Engineering - former subsidiaries of Kuat Drive Yards - incorporating the latter as the military hardware arm of Czerka Arms.

The corporation is currently run on Ambassador Wrath's behalf by Victor Montegue, in an attempt to avoid any hesitance from potential customers by putting a "friendly" human face onto the Hutt-owned corporation.

At Victor Montegue's direction, Czerka Arms has begun using it's older, "classier" logo, as part of a top-to-bottom rebranding effort.



A Rodian corporation known for it's cheap and reliable blasters. Known for it's ties to the Hutt Cartel, N'Gant-Zarvel was Ambassador Wrath's first business acquisition on Rodia, and is still regarded with considerable fondness despite it's relatively insignificant financial importance.

Salus Corporation

A manufacturer of weapons and armour, specifically aimed at bounty hunters. It was federalised by the Imperial Department of Military Research prior to the Galactic Civil War, but was eventually sold back to the private sector and acquired by the Rath Cartel. The Salus Corporation is known for it's high quality tangle guns, but it's flechette launchers have a reputation for being unreliable.

Prax-Malaxan Firearms

A corporation created by the merger of Malaxan Firepower Incorporated and Prax Arms. Both corporations had a good reputation for producing reliable projectile weapons, with Malaxan specialising in slugthrowers like the FWG-5 Flechette Pistol, while Prax Arms focusing on more exotic and concealable weapons like the Velocity-7 Dart Shooter and the LG-5 Laser Gauntlet. Currently, Czerka Arms manufactures all of it's slugthrowers and projectile launchers under the Prax-Malaxan name.

Palandrix Personal Protection Gear

A small company specialising in the production of armor, weapons, and equipment for use by law enforcement and security forces - including an assortment of stun weapons and non-lethal grenades. Following their acquisition by the Rath Cartel, Palandrix began to work closely alongside the Salus Corporation, incorporating their armor innovations and tangle guns into the Palandrix catalogue.

Kelvarek-Dymex Consolidated

A corporation formed from the merger of Kelvarek Consolidated Arms, and the Dymek Corporation. Both companies specialised in the production of explosive projectile launchers, with Kelvarek focusing on personal systems, while Dymek focused on ship-mounted systems. As part of Czerka Arms, Kelvarek-Dymex produces all of the company's explosive ordnance, as well as the ship and speeder-mounted laser and blaster systems used by Rothana Heavy Engineering and Ubrikkian Industries.

Gordarl Weaponsmiths

The principle arms manufacturer of the Geonosians during the Clone Wars. They specialised in sonic disruptor weapons, which used high frequency sound to rupture the organs and disrupt the cellular structure of anyone caught in the blast wave. Following the collapse of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the demilitarisation of Geonosis, ownership of the Gordarl Weaponsmiths passed to Kalibac Industries along with several other corporate relics of the Separatists; Czerka Arms currently produces Gordarl weapons in limited numbers under licence from Kalibac Industries, marketing them as a weapon ideal for exterminating vermin infestations with minimal damage to inorganic structures.

Rothana Heavy Engineering

A former subsidiary of Kuat Drive Yards, Rothana Heavy Engineering is most famous for the role it played during the Clone Wars, supplying the Grand Army of the Republic with military hardware such as walkers, artillery, and troop transports. Many of Rothana's designs were also constructed by other KDY facilities and subsidiaries such as the Mekuun Corporation, both during and after the Clone Wars, but Rothana's influence began to reduce once Imperial military industry became increasingly homogenised and government-controlled. Rothana was acquired - along with Ubrikkian Industries - by the Rath Cartel shortly after the Alliance-Imperial Treaty of 10 ABY; negotiations are currently underway for military contracts supplying the new Alliance of Free Planets with military equipment.
