Victory I-class Star Destroyer

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Victory I-class Star Destroyer
Victory I.jpg

Mark I Victory-class Star Destroyer
Rendili StarDrive
Star Destroyer
900 meters
1,600 Troops
5 MGLT/s
Class 1.0
(Backup) Class 15.0
1,520 RU
3,200 SBD
(10) Quad Turbolaser Cannons
(40) Twin Turbolaser Cannons
(80) Assault Heavy Concussion Missile Launchers
(120) Heavy Missiles
(10) Tractor Beam Projectors
(24) Starfighters
(4) Shuttles
(6) Barges
8,100 metric tons
4 Years

The Victory I-class Star Destroyer, also known as Victoria I-class Star Destroyer, was a warship designed for planetary defense, planetary assault, ground troop support, and ship-to-ship combat. It was used by the Galactic Republic during the mid-Clone Wars, the Galactic Empire and the Corporate Sector during the Galactic Civil War



Some variants of the Victory-class were designed with three main thrusters and four auxiliary thrusters, like the larger Imperial-class. Others, like the Harrow and the Protector, had two main thrusters and two auxiliary thrusters wedged in-between. The Victory Star Destroyer's DeLuxFlux Class 1.0 hyperdrive was superior to that of the Imperial Star Destroyer, allowing Victory ships to reach their destinations in half the time. Unique among Star Destroyers, the Victory featured atmospheric maneuvering surfaces or "wings". Such ships could take the battle to the enemy on the surface, rather than be restricted to orbital bombardments. The following Victory II subclass retained the wings but lost this atmospheric ability. Later Victory variant dispensed with the atmospheric maneuvering surfaces altogether.

The Victory I-class Star Destroyer required 5,200 crew members for optimal operation and could transport 2,040 troops, 8,100 metric tons of cargo, several ground vehicles like the AT-AT, and two squadrons of starfighters. Despite being several decades old at the time, the shields and hull armor of Victory I-class ships were still quite heavy compared to the other vessels used during the Galactic Civil War. They were equipped with 10 quad turbolaser batteries, 40 double turbolaser batteries, 80 assault concussion missiles tubes, and 10 tractor beam projectors. The Victory I-class Star Destroyer's biggest disadvantage was its underpowered LF9 ion engines, which could not produce sufficient acceleration to pursue newer and faster ships, allowing them to escape ship-to-ship combat. This flaw was rectified in the limited Victory II-class, produced shortly before the advent of the Empire.


At the start of the Clone Wars and the introduction of the Acclamator-class assault ship, the Arch-Provost of Rendili ordered industrial spies and ship-designers to come up with a way to curb Kuat's lead on new contracts with the Galactic Republic. The two rival shipbuilders, Rendili StarDrive and Kuat Drive Yards, later embarked on a collaborative design-project while the war was still in its early phases. This was called the "Victor Initiative Project", which resulted in the Victory-class. This design by Walex Blissex became a direct challenge to Kuat's Venator-class. The abundant number of Imperial-class Star Destroyers, and the growing popularity of the Imperial-series amongst the Imperial Starfleet, led to many Victory-class Star Destroyers being decommissioned or sold to groups like the Corporate Sector Authority, which purchased 520.[3] Most of the Victory-series Star Destroyers still in Imperial service near the height of the Empire were often assigned to planetary defense roles.

Known Vessels

Out Of Character

The Victory-series Star Destroyers were created from rejected Star Destroyer-concept art for Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. They became a common sight in the Expanded Universe after the release of the Thrawn Trilogy.