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| Title=Chir'daki
| Title=Chir'daki
| Image=Chir'daki.jpg
| Image=Chir'daki.jpg
| Name=Chir'daki<br>Darth Venator
| Name=Chir'daki
| Species=[[Human]]
| Rank=Bounty Hunter<br>Black Sun Lieutenant<br>Sith Apprentice
| Place=Unknown
| Alias=Darth Venator<br>Romo Mantana, Onith
| Born=Unknown
| Age=''Unrecorded''
| Spouse=-
| Born=''Unrecorded''
| Parents=Unknown
| Species=Human
| Siblings=-
| Height=6'4" (190cm)
| Children=-
| Eyes=Gold
| Faction=[[Black Sun]] ([[Kuklos Ataxia]])
| Hair=Black
| Location=''[[Blue Shadow]]'', [[Onderon]]
| Relationship=''Unrecorded''
| Mother=''Unrecorded''
| Father=''Unrecorded''
| Siblings=''Unrecorded''
| Children=''Unrecorded''
| Affiliation=[[Black Sun]]<br>[[R.S. Esalis]]<br>[[Darth Callidus]]<br>[[Sarlacc]]<br>[[Ambassador Wrath]]
A ruthless bounty hunter, the man known as '''Chir'daki''' is extremely secretive about his past; his origins are surrounded with mystery and rumour, though the prevailing theories tie him with [[Mandalore]] and [[Ryloth]] in some way. His chosen alias is a Twi'leki word which translates as ''Death Seed'': the name of a virulent parasitic disease. Keeping with that theme, his ship is named ''[[Blue Shadow]]'', after another deadly plague.
'''Chir'daki''' is a bounty hunter, Force user, Black Sun Lieutenant, and enigma. He is allegedly Romo Mantana, an Imperial technician believed dead after a "Force-induced episode"; but those records show signs of having been tampered with. He is aggressive and animalistic in his approach to hunting and killing, relying on brute force and strength in lieu of finesse. His chosen alias derives from the Twi'lek name of the Death Seed plague; similarly, his ship - the ''[[Blue Shadow]]'' - is named after a virus.
Over the years, Chir'daki has found himself in the employ of the [[Bounty Hunters' Guild]] and [[Black Sun]], earning himself a reputation as a highly effective hunter and assassin. More recently, he has been recognised as Force sensitive, and has become an apprentice to the Dark Jedi [[Darth Callidus]], being given the name '''Darth Venator''', meaning ''hunter''.
He is an associate of many groups, including Black Sun, Imperial Intelligence, and the Bounty Hunters' Guild; and also has ties to the Sith [[Darth Callidus]], and the shadow organization [[Sarlacc]]. He has appeared in the lives of both [[Hugo Montegue]] and his son [[Vittore Montegue|Vittore]] as a frequent antagonist, and has recently become something of a nemesis for [[Emelie Shadowstar]] as well.
== History ==
== History ==
The earliest records of Chir'daki date from around the time of the Battle of Endor, with him working as a mercenary and hunter for the information broker [[Atton Kira]]. On a contract from [[R.S. Esalis]], he hunted and captured [[Hugo Montegue]], turning him over to the custody of [[Imperial Intelligence]]. Some time later he began his association with the Black Sun crime cartel and, by [[7 ABY]] was a Lieutenant in their organization. In that capacity he was approached to help restore the Bounty Hunters' Guild, and broker cooperation between the new Guild and Black Sun.
{{Quote|Palpatine and his Empire are a plague on this galaxy. We shall make ourselves a plague unto them.|[[Master Deathseed]], to Chir'daki}}
Along with several members of the [[Bounty Hunters' Guild]], Chir'daki assisted in an uprising against the Imperial Occupation on [[Mandalore]].
Details about Chir'daki's past are sketchy, and he keeps the truth a closely guarded secret, cultivating the many myths and rumours that surround him to add to his air of menace. A few of those so-called facts are known to be true, however.
In [[10 ABY]] he was contracted by the shadow organization [[Sarlacc]] to eliminate [[Emelie Shadowstar]], whose extra-vocational criminal activities were drawing unwanted attention to [[Silenus Corp]] and it's financials, putting the covert association between Sarlacc and Silenus at risk of exposure. The hit was initially thwarted by the intervention of [[Vittore Montegue]], and then further when Emelie Shadowstar went to ground on [[Cloud City]]. The bounty was later rescinded when Shadowstar severed her connections to Silenus.
Chir'daki was born on the same day that [[Darth Maul]] died: the same day that hundreds of [[Gungan]]s and [[human]]s on [[Naboo]] were killed by the [[Trade Federation]]. Though no one was aware of it at the time, while only a few hours old Chir'daki felt those deaths through the Force, and it left a mark on him. Years later, while in the service of the [[Galactic Empire]], his duties exposed him to death on a large scale: he snapped, slipped into a Force-fuelled rage, and killed dozens of his fellow Imperials. To escape punishment, he fled, and changed his name.
Shortly thereafter, Chir'daki accepted a contract that placed him on retainer for [[Ambassador Wrath]] of the [[Ouishii kajidic]].
Eventually he found his way to [[Ryloth]], where he was briefly trained by a man calling himself [[Master Deathseed]]. Deathseed was a former Jedi, who planned to turn himself into a symbol to help undermine the Galactic Empire. He saw the potential in Chir'daki, and hoped to style the young man into his successor, but was killed before he had the opportunity to do so. He still managed to make a mark on him however, and so Chir'daki took his current name - the Twi'leki name for the ''Death Seed'' plague - in his honour.
== Relationships ==
'''[[R.S. Esalis]]''' is one of Chir'daki's past employers who hired him for various contracts: perhaps most notably the apprehension of the bounty hunter [[Hugo Montegue]].
Chir'daki learned to fight from the Mandalorians on [[Onderon]]. He proved his worth to the leader of one of the tribes, and was trained as one of them for a time. Having grown up outside the isolation of the Savage Lands of Onderon however, he grew restless, and ultimately left to pursue a career as a mercenary; his ruthlessness and flair for killing quickly saw him evolve into a bounty hunter.
'''[[Hugo Montegue]]''' was once captured by Chir'daki on an Imperial contract, and rendered to Imperial custody. Once Hugo was released, Montegue was forced to grudgingly cooperate with Chir'daki during the rebuilding of the [[Bounty Hunters' Guild]].
Early in his career, Chir'daki worked with [[Atton Kira]]: Kira served as a middle man, passing off-the-books bounties to Chir'daki to help protect the anonymity of his clients. Chir'daki eventually attracted the attention of [[Black Sun]] however and, after the dissolution of the old [[Bounty Hunters' Guild]], he was employed by them as an enforcer and assassin.
'''[[Darth Callidus]]''' summoned Chir'daki to [[Onderon]], where he offered to take him as a student. Callidus gave him the name Darth Venator (meaning "hunter"), and occasionally calls on Chir'daki to help with his dark side machinations.
For years, Chir'daki had been recieving secret orders from a mysterious individual - mostly illegal bounties and assassinations. That individual was ultimately revealed to be [[Darth Callidus]], and eventually the Dark Jedi approached Chir'daki to become his newest apprentice. The prospect of using the Force to make himself an even more potent killer was too tempting for Chir'daki to ignore, and so he accepted, becoming Darth Venator.
'''[[Vittore Montegue]]''' resents Chir'daki for the role that he played in the capture of his father; and the subsequent role he played in Vittore's own capture and short-lived Imperial incarceration. Chir'daki was involved in the attempt to kill [[Emelie Shadowstar]], who Vittore inadvertently saved; Vittore is one of the few people who have escaped from Chir'daki's attempts to kill them and, having had the kill order rescinded, deeply regrets no longer having an excuse to kill him.
== Personality / Relationships ==
'''[[Emelie Shadowstar]]''' was targeted by Chir'daki at the request of [[Sarlacc]], because her illegal activities risked drawing undue attention to [[Silenus Corp]], and by extension to Sarlacc, one of it's customers. Shadowstar escaped from his first attempt to kill her with the help of [[Vittore Montegue]] and, after liquidating her involvement with Silenus Corp, the contract was withdrawn and a no-kill issue was ordered, making Emelie "the one that got away", to some extent.
{{Quote|This is Chir'daki. You have a job for me.|Chir'daki, to [[Atton Kira]]}}
'''[[Ambassador Wrath]]''' is the leader of the [[Ouishii kajidic]], and is a businessman who, on occasion, finds it necessary to eliminate the opposition (or a troublesome business associate) in a literal sense. For some time, Chir'daki has been his preferred contractor for such things, and with Wrath's recent expansion into the [[Greater Javin]], Chir'daki has recently accepted an invitation to be a permanent part Wrath's entourage, as an opportunity to get close to [[Emelie Shadowstar]] and [[Vittore Montegue]], to antagonise them until such a time as he is permitted to kill them.
On the surface, Chir'daki appears to be cool, emotionally detatched, and ruthless. Killing has become such second nature to him that he seems to view it with complete indifference; that said, he does seem to take some enjoyment - or at least satisfaction - from the act of killing, and prefers to bring in bounties dead rather than alive if the bounty permits, even if that will reduce his payment. His attitude towards assassination is reflected in his choice of weapon: he tends to use blasters and rifles to injure and disable his target, before killing them by hand to make the experience more personal.
== Out Of Character ==
Below the surface however, Chir'daki is a seething couldron of barely-contained rage and hate. When he uses the Force and taps into those emotions, he becomes vicious and animalistic. Victims of an enraged Chir'daki can often be literally torn apart. When fighting in this manner, Chir'daki ignores all of his detatchment, and will attack his prey with swords, knives, and even with his bare hands. To allow him to effectively combat opponents armed with lightsabers, he has taken to wearing clawed gauntlets laced with cortosis, allowing him to short out their blade and leave them completely exposed.
{{scroll box
|content='''4 ABY''':
* [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?19899-Montegue-Origins-Acts Montegue: Origins - Acts] <small>- Chir'daki captures [[Hugo Montegue]] for Imperial Intelligence.</small>
'''7 ABY''':
* [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?18951-Recalling-the-Guild-Chir-daki Recalling the Guild: Chir'daki] <small>- Chir'daki is approached by [[Darven]] to aid in reforming the Bounty Hunters' Guild.</small>
* [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?18951-Recalling-the-Guild-Chir-daki Recalling the Guild: Grim Kandle] <small>- Chir'daki approaches Black Sun Vigo [[Grim Kandle]] about reforming the Bounty Hunters' Guild.</small>
* [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?18887-Recalling-the-Guild Recalling the Guild] <small>- Chir'daki attends a summit of the new Bounty Hunters' Guild.</small>
* [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?18918-And-the-beat-goes-on And the beat goes on...] <small>- Chir'daki meets with Black Sun Vigo [[Kal Olorin]].</small>
'''8 ABY''':
* [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?20381-Encounter-on-Onderon Encounter on Onderon] <small>- Chir'daki encounters the Sith [[Darth Callidus]].</small>
* [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?20930-The-Alchemist-s-Workshop The Alchemist's Workshop] <small>- Chir'daki begins his Sith training.</small>
'''10 ABY''':
* [http://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?55212-Worst-Impressions Worst Impressions] <small>- Chir'daki attempts to kill [[Emelie Shadowstar]], on orders from [[Sarlacc]].</small>
'''Darth Callidus'''<br>
Though Chir'daki is not aware that they are the same individual, he first met [[Salem Ave]] on Ryloth. Since then, Ave has kept an eye on Chir'daki's exploits and, as [[Darth Callidus]], ultimately realised that he could make use of his deadly acquaintance. Chir'daki finds the Dark Jedi's affinity for acting mysterious and providing ellusive answers to be incredibly frustrating, but has grudgingly come to tolerate them in the interests of obtaining more power.
'''Atton Kira'''<br>
[[Category:Star Wars Roleplaying Characters]]
It has been years since the two worked together, and Chir'daki always found [[Atton Kira]] to be frustratingly arrogant. Kira was an expert on reading and analysing people; as someone who closely guarded their identity and past, Chir'daki found Kira's insights to be invasive and unsettling. Since Chir'daki began to work for Black Sun, the two have neither met nor spoken.
'''Hugo Montegue'''<br>
A fellow bounty hunter, several years ago Chir'daki completed a bounty against [[Hugo Montegue]], which ultimately led him to spend years in Imperial captivity. Hugo holds Chir'daki personally responsible for the torture - and, as Hugo discovered later, brainwashing - that he endured, and has vowed to kill Chir'daki if the two ever meet again.
== Roleplay Synopsis ==
{{Quote|Doctor J'onzz isn't coming with us on this trip, Harmony. He had to remain on Kilia IV.|J'onn Scarlet, to [[Harmony]]}}
'''Montegue: Origins - Acts''' ([http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=19899 Link])<br>
Working on a contract provided by [[Atton Kira]], Chir'daki was responsible for the pursuit and capture of [[Hugo Montegue]], ultimately helping to deliver him into the hands of [[R.S. Esalis]].
== Out of Character ==

Latest revision as of 21:47, 13 October 2014

Star Wars
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Bounty Hunter
Black Sun Lieutenant
Sith Apprentice
Darth Venator
Romo Mantana, Onith
6'4" (190cm)
Marital Status

Chir'daki is a bounty hunter, Force user, Black Sun Lieutenant, and enigma. He is allegedly Romo Mantana, an Imperial technician believed dead after a "Force-induced episode"; but those records show signs of having been tampered with. He is aggressive and animalistic in his approach to hunting and killing, relying on brute force and strength in lieu of finesse. His chosen alias derives from the Twi'lek name of the Death Seed plague; similarly, his ship - the Blue Shadow - is named after a virus.

He is an associate of many groups, including Black Sun, Imperial Intelligence, and the Bounty Hunters' Guild; and also has ties to the Sith Darth Callidus, and the shadow organization Sarlacc. He has appeared in the lives of both Hugo Montegue and his son Vittore as a frequent antagonist, and has recently become something of a nemesis for Emelie Shadowstar as well.


The earliest records of Chir'daki date from around the time of the Battle of Endor, with him working as a mercenary and hunter for the information broker Atton Kira. On a contract from R.S. Esalis, he hunted and captured Hugo Montegue, turning him over to the custody of Imperial Intelligence. Some time later he began his association with the Black Sun crime cartel and, by 7 ABY was a Lieutenant in their organization. In that capacity he was approached to help restore the Bounty Hunters' Guild, and broker cooperation between the new Guild and Black Sun.

Along with several members of the Bounty Hunters' Guild, Chir'daki assisted in an uprising against the Imperial Occupation on Mandalore.

In 10 ABY he was contracted by the shadow organization Sarlacc to eliminate Emelie Shadowstar, whose extra-vocational criminal activities were drawing unwanted attention to Silenus Corp and it's financials, putting the covert association between Sarlacc and Silenus at risk of exposure. The hit was initially thwarted by the intervention of Vittore Montegue, and then further when Emelie Shadowstar went to ground on Cloud City. The bounty was later rescinded when Shadowstar severed her connections to Silenus.

Shortly thereafter, Chir'daki accepted a contract that placed him on retainer for Ambassador Wrath of the Ouishii kajidic.


R.S. Esalis is one of Chir'daki's past employers who hired him for various contracts: perhaps most notably the apprehension of the bounty hunter Hugo Montegue.

Hugo Montegue was once captured by Chir'daki on an Imperial contract, and rendered to Imperial custody. Once Hugo was released, Montegue was forced to grudgingly cooperate with Chir'daki during the rebuilding of the Bounty Hunters' Guild.

Darth Callidus summoned Chir'daki to Onderon, where he offered to take him as a student. Callidus gave him the name Darth Venator (meaning "hunter"), and occasionally calls on Chir'daki to help with his dark side machinations.

Vittore Montegue resents Chir'daki for the role that he played in the capture of his father; and the subsequent role he played in Vittore's own capture and short-lived Imperial incarceration. Chir'daki was involved in the attempt to kill Emelie Shadowstar, who Vittore inadvertently saved; Vittore is one of the few people who have escaped from Chir'daki's attempts to kill them and, having had the kill order rescinded, deeply regrets no longer having an excuse to kill him.

Emelie Shadowstar was targeted by Chir'daki at the request of Sarlacc, because her illegal activities risked drawing undue attention to Silenus Corp, and by extension to Sarlacc, one of it's customers. Shadowstar escaped from his first attempt to kill her with the help of Vittore Montegue and, after liquidating her involvement with Silenus Corp, the contract was withdrawn and a no-kill issue was ordered, making Emelie "the one that got away", to some extent.

Ambassador Wrath is the leader of the Ouishii kajidic, and is a businessman who, on occasion, finds it necessary to eliminate the opposition (or a troublesome business associate) in a literal sense. For some time, Chir'daki has been his preferred contractor for such things, and with Wrath's recent expansion into the Greater Javin, Chir'daki has recently accepted an invitation to be a permanent part Wrath's entourage, as an opportunity to get close to Emelie Shadowstar and Vittore Montegue, to antagonise them until such a time as he is permitted to kill them.

Out Of Character

4 ABY:

7 ABY:

8 ABY:

10 ABY:

Jace has been around on the site since January 2007. He knows all the things, including board lore, random trivia, and really really terrible jokes and puns.

Star Wars
                    Inyos Aamoran : Jaden Luka : Amos Iakona : Vittore Montegue  : Lúka Jibral

Achilles Sienar-Santhe : Ambassador Wrath : Atton Kira : Ceto Rübezahl : Delgado Xaanan : Soto Terius : Torrsk Oruo'rel : Tristan Tahmores : Vansen Tyree

Adonis Inirial : Aiden Tahmores : Alexander Tur'enne : Alexi : Amaros Koine : Amés Falcon Liszt : Aonar : Arnan Jsorra : Augustus Valorum : Avar Adamas : Azrin Shadowstar
Chir'daki : Crotalus Viridis : Eckard Batāna : Elias Akasha : Ernan Jsorra : Ethan Tahmores : Garrick Kane : Ghtroc the Hutt : Hugo Montegue : Issiodorr Enssiss : J'onn Scarlet
Jaan Furlow : Jaron : John Glayde : Justin Dechen : Kalibac : Kelvin Stark : Khalid : Kieran Luka : Kijirra Adhaferra : Kolya : Lazuli : Father Lucian : Lujayne Barzilai : Lux
Mace Riko : Mackenzie Tallen : Mandalore the Liberator : Marhaus : Max Valorum : Maximus Whitesun : Merrin Altink : Muridaemus-musculus : Nen Lev'i : Niomon Terius
Nix Neutron : Norio Itzalizar : Nychus Antirr : Oisin Ocasta : Olso Ayl : Oolan Valx'ir : Ophion Rübezahl : Oran Jsorra : Orenth : Ouran Akasha : Prael Atalon
Quin-Tain Starwind : Red Queen : Regan Altink : Rinzai Terius : Rurrick Grov : Ryota Navarro : Sabinian Tellar : Sphyrna Mokarran : Thaumas Drude : Trance Farani
Tukphen : Ulysses Cygnus, Jr : Usil Anansi : Varon Farani : Vhiran Antilles : Victor Montegue : Vulcan Tanner : Vyna Moyzenvyo : Xanthos Asael : Xi Vanadís
Yon the Butcher : Zane Brasko

Ayla : Trip : Sleazy : R4-K8 : Bumblebee : Greg & Abby : Lapis : Ivy : STE-V : D.M.O.

Andor Tyree : Anpher Inirial : Benton Inirial : Gideon Lazuli : Lance Inirial : Mandan Hidatsa : Pharos Inirial

† : Crichton Stark : Ecidae Mandrill : Jacob Tur'enne

Al-Maisan : Contras Ath-Thu'ban : Cor Leonis : Nair al Saif

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