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| Title=Planetary Datasheet
| Title=Bespin
| Image=Bespin_space.jpg  
| Image=Bespin_space.jpg
| Name=Bespin
| Name=Bespin
| Region=Outer Rim Territories,<br>Greater Javin
| Region=Outer Rim Territories<br>Ison Corridor<br>Grid K-18
| Sector=Anoat Sector
| Sector=[[Greater Javin Sector]]<br><small>Formerly:</small> [[Anoat Sector]]
| System=Bespin System
| System=Bespin System
| Suns=1 (Bespin)
| Satellites=2+: [[H'gaard]], [[Drudonna]]
| Moons=2 (H'gaard, Drudonna)
| Government=[[Baroness Administrator of Cloud City|Baron Administrator]]<br>[[Parliament of Guilds]]
| Primary Terrain=gas giant
| Inhabitants=<small>Population:</small> 6 million<br>[[Human]]s, [[Ugnaught]]s, [[Lutrillian]]s<hr><small>[[Airsquid]]s, [[Beldon]]s, [[Rawwk]]s, [[Tibannuck]]s, [[Velker]]s</small>
| Points of Interest=BesGas Three, Floating health spas, floating refineries, Bespin platforms, Rethin Sea, Ugnaught Surface
| Locations=<small>Capital:</small> [[Cloud City]]<br>[[Tibannopolis]], [[Ugnorgrad]]<hr><small>[[Administrator's Palace]], BesGas Three, Change Zone, Dead Eye, [[Jedi Enclave (Bespin)]], Life Zone, [[Port Town]], Rethin Sea, Squeeze Zone, [[Ugnaught Surface]]</small>
| Native Species=Tibannucks, Velkers, Beldon, Rawwks, airborne algae sacks; Humans, Ugnaughts, Lutrillians
| Affiliation=[[Galactic Republic]]<br><small>Briefly: </small>[[Brotherhood of Darkness|Brotherhood]]<br><small>Briefly: </small>[[Confederacy of Independent Systems|Separatists]]<br>[[Galactic Empire]]
| Population=6 million
| Affiliation=[[The Galactic Empire]]
Bespin, home to the infamous [[Cloud City]], is a gas giant in the Bespin system of the Anoat Sector on the Ison Corridor in the Greater Javin region of the Outer Rim Territories. It is also a major source of tibanna gas, which was refined for production and transport in numerous mining operations including Cloud City and Tibannopolis. It is home to several million individuals, including Humans, Ugnaughts, and Lutrillians.
Bespin is a gas giant in the [[Bespin System]] of the [[Greater Javin Sector]], and is the location of [[Cloud City]].
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<center>'''Geography''' </center>
|[[image:Cloudcity1.jpg|thumb|left|BesGas Three and Cloud City in the background]]The planet Bespin was a gas giant that was about 118,000 kilometers in diameter. Like most gas giants, it had a solid core made of metal (in this case, rethin) followed by layers of metallic gases. Most of the layers of gas were poisonous, and the pressure and temperature were far above what a Human could tolerate. But from approximately 150 to 180 kilometers down from space, there was a habitable layer known as the Bespin Life Zone. This layer had an oxygen atmosphere with temperature and pressure suitable for Human life. It was in this layer that Cloud City was located. Like most gas giants, Bespin had a number of moons. It had a 12 hour day, and completed a revolution around its sun about every 14 years.
Bespin's fauna included the winged Tibannucks, velkers, rawwks, the gas-filled beldon, and airborne algae sacks.
A remote mining outpost and luxury resort for most of it's existence, recent political changes have transformed Bespin into an up and coming hub for corporate and industrial activity, at the heart of what is being called "[[Greater Javin Sector|the new Corporate Sector]]". What was once a hotbed for rebel and underworld activity is becoming gentrified, and the Imperial presence - as well as Imperial investment - is very much on the increase.
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<center>'''Economy''' </center>
|The main economy on Bespin was the mining of tibanna gas. Tibanna gas was a very important resource used by both the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire for powering weapons. When supercharged, the gas could fire a bolt of energy, resulting in the blaster shot. Most of the settlements on Bespin were mining colonies, such as Lando Calrissian's facility in 3 ABY.
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<center>'''History''' </center>
|{{scroll box
|content=[[image:BESPIN1.JPG|thumb|right|Cloud City platform]]The planet was first colonized in 1,989 BBY when Lord Ecclessis Figg first commissioned Cloud City, to be built by the Incom Corporation at the same time. The planet had its own Jedi Enclave. During the New Sith Wars, the Brotherhood of Darkness captured the planet.
In 22 BBY, the planet served as a refuge for children orphaned by the Clone Wars, but it was soon conquered by the Confederacy itself. It was a great loss for the entire Galactic Republic; the Confederacy had secured the Tibanna gas refineries that were the main source of energy for the Republic's turbolasers aboard capital ships.
''Bespin is a significant roleplay setting on theholo.net, and has it's own forum - [http://theholo.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?326-Bespin-Cloud-City Bespin: Cloud City] - among the [http://theholo.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?615-Star-Wars-Homeworlds Star Wars Homeworlds].''
== History ==
Bespin was first charted by explorers from the [[Hyperspace Navigator's Guild]] prior to the [[Mandalorian Wars]]. Small colonies and tibanna gas refineries were first established in [[1989 BBY]] by worlds such as [[Empress Teta]], but these were destroyed by the Mandalorians during the Wars. During the Republic's [[Dark Age]], the planet was occupied by the [[Brotherhood of Darkness]].
Sometime during the Galactic Civil War, Lando Calrissian served as Baron Administrator of Cloud City. He helped provide well-paying jobs for the Ugnaughts, and was admired and liked by the citizens of Cloud City.
The planet wasn't intensively colonised until [[400 BBY]], when the construction of [[Cloud City]] was commissioned by [[Ecclessis Figg]]. The [[Ugnaught Surface]] was built shortly after, and was settled by the [[Ugnaught]] workforce that had helped to construct Cloud City, and [[Tibannopolis]] was built some centuries later.
When Han Solo, along with Leia Organa, C-3PO, and Chewbacca came to Cloud City in 3 ABY to escape from the Empire, they walked into a trap set up by Darth Vader, which Lando was forced into aiding. Han Solo was frozen into Carbonite and Leia Organa and Chewbacca were to remain in the city. As Boba Fett brought Han onto his ship, Slave I, Lando with Lobot's help, got the two out of Imperial controller along with blasted Threepio and tried to rescue Han from Fett but failed.
During the Clone Wars, fear of attack by the [[Confederacy of Independent Systems]] caused many citizens of Tibannopolis and Cloud City to flee from such an enticing strategic target. Those who remained were later evacuated by the [[Grand Army of the Republic]], and the planet was briefly occupied by the Separatist Army. Following the Clone Wars, residents returned to Cloud City, but in smaller numbers; Tibannopolis meanwhile was left abandoned, and Bespin's tibanna production never quite recovered to it's pre-war levels.
Meanwhile, Luke Skywalker dueled Vader, lost his right hand, and Vader revealed that he was Luke's father. Pinned between the choice of going with his long-lost father or dying by his blade, Luke plunged into an air vent. When he fell, he managed to grasp onto a weather vane beneath the city. In pain from his wound and his new knowledge, Luke pleaded for Obi-Wan Kenobi's help, to no avail. He managed to telepathically communicate with Leia, and was rescued by the Millennium Falcon. The Falcon in turn managed to escape from the Executor when R2-D2 fixed the disabled hyperdrive.
At the time of the [[Galactic Civil War]], Bespin was under the control of Baron Administrator [[Lando Calrissian]], a rebel sympathiser. Shortly after the Battle of Hoth, Cloud City was garrisoned and returned to Imperial control, though not without resistance from the Rebellion. After the Battle of Endor this was largely quelled, but Bespin and Cloud City in particular remained something of a disreputable, seedy place for many years.
A garrison of Imperial troops was left on the planet. Lobot temporarily ousted the garrison from the planet by tricking them into thinking Cloud City's repulsorlift pods were compromised. Lobot was executed by the Empire when the garrison commander regained control of the city.
Following the coronation of Empress [[Miranda Tarkin]], her Minister of Propoganda, [[Sanya Tagge]], was appointed Baroness Administrator of Cloud City; and [[Ceto Rübezahl]] was made Moff of the [[Greater Javin Sector]]. After the Alliance-Imperial Treaty disconnected the [[Corporate Sector]] from Imperial space, Rübezahl and Tagge set about creating a new Corporate Sector in the Greater Javin, bringing considerable investment and interest into Bespin's economy.
Later, just before the Battle of Endor, the Alliance attempted to remove the renewed Imperial presence there by leading Rogue Squadron and the Rebel SpecForce against the Empire in the Battle of Bespin. Neither side was able to gain an upper hand and claim a victory. It ended in a stale mate.  
== Geography ==
Bespin is a gas giant. Due to reactions in the chemical composition of the planet's gas clouds, a region in the upper atmosphere known as the Life Zone is breathable, and capable of sustaining humanoid life. Settlements such as [[Cloud City]], [[Tibannopolis]], and the [[Ugnaught Surface]] are located in this band of livable air.
During the stalemate Tibanna gas production and all trade in and out of the system came to a halt. With no medical or food supplies entering the city, mass rioting broke out. Imperial and Rebel forces attempted to continue their battle amid the riots, each believing that reinforcements were on the way. Due to the losses at the Battle of Endor, they never arrived. Imperial, Rebel & city leaders sensing the city was about to tear itself apart brokered an uneasy cease fire agreement.  
Beneath the Life Zone is the Change Zone, where the chemical composition of the atmosphere becomes more toxic, and weather patterns become more complex and dangerous. Some extremophile species are capable of surviving in the Change Zone, but it is generally avoided. Below that is the Squeeze Zone, where atmospheric pressure begins to increase dramatically, to levels generally not survivable for craft that are not specifically designed to withstand them. The Squeeze Zone extends all the way down to the Rethin Sea: the planet's metallic core.
Today, Imperial forces retain control the system and ensure Tibanna gas productions remain stable. The Bespin Wing Command oversees much of the day to day civilian policing activities; both are deeply corrupted and heavily influenced by the local crime organizations. Rebel factions still function within the city, but use it mainly as an R&R planet and supply line.
One region of the upper atmosphere known as the Dead Eye is the location of a powerful wind storm that has been raging constantly for thousands of years.
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<center>'''Citizens of Bespin on SW-Fans''' </center>
|These are the currently known citizens of Bespin (with species, gender, occupation and location where known):
'''Note - everything below this is a work in progress while we compile the names of those who live and work out of Cloud City. Thank you. '''
'''Criminal Organizations Members:'''
* [[Denny O'Thange]] - Gree male, Lacky for Black Sun. Operates a spice den in Port Town.
* [[Hadrian Mortmain]] - Firrerreon male, works as a Casino Manager at the Holiday Towers, which are owned by Black Nebula.
* [[Molly Black]] - Human female, Informant of Black Nebula, head waitress at Cloud 9.
'''Bespin Wing Command:'''
== Organisations ==
* [[TBA]] - NPC's running about
=== Parliament of Guilds ===
* [[TBA]] - NPC's running about
A federal branch of the Bespin government, consisting of members from Bespin's various guilds and trade unions such as the [[Cloud City Miner's Guild]] and the [[Bespin Mechanics Union]]. The Parliament holds the Baron or [[Baroness Administrator]] to account, and oversees taxation, law enforcement, health and safety, and gambling regulation. The Parliament is based on the [[Administrator's Palace]] on Cloud City.
=== Bespin Wing Guard ===
* [[Dr. Barton Henning]] - Human male, former Jedi in hiding. Runs a free medical center.
The largest branch of [[Cloud City Control]], the Wing Guard is the law enforcement and de facto militia of Cloud City and Bespin, operating air traffic control and air defense on behalf of the Parliament of Guilds.
* [[James Prent]] - Human female, in hiding, currently working as a waitress at Cloud 9.
'''Smugglers, Traders & Merchants:'''
=== Figg & Associates ===
* [[Arya Ravenwing]] - [[Lupine]] female. Ship:Wing of the Raven - Chevette77 light freighter
Founded by [[Ecclessis Figg]], the man who first colonised Bespin, Figg & Associates is a conglomerate of various businesses and enterprises that are traditionally owned and operated by the Baron or Baroness Administrator. This includes all companies involved in public services, as well as other more profitable establishments.
* [[Mu Satach]] - Human female. Owns and operates Cloud 9 as a front to cover up her smuggling and black market trading. Caters to a select clientel.
* [[Patience McQueen]] - Human female. Gun merchant.
* [[Pistol Garret]] - Human female. Herbal Practitioner.
* [[Smitty]] - Human male. Shipping contractor, works out of Port Town, if he doesn't have what you need he'll get it for you no questions asked.
'''Bounty Hunters:'''
== Characters ==
* [[Ecks]] - Falleen male. Best known for capturing Jedi Loklorien s'Ilancy.
* [[Cloud City#Characters|Residents of Cloud City]]
* [[Zephyr]] - Unknown.
* [[Tibannopolis#Characters|Residents of Tibannopolis]]
* [[Ugnorgrad#Characters|Residents of Ugnorgrad]]
'''Ordinary Citizens:'''
{{Bespin: Cloud City}}
* [[Lili von Wolfson]] - Human female, Diva of Cloud 9.
* [[Mirko Spendrim]] - Human male, Information broker, loose affiliation with Rebels. Works as a day manager at Cloud 9.
* [[Sal'i R'shnor]] - Sluissi male, works as a ship mechanic for Smitty.
[[Category:Star Wars Planets]]
[[Category:Star Wars Worlds]] [[Category:Star Wars Homeworlds]] [[Category:Imperial Worlds]] [[Category:Gas Giants]]

Latest revision as of 15:03, 2 November 2014

Star Wars.jpg

Characters - Organizations - Locations - Timeline - Species - Ships

Bespin space.jpg

Outer Rim Territories
Ison Corridor
Grid K-18
Star System
Bespin System
Capital: Cloud City
Tibannopolis, Ugnorgrad
Administrator's Palace, BesGas Three, Change Zone, Dead Eye, Jedi Enclave (Bespin), Life Zone, Port Town, Rethin Sea, Squeeze Zone, Ugnaught Surface

Bespin is a gas giant in the Bespin System of the Greater Javin Sector, and is the location of Cloud City.

A remote mining outpost and luxury resort for most of it's existence, recent political changes have transformed Bespin into an up and coming hub for corporate and industrial activity, at the heart of what is being called "the new Corporate Sector". What was once a hotbed for rebel and underworld activity is becoming gentrified, and the Imperial presence - as well as Imperial investment - is very much on the increase.

Bespin is a significant roleplay setting on theholo.net, and has it's own forum - Bespin: Cloud City - among the Star Wars Homeworlds.


Bespin was first charted by explorers from the Hyperspace Navigator's Guild prior to the Mandalorian Wars. Small colonies and tibanna gas refineries were first established in 1989 BBY by worlds such as Empress Teta, but these were destroyed by the Mandalorians during the Wars. During the Republic's Dark Age, the planet was occupied by the Brotherhood of Darkness.

The planet wasn't intensively colonised until 400 BBY, when the construction of Cloud City was commissioned by Ecclessis Figg. The Ugnaught Surface was built shortly after, and was settled by the Ugnaught workforce that had helped to construct Cloud City, and Tibannopolis was built some centuries later.

During the Clone Wars, fear of attack by the Confederacy of Independent Systems caused many citizens of Tibannopolis and Cloud City to flee from such an enticing strategic target. Those who remained were later evacuated by the Grand Army of the Republic, and the planet was briefly occupied by the Separatist Army. Following the Clone Wars, residents returned to Cloud City, but in smaller numbers; Tibannopolis meanwhile was left abandoned, and Bespin's tibanna production never quite recovered to it's pre-war levels.

At the time of the Galactic Civil War, Bespin was under the control of Baron Administrator Lando Calrissian, a rebel sympathiser. Shortly after the Battle of Hoth, Cloud City was garrisoned and returned to Imperial control, though not without resistance from the Rebellion. After the Battle of Endor this was largely quelled, but Bespin and Cloud City in particular remained something of a disreputable, seedy place for many years.

Following the coronation of Empress Miranda Tarkin, her Minister of Propoganda, Sanya Tagge, was appointed Baroness Administrator of Cloud City; and Ceto Rübezahl was made Moff of the Greater Javin Sector. After the Alliance-Imperial Treaty disconnected the Corporate Sector from Imperial space, Rübezahl and Tagge set about creating a new Corporate Sector in the Greater Javin, bringing considerable investment and interest into Bespin's economy.


Bespin is a gas giant. Due to reactions in the chemical composition of the planet's gas clouds, a region in the upper atmosphere known as the Life Zone is breathable, and capable of sustaining humanoid life. Settlements such as Cloud City, Tibannopolis, and the Ugnaught Surface are located in this band of livable air.

Beneath the Life Zone is the Change Zone, where the chemical composition of the atmosphere becomes more toxic, and weather patterns become more complex and dangerous. Some extremophile species are capable of surviving in the Change Zone, but it is generally avoided. Below that is the Squeeze Zone, where atmospheric pressure begins to increase dramatically, to levels generally not survivable for craft that are not specifically designed to withstand them. The Squeeze Zone extends all the way down to the Rethin Sea: the planet's metallic core.

One region of the upper atmosphere known as the Dead Eye is the location of a powerful wind storm that has been raging constantly for thousands of years.


Parliament of Guilds

A federal branch of the Bespin government, consisting of members from Bespin's various guilds and trade unions such as the Cloud City Miner's Guild and the Bespin Mechanics Union. The Parliament holds the Baron or Baroness Administrator to account, and oversees taxation, law enforcement, health and safety, and gambling regulation. The Parliament is based on the Administrator's Palace on Cloud City.

Bespin Wing Guard

The largest branch of Cloud City Control, the Wing Guard is the law enforcement and de facto militia of Cloud City and Bespin, operating air traffic control and air defense on behalf of the Parliament of Guilds.

Figg & Associates

Founded by Ecclessis Figg, the man who first colonised Bespin, Figg & Associates is a conglomerate of various businesses and enterprises that are traditionally owned and operated by the Baron or Baroness Administrator. This includes all companies involved in public services, as well as other more profitable establishments.


Despite Imperial occupation, Cloud City remains a hotbed for smugglers, thieves, and freedom fighters.
The Cumulus Casino is the center of Black Sun's network of criminal operations.