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| Title=Alliance Starfighter Corps
| Image=Alliance starfighter corps.jpg
| Name=Alliance Starfighter Corps
| Purpose=Strategic Fighter Operations
| Leader=General [[Meiers Brecklin]]
| Headquarter=[[Bothawui]] / [[Moonus Mandel]]<br> ''[[Marianas]]''<br>''[[Challenger]]''
| Branches= [[Marianas Attack Wing]]<br>[[Challenger Air Wing]]<br>[[Rogue Squadron]]
| Affiliation=[[Alliance of Free Planets]]
| Members=''See: [http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=20974 Faction Roster])
The '''Alliance Starfighter Corps''' is an autonomous branch of the [[Alliance High Command]], which fields starfighters for reconnaissance, space superiority, and assault missions, on behalf of the [[Alliance to Restore the Republic]] and the [[Alliance of Free Planets]]. Alliance starfighters deploy both from carriers and starships of the [[Alliance Fleet]], and from dedicated Starfighter Corps bases, via hyperspace.
A separate command within the Alliance military, the Starfighter Corps has it's own unique [[Rebel Alliance (ranks)|rank structure]].
The Alliance Starfighter Corps, Also called the Rebel Air Force,  was first founded as a Non-naval Air force used by the [[Alliance to Restore the Republic]]. Originally, the Alliance Starfighter Corps was established as an independent entity within the Alliance High Command. In the early days of the Rebellion, starships were few and far between, and so the Alliance was forced to rely on starfighters capable of hyperspace travel to conduct it's attacks against the Empire. As the Fleet grew however, the need to isolate the Starfighter Corps reduced; and in fact, that isolation became counterproductive. In order to streamline the interaction between navy and starfighter personnel, the two were brought under the same operational banner. Despite this unification, the Starfighter Corps is still retains its unique rank structure, and continues to train and administer it's personel independently. While all fighter wings are now considered part of the Corps each wing operates on its own apart from the Corps Command. Large scale Fighter OPs and Wing deployment fall under the Corps jurisdiction. All Elite Fighter Groups answer to Corps Command no matter their current Deployment.  
Established during the early days of the [[Alliance to Restore the Republic]], the Alliance Starfighter Command existed before the [[Alliance Fleet]]. As a result, the fighters used by the Corps needed to be hyperspace-capable, as the Alliance lacked the carriers and cruisers necessary to transport them. In particular, the early Alliance relied upon [[BTL Y-Wing Starfighter|Y-Wings]], [[ARC-170 Advanced Reconnaissance Fighter|ARC-170s]], and [[R-41 Starchaser]]s.
First big boon to the Corps was the defection of a group of [[Incom Corporation|Incom]] engineers, who provided the Alliance with blueprints for the '''[[T-65 X-Wing Starfighter]]'''. Via the [[Alliance Underground Engineering]] network, the Rebellion began to produce these fighters, which proved to be more than a match for the Imperial [[TIE Fighter]]. The Empire reacted with the development of the [[TIE Interceptor]] however, and with Rebel fighters and pilots in short supply, it was essential that the Alliance had a technological edge. The '''[[RZ-1 A-Wing Interceptor]]''' was developed, based on the [[R-22 Starchaser]], to provide the Alliance with a fast and hyperspace-capable ship.
Following the liberation of the [[Mon Calamari]] homeworld, [[Dac]], the Alliance finally gained access to a star fleet, allowing the Alliance and the Starfighter Corps to deploy fighters in larger numbers with more mobility. To help defend the new Alliance Fleet, the Corps worked with [[Slayn & Korpil]], a [[Verpine]] corporation/colony, who developed the '''[[B-Wing Assault Fighter]]''' as an anti-starship starfighter platform. The B-Wing - alongside the X-Wing and A-Wing - was used to great effect during the [[Battle of Endor]].
As the Alliance
== Organisation ==
Because of the need to remain mobile during the early stages of the Rebellion, the Alliance Starfighter Corps was usually broken into small units. Most autonomous forces were organised as a '''Wing''', which would typically consist of three '''Squadrons''' of around twelve fighters each, though that varied depending on the mission profile, and the craft used. Squadrons were further subdivided into '''Flights'''.
In rare instances, several Wings could be combined into a '''Group''', which became more common once the Starfighter Corps began to deploy from large carriers like the [[MC80 Star Cruiser]]. In other rare instances, an elite Squadron would operate autonomously, as was the case with [[Rogue Squadron]].
Originally, any autonomous unit (Wing or Squadron) was led by a '''Commander'''. As the Corps grew in size however, Wing Commanders were given the rank of '''Major'''; Squadron Leaders had the rank of Commander; a '''Captain''' was a senior pilot such as the unit's Executive Officer; and a '''Flight Lieutenant''' would be the lead pilot of a Flight. Fighter Groups, where they exist, are usually led by a '''Colonel'''.
* '''Group''' - Colonel <small>(multiple Wings)</small>
** '''Wing''' - Major <small>(~ 3 Squadrons)</small>
*** '''Squadron''' - Commander <small>(~ 3 Flights)</small>
**** '''Flight''' - Flight Lieutenant <small>(~ 4 Starfighters)</small>
As per naval parlance, the fighter forces aboard a starship are referred to as the '''Air Wing''' regardless of size, but it's Commanding Officer is referred to as the '''Commander, Air Group''' (CAG).
== Specific Units ==
* '''[[Marianas Assault Wing]]''' <small>- the Air Wing assigned to the ''[[Marianas]]'' of [[Task Force 42]].</small>
* '''[[Challenger Air Wing]]''' <small>- the Air Wing assigned to the ''[[Challenger]]''; includes representative Squadrons from many Alliance members.</small>
=== Squadrons ===
* <s>'''[[Bandit Squadron]]'''</s> <small>- an obsolete [[Z-95 Headhunter|Z-95]] unit.</small>
* '''[[Bravo Squadron]]''' <small>- a [[Naboo N-1 Starfighter|Naboo N-1]] squadron assigned to the ''[[Challenger]]''.</small>
* '''[[Dagger Squadron]]''' <small>- an elite [[B-Wing Assault Fighter|B-Wing]] squadron assigned to the ''[[Challenger]]''.</small>
* <s>'''[[Gold Squadron]]'''</s> <small>- an obsolete [[BTL Y-Wing Starfighter|Y-Wing]] squadron.</small>
* '''[[Raptor Squadron]]''' <small>- an [[ARC-170 Advanced Reconnaissance Fighter|ARC-170]] squadron assigned to the ''[[Challenger]]''.</small>
* <s>'''[[Renegade Squadron]]'''</s> <small>- an obsolete fighter squadron and [[SpecOps]] unit.</small>
* '''[[Rogue Squadron]]''' <small>- an elite [[T-65B X-Wing Starfighter|X-Wing]] unit assigned to the ''[[Challenger]]''. (''Originally [[Red Squadron]], [[Red Hand Squadron]]'')</small>
* <s>'''[[Tierfon Yellow Aces]]'''</s> <small>- an obsolete [[BTL Y-Wing Starfighter|Y-Wing]] unit. (''Originally [[Yellow Squadron]]'')</small>
* '''[[Valkyrie Squadron]]''' <small>- an elite [[RZ-2 A-Wing Interceptor|A-Wing]] unit assigned to the ''[[Challenger]]''. (''Originally [[Blue Squadron]]'')</small>
* '''[[Viper Squadron]]''' <small>- an [[RZ-1 A-Wing Interceptor|A-Wing]] squadron assigned to the ''[[Challenger]]''. (''Originally [[Green Squadron]]'')</small>
* '''[[Wraith Squadron]]''' <small>- a squadron assigned to the ''[[Novgorod]]''. (''Originally [[Grey Squadron]]'')</small>
== Starfighters ==
Originally, the Alliance Starfighter Corps relied on fighters that had been donated, commandeered, or purchased as military surplus after the [[Grand Army of the Republic]] was dissolved. As a result, many early fighters were old Republic designs, or were the kind of budget fighters intended for private and planetary militias.
Nowadays, the vast majority of Alliance starfighters are produced as direct government contracts with specific suppliers. Most designs are produced by [[Incom-Koensayr-Meorrrei]], [[Slayn & Korpil]], or [[Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc.|Hoersch-Kessel Drive]], though some units and some planetary militias rely on designs produced by the [[SoroSuub Corporation]] and other manufacturers.
''Designs that are <s>crossed out</s> are no longer produced, but are still in service with some Alliance units.''
=== Trainers ===
* '''[[T-Wing Interceptor]]''' <small>(produced by [[Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc.|Hoersch-Kessel Drive]] / [[Mon Calamari Shipyards]])</small>
* '''[[Z-95 Headhunter]]''' <small>(produced by [[Incom-Koensayr-Meorrrei]])</small>
* '''[[ZX-95T Headhunter Trainer]]''' <small>(produced by [[Incom-Koensayr-Meorrrei]])</small>
=== Interceptors ===
* '''[[Cutlass-9 Patrol Fighter|''Cutlass-9'' Patrol Fighter]]''' <small>(produced by [[SoroSuub Corporation]])</small>
* '''[[Miy'til-class Starfighter|''Miy'til''-class Starfighter]]''' <small>(produced by [[Olanji Fleet|Olanji]]/[[Charubah Industries|Charubah]])</small>
* <s>'''[[R-22 Spearhead]]'''</s> <small>(no longer produced)</small>
* '''[[RZ-1 A-Wing Interceptor]]''' <small>(produced by [[Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc.|Hoersch-Kessel Drive]] / [[Mon Calamari Shipyards]])</small>
* '''[[Z-95 Headhunter]]''' <small>(produced by [[Incom-Koensayr-Meorrrei]])</small>
=== Space Superiority Fighters ===
* <s>'''[[BTL-S3 Y-Wing Starfighter]]'''</s> <small>(no longer produced)</small>
* '''[[Preybird-class Starfighter|''Preybird''-class Starfighter]]''' <small>(produced by [[SoroSuub Corporation]])</small>
* <s>'''[[R-41 Starchaser]]'''</s> <small>(no longer produced)</small>
* '''[[RZ-2 A-Wing Interceptor]]''' <small>(produced by [[SoroSuub Corporation]])</small>
* '''[[T-65B X-Wing Starfighter]]''' <small>(produced by [[Incom-Koensayr-Meorrrei]])</small>
* '''[[E-Wing Escort Starfighter]]''' <small>(in development, [[Incom-Koensayr-Meorrrei]])</small>
=== Assault Fighters / Bombers ===
* <s>'''[[BTS-A2 H-Wing Strike Fighter]]'''</s> <small>(no longer produced)</small>
* <s>'''[[BTL-A4 Y-Wing Assault Fighter]]'''</s> <small>(no longer produced)</small>
* '''[[B-Wing Assault Fighter]]''' <small>(produced by [[Slayn & Korpil]] / [[Mon Calamari Shipyards]])</small>
* '''[[B-Wing/E Assault Fighter]]''' <small>(produced by [[Slayn & Korpil]] / [[Mon Calamari Shipyards]])</small>
* '''[[BTL-S8 K-Wing Assault Starfighter]]''' <small>(in development; [[Incom-Koensayr-Meorrrei]])</small>
=== Reconnaissance Fighters ===
* <s>'''[[ARC-170 Advanced Recon Starfighter|ARC-170 Advanced Reconnaissance Fighter]]'''</s> <small>(no longer produced)</small>
* <s>'''[[BTL-A4 LP Y-Wing Long Probe Reconnaissance Fighter|BTL-A4 LP Y-Wing Long Probe Recon Fighter]]'''</s> <small>(refit/refurbishment only)</small>
* '''[[T-65BR X-Wing Reconnaissance Fighter]]''' <small>(produced by [[Incom-Koensayr-Meorrrei]])</small>
=== Planetary Defense ===
* '''[[Planetary Defender Starfighter]]''' <small>(produced by [[SoroSuub Corporation]])</small>
* '''[[Systems Defender Starfighter]]''' <small>(produced by [[SoroSuub Corporation]])</small>
* '''[[V-19 Torrent Starfighter]]''' <small>(produced by [[Slayn & Korpil]] / [[Mon Calamari Shipyards]])</small>
* '''[[Belbullab-22 Starfighter]]''' <small>(produced by [[Feethan Ottraw Scalable Assemblies]] / [[Utapau Skyforce]])</small>
* '''[[Mankvim-814 Light Interceptor]]''' <small>(produced by [[Feethan Ottraw Scalable Assemblies]] / [[Utapau Skyforce]])</small>
* '''[[Porax-38 Starfighter]]''' <small>(produced by [[Buuper Torsckil Abbey Devices]] / [[Utapau Skyforce]])</small>
* '''[[Naboo N-1 Starfighter]]''' <small>(produced by [[Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps]])</small>
=== Airspeeders ===
* <s>'''[[T-47 Airspeeder]]'''</s> <small>(no longer produced)</small>
* '''[[V-Wing Combat Airspeeder]]''' <small>(in development; [[Incom-Koensayr-Meorrrei]])</small>
== Characters ==
* '''General [[Meiers Brecklin]]''' <small>- Commander, Alliance Starfighter Corps</small>
* '''Colonel [[Kelly Perris]]''' <small>- Rogue Squadron (XO, ''[[Challenger]]'')</small>
* '''Colonel [[Leela Vorega]]'''
* '''Commander [[Jaden Luka]]''' <small>- Wraith Squadron (XO, ''[[Novgorod]]'')</small>
The Bulk of the Corps Fighter's were divided into Wings. A wing was made up of 3 to 12 squadrons of 6 or 12 fighter generally attached to a ship, Station, or fleet. When a larger force is needed up to 3 wings could be formed into a Fighter Group. This was a rare accurence as resources and operational procedure did not allow for such a large number of fighters to be deployed in a single command.
A Squadron consisted of 12 fighters, Commanded by a Lieutenant Colonel, and formed into 3 smaller flights of 4 fighters each commanded by a Major. Each flight was made up of 2 sections of 2 fighters each commanded by a Lieutenant. Most Squadrons within the Alliance Starfighter corps fallowed this structure. Some less orthodox or elite squadrons had command structures singular to their squadron.. 
* '''Captain [[Carré Inirial]]''' <small>- Rogue Squadron</small>
* '''Lieutenant [[Justinian Atreides]]''' <small>- Rogue Squadron</small>
Alliance Starfighter Corps is commanded by General [[Meiers Brecklin]].
* '''Lieutenant [[Oisin Ocasta]]''' <small>- Rogue Squadron</small>
* '''Lieutenant [[Oolan Valx'ir]]''' <small>- Wraith Squadron</small>
==Current Fighter Classes==
[[Category:Star Wars Organisations]] [[Category:Alliance of Free Planets]]
*[[RZ-1 A-Wing Interceptor]]
*[[RZ-2 A-Wing Interceptor]]
*[[T-wing Interceptor]]
*[[Z-95t Headhunter]]
*[[Z-95ML Headhunter Allagator]]
*[[Z-95 AF4 Headhunter]]
*[[T-65B X-Wing Starfighter]]
*[[T-65C-A2 X-Wing Fighter]]
*[[T-65AC4 X-Wing Elite Fighters]]
*[[T-65BR X-wing Reconnaissance Fighter]]
*[[BTL-S3 Y-Wing Starfighter]]
*[[BTL-A4 Y-Wing Fighter]]
*[[BTL-A4 LP Y-Wing Long Probe Reconnaissance Fighter]]
*[[B-Wing Assault Fighter]]
*[[B-WingE Assault Fighter]]
*[[BTS-A2 H-Wing Strike Fighter]]
*[[ARC-170 Advanced Reson FIghter]]

Latest revision as of 17:58, 29 October 2014

Alliance Starfighter Corps
Alliance starfighter corps.jpg

Alliance Starfighter Corps
Strategic Fighter Operations

The Alliance Starfighter Corps is an autonomous branch of the Alliance High Command, which fields starfighters for reconnaissance, space superiority, and assault missions, on behalf of the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Alliance of Free Planets. Alliance starfighters deploy both from carriers and starships of the Alliance Fleet, and from dedicated Starfighter Corps bases, via hyperspace.

A separate command within the Alliance military, the Starfighter Corps has it's own unique rank structure.


Established during the early days of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, the Alliance Starfighter Command existed before the Alliance Fleet. As a result, the fighters used by the Corps needed to be hyperspace-capable, as the Alliance lacked the carriers and cruisers necessary to transport them. In particular, the early Alliance relied upon Y-Wings, ARC-170s, and R-41 Starchasers.

First big boon to the Corps was the defection of a group of Incom engineers, who provided the Alliance with blueprints for the T-65 X-Wing Starfighter. Via the Alliance Underground Engineering network, the Rebellion began to produce these fighters, which proved to be more than a match for the Imperial TIE Fighter. The Empire reacted with the development of the TIE Interceptor however, and with Rebel fighters and pilots in short supply, it was essential that the Alliance had a technological edge. The RZ-1 A-Wing Interceptor was developed, based on the R-22 Starchaser, to provide the Alliance with a fast and hyperspace-capable ship.

Following the liberation of the Mon Calamari homeworld, Dac, the Alliance finally gained access to a star fleet, allowing the Alliance and the Starfighter Corps to deploy fighters in larger numbers with more mobility. To help defend the new Alliance Fleet, the Corps worked with Slayn & Korpil, a Verpine corporation/colony, who developed the B-Wing Assault Fighter as an anti-starship starfighter platform. The B-Wing - alongside the X-Wing and A-Wing - was used to great effect during the Battle of Endor.

As the Alliance


Because of the need to remain mobile during the early stages of the Rebellion, the Alliance Starfighter Corps was usually broken into small units. Most autonomous forces were organised as a Wing, which would typically consist of three Squadrons of around twelve fighters each, though that varied depending on the mission profile, and the craft used. Squadrons were further subdivided into Flights.

In rare instances, several Wings could be combined into a Group, which became more common once the Starfighter Corps began to deploy from large carriers like the MC80 Star Cruiser. In other rare instances, an elite Squadron would operate autonomously, as was the case with Rogue Squadron.

Originally, any autonomous unit (Wing or Squadron) was led by a Commander. As the Corps grew in size however, Wing Commanders were given the rank of Major; Squadron Leaders had the rank of Commander; a Captain was a senior pilot such as the unit's Executive Officer; and a Flight Lieutenant would be the lead pilot of a Flight. Fighter Groups, where they exist, are usually led by a Colonel.

  • Group - Colonel (multiple Wings)
    • Wing - Major (~ 3 Squadrons)
      • Squadron - Commander (~ 3 Flights)
        • Flight - Flight Lieutenant (~ 4 Starfighters)

As per naval parlance, the fighter forces aboard a starship are referred to as the Air Wing regardless of size, but it's Commanding Officer is referred to as the Commander, Air Group (CAG).

Specific Units



Originally, the Alliance Starfighter Corps relied on fighters that had been donated, commandeered, or purchased as military surplus after the Grand Army of the Republic was dissolved. As a result, many early fighters were old Republic designs, or were the kind of budget fighters intended for private and planetary militias.

Nowadays, the vast majority of Alliance starfighters are produced as direct government contracts with specific suppliers. Most designs are produced by Incom-Koensayr-Meorrrei, Slayn & Korpil, or Hoersch-Kessel Drive, though some units and some planetary militias rely on designs produced by the SoroSuub Corporation and other manufacturers.

Designs that are crossed out are no longer produced, but are still in service with some Alliance units.



Space Superiority Fighters

Assault Fighters / Bombers

Reconnaissance Fighters

Planetary Defense

